Curriculum vitaE (pdf)
Curriculum vitaE (pdf)
Jörn Warnecke
16th of November 1982, Eckernförde, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Address, Phone and EMAIL:
Max-Planck-Institute für Sonnensystemforschung (MPS)
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3, 37077 Göttingen, Germany
Tel:+49 551 384 979-398
email: warnecke /+/
08/09---09/13, Pre-doctoral researcher, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden.
October 2013, Postdoctoral Visitor, Department of Physics, Helsinki University, Finland.
11/13---12/14, Postdoctoral Research Fellow of Max Planck Princeton Center for Plasma Physics, MPS.
01/15---12/16, Marie Curie Research Fellow, MPS, Göttingen, Germany.
01/17---12/17, Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow, MPS, Göttingen, Germany.
01/18---12/19, Postdoctoral Research Fellow of Max Planck Princeton Center for Plasma Physics, MPS.
01/20--current, Senior Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow & Scientist, SOLSTAR & UniSDyn, MPS, Göttingen, Germany.
Education and Degree:
June 2002, Abitur, Ernst-Barlach Gymnasium, Kiel, Germany.
2003---2009, Physik Diplom (Master), Albert-Ludwigs-Univeristät, Freiburg
Diploma thesis: Photospheric Motions Driving the Structure of the Solar Corona at the Kipenheuer-Institute for Solar Physics, supervisor: Hardi Peter
2006---2007, Erasmus exchange in Physics and Astronomy, Lund University, Sweden.
2009---2013, PhD Studies, Nordita & Astronomy Department, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Mai 2011, Licentiate, Astronomy Department, Stockholm University, Sweden
Licentiate thesis: Flux emergence: flares and coronal mass ejections driven by dynamo action underneath the solar surface, supervisor: Axel Brandenburg.
July 2013, PhD in Astronomy, Astronomy Department, Stockholm University, Sweden.
PhD thesis: Combining Models of Coronal Mass Ejections and Solar Dynamos, supervisor: Axel Brandenburg.
Scholarship and Grants:
2013 Marie Curie Actions— Intra-European Fellowships (in the top 4% in physics)
2012 High Performance Computing-EUROPA2 grant to collaborate for 5 weeks with Petri J. Käpylä and Maarit J. Mantere, Helsinki University.
2012 C F Liljevalchs travel grant, 10kSEK, to attend the IAU XXVII GA, Beijing, China.
2011 High Performance Computing-EUROPA2 grant to collaborate for 5 weeks with Petri J. Käpylä and Maarit J. Mantere, Helsinki University.
2010 Jubilee Donation of the K & A Wallenberg Foundation, 13kSEK, to observe with the Swedish Solar Telescope on La Palma, Spain.
2004–06 Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
Research training and Experience
January 2020 LOC in conference: Max Planck Princeton Center - Workshop, MPS, Göttingen, Germany.
April 2019 OC in conference: Turbulence & magnetic fields - from the early universe to late-type stars, Tuusula, Finland.
June 2018 LOC in conference: 9th IRIS workshop, MPS, Göttingen, Germany.
September 2017 Convener of Splinter session: Solar and stellar activity and variability, Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Göttingen, Germany.
December 2016 Chair of SOC/LOC of conference: 17th MHD days (90 Participants) at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany.
March 2015 SOC Member of the Conference: Sunspot formation: Theory, Simulations and Observation} in Stockholm, Sweden.
July 2014 Chair of the SOC/LOC of the Pencil Code User meeting 2014 at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany.
January 2013 Nordita Winter School on High-Energy Astrophysics, Stockholm, Sweden.
Autumn 2012 Observational project, Swedish Solar Telescope, La Palma, Spain.
April 2011 Nordita School on Data Assimilation, Stockholm Sweden.
Summer 2011 Heliophysics Summer School: Space Storms, Boulder, CO, USA.
January 2010 Nordita Winter School on Dynamos: above, below, and in the laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden.
March 2009 39th Saas-Fee Advanced Course: Magnetic Fields of Stars, Switzerland.
2014--- Referee for major international journals: A&A, ApJ, GAFD, JASTP, NPG
Teaching EXperience
Summer term 2015 Lecture: „Solar Eclipses and Physics of the Corona“ at Göttingen University.
Summer term 2014 Lecture: „Solar and stellar activity“ at Göttingen University.
Honorary Commitments:
2014---- Organizers of Journal club at the Max-Planck-Institute for Solar System Research.
2010---2013 Organizers of joint discussion of the Institute for Solar Physics and the Nordita Astrophysics group.
2012---2013 Student representative, Nordita, Stockholm.
2012 Chair of PhD Council, Astronomy department, Stockholm University.
2004---2005 Student representative member of the senate, University Freiburg.
2004---2006 Member of the General Student Council (AStA), University Freiburg.
Computer Skills:
Fortran, IDL, Pencil-Code (3D MHD Code, one of the core developers)
Language Skills:
German - mother tongue
English - fluent in speaking and writing
French - beginner level
Swedish - beginner level
Farsi - beginner level