

My Gallery of pictures

I have some pictures that I would like to show you.


La Silla

This picture was taken at the 3.5-m telescope placed at La Silla-Chile


Behind you can see the Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) at La Silla, Chile.


IRAM 30-m telescope. Sierra Nevada, Spain.

Llano del Hato

Nice view of the Venezuelan National Astronomical Observatory (Mérida, Venezuela). Behind you can also see the 1-m Schmidt telescope.

My former office

Here I spent my time (2000-2004) at the Thueringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Germany. Picture credits: Ana Bedalov

The Plate Scanner

The Tautenburg Plate Scanner is an advanced photographic plate measuring machine operated at the TLS Tautenburg. Picture credits: Christian Hoegner

MSc. Ceremony

In July 2000 I received my title as MSc. in Fundamental Physics at La Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida-Venezuela. This university counts with a peculiar protocolar system: the champagne colour on the toga indicates the selected colour for the Science Faculty, and the champagne line indicates that already I was graduated in Physics.

Welcome in Tautenburg

This picture was taken during August 2000, when I arrived to Tautenburg, during the official welcome meeting at the TLS. Right to me is Artie Hatzes. He also received a welcome present, bigger flowers since he is the actual director of the institute!. Picture credits: Christian Hoegner

My first moments as Dr. rer. nat.

during July 2004 I defended my PhD thesis at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena (Germany). This picture was taken just after the defense. I am wearing the German traditional mortar board, it has been made with alluded decoration by the other students. Picture credits: Ana Bedalov

Ph.D. Ceremony

Although it was in July 2004 when I defended my thesis (and already was a Doctor), the Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet (Jena) performed a ceremony in June 2005.

SMT -- Mt. Graham

Picture taken in June 2007 during an observational campaign at the Submillimeter Telescope (SMT) at Arizona. Picture credits: Sean Keel

LBT -- Mt. Graham

Picture taken in the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) Observatory in Arizona. It consists of two 8.4-meter mirrors, it is the wordl's most powerful telescope. Picture credits: xxx

Last change: 20 June 2007