ULYSSES Scientific Payload
Scientific Payload
A summary of the nine flight experiments which make up the spacecraft payload
is presented in the following table.
Magnetic Field (HED)
- Principal Investigator
- A. Balogh, Imperial College London
- Measurement
- Spatial and temporal variations of the heliospheric and Jovian magnetic field in the range 10.01 nT to 144000 nT
- Instrumentation
- Triaxial vector Helium and fluxgate magnetometers
- Principal Investigator
- S.J. Bame, Los Alamos Nat. Lab.
- J. L. Phillips, Los Alamos Nat. Lab.
- Measurement
- Solar-wind ions between 257 eV/Q and 35 keV/Q
- Solar-wind electrons between 1 eV and 903 eV
- Instrumentation
- Two electrostatic analysers with channel electron
multipliers (CEMs)
- Principal Investigators
- G. Gloeckler, Univ. Maryland
- J. Geiss, Univ. Bern
- Measurement
- elemental and ionic-charge composition from H+ to FE+8, temperature
and mean velocity of solar-wind ions for
speeds from 145 km/s to 1352 km/s
- Instrumentation
- Electrostatic analyser
with time-of-flight and
energy measurement
- Principal Investigator
- L. Lanzerotti, Bell Laboratories
- Measurement
- Energetic ions from 50 keV to 5 MeV
- Electrons from 30 keV to 300 keV
- Instrumentation
- Two sensor heads with five solid-state detector telescopes
- Principal Investigator
- E. Keppler and M. Witte, MPI Lindau
- Measurement
- Composition of energetic ions from 80 keV to 15 MeV/nuc
- Interstellar neutral helium
- Instrumentation
- Four solid-state detector telescopes
- LiF-coated conversion
plates with channel
electron multipliers
Cosmic Rays and Solar Particles (SIM/COSPIN)
- Principal Investigator
- J.A. Simpson, Univ. Chicago
- Measurement
- Cosmic rays and energetic solar
particles in the range
0.3-600 MeV/nuc
- Electrons in the range
4-2000 MeV
- Instrumentation
- Five solid-state detector telescopes,
one double Cerenkov and semi-conductor telescope
for electrons
- Principal Investigators
- R.G. Stone, NASA/GSFC
- R.J. MacDowall, NASA/GSFC
- Measurement
- Plasma waves; remote sensing of
travelling solar radio bursts, and
electron density
- Electric field:
- Plasma waves: 0-60 kHz
- Radio receiver: 1-940 kHz
- Magnetic field: 10-500 Hz
- Instrumentation
- 72 m radial dipole antenna
- 7.5 m axial monopole
Two-axis search coil
Solar X-rays and Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts
- Principal Investigators
- K. Hurley, CESR Toulouse
- M. Sommer, MPI Garching
- Measurement
- Solar-flare X-rays and cosmic
gamma-ray bursts in the energy
range 5-150 keV
- Instrumentation
- Two Si solid-state detectors
- Two CsI scintillation
Cosmic Dust (GRU)
- Principal Investigator
- Measurement
- Direct measurement of particulate matter in mass range 10-16 -
10-7 g
- Instrumentation
- Multicoincidence impact
detector with channeltron
These instruments provided most outstanding data from which far reaching
conclusions on the nature of the high latitude Heliosphere have been drawn.
Besides these instruments, radio-science investigations will be conducted on
ULYSSES which, at specific times during the mission, made use of the
spacecraft and ground communications systems to perform scientific