Projects - Overview

Mission Instrument  
Galileo EPD (Energetic Particle Detector)
Cassini MIMI (Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument)
Mars Express ASPERA-3 (Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Neutral Atoms)
Venus Express ASPERA-4 (Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Neutral Atoms)
BepiColombo MPO SERENA-PICAM (Search for Exospheric Refilling and Emitted Natural Abundances Experiment, Planetary Ion Camera)
BepiColombo MMO MPPE-MSA (Mercury Particle Plasma Experiment-
Mass Spectrum Analyzer)
Ulysses EPAC (Energetic Particle Composition)
SWICS (Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer)
GAS (Interstellar Gas)
Cluster RAPID (Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors)
CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometer)
EDI ( Electron Drift Instrument)
FGM (Flux-Gate Magnetometer)


Galileo EPD (Energetic Particle Detector)
Objectives Jovian magnetosphere
Plasma - moon interactions
P.I. D.J. Williams (APL, USA)
MPS Hardware Time-of-Flight Sensor
Launch 1989
Current status Mission End 09/2003, data analysis continuing
Personnel Woch, Krupp, Lagg, Kronberg, Radioti
Funding DLR Project ULYGAL, DLR Project IDS, internal (MPS)


Cassini MIMI (Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument)
Objectives Kronian magnetosphere
Plasma - Titan and ring interactions
P.I. S. Krimigis (APL, USA)
MPS Hardware LEMMS (Low Energy Magnetospheric Measurement System)
Launch 1997
Current status Arrival at Saturn 07/2004, Mission End >2010
Personnel Krupp, Lagg, Woch, Roussos, Jones
Funding DLR Project Cassini, DLR Project IDS, internal (MPS)


Mars Express ASPERA-3
(Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Neutral Atoms)
Objectives Martian atmosphere - solar wind interaction
Martian plasma environment
P.I. R. Lundin (IRF, Sweden)
MPS Hardware Electronics NPD
Launch 2003
Current status Orbit around Mars, Mission End > 2012
Personnel Woch, Fränz, Dubinin, Krupp, Roussos
Funding DLR Project ASPERA-3, internal (MPS)


Venus Express ASPERA-4
(Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Neutral Atoms)
Objectives Venusian atmosphere - solar wind interaction
Venusian plasma environment
P.I. S. Barabash (IRF, Sweden)
MPS Hardware Electronics NPD
Launch 2005
Current status Orbit around Venus, Mission End > 2012, software preparation
Personnel Woch, Krupp, Fränz
Funding Astrium Contract, internal (MPS)


(Planetary Ion Camera, Neutral Particles)
Objectives Solar wind interaction with Hermian surface and atmosphere
P.I. S. Orsini (IFSI, Italy)
MPS Hardware Electronics PICAM
Launch 2012
Current status Proposal submitted
Personnel Woch, Krupp, Fränz
Funding Internal (MPS), DLR


BepiColombo MPPE (Mercury Particle Plasma Package)
Objectives Solar wind interaction with Hermian surface and atmosphere
P.I. Y. Saito (JAXA, Japan)
MPS Hardware HV power supply
Launch 2012
Current status Proposal submitted
Personnel Krupp, Woch, Fränz
Funding Internal (MPS), DLR


Ulysses EPAC (Energetic Particle Composition)
Objectives Heliospheric energetic particles in 3D
Jovian magnetosphere
P.I. N. Krupp (MPS)
MPS Hardware Responsibility of P.I.
Launch 1989
Current status 3rd polar solar orbit, Mission End 2009,
data analysis continuing
Personnel Krupp, Fränz, Woch
Funding DLR Project ULYGAL, internal (MPS)


Ulysses SWICS (Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer)
Objectives Solar wind composition
Jovian magnetosphere
P.I. G. Gloeckler (UoM, USA)
MPS Hardware Time-of-Flight electronics
Launch 1989
Current status 3rd polar solar orbit, Mission End 2009,
data analysis continuing
Personnel Woch
Funding DLR Project ULYGAL, internal (MPS)


Ulysses GAS (Interstellar Gas)
Objectives Interstellar gas
P.I. M. Witte (MPS, retired)
MPS Hardware Responsibility of P.I.
Launch 1989
Current status 3rd polar solar orbit, Mission End 2009,
data analysis continuing
Personnel Witte, Woch, Krupp
Funding DLR Project ULYGAL, internal (MPS)


Cluster RAPID (Research with Adaptive Particle Imaging Detectors)
Objectives Earth magnetosphere
Analysis of suprathermal plasma distributions
P.I. P. Daly (MPS)
MPS Hardware Spectroscopic Camera for Electrons, Neutral, and Ion Composition (SCENIC) detector head and and its intergration with the Imaging Electron Spectrometer (IES)
Launch 2000
Current status Operations started 01/2001, Mission end >2012
Personnel Daly, Kronberg, Haaland


Cluster CIS (Cluster Ion Spectrometer)
Objectives The Earth magnetosphere and solar wind particle composition and distributions
P.I. H. Reme (CESR), I. Dandouras (CESR)
MPS Hardware high voltage power supply, pulse amplifier
Launch 2000
Current status Operations started 01/2001, Mission end >2012
Personnel Daly, Fränz, Korth
Funding DLR


Cluster EDI (Electron Drift Instrument)
Objectives Electric fields in the Earth magnetosphere
P.I. G. Paschmann (MPE), R. Torbert (UNH)
MPS Hardware none
Launch 2000
Current status delivering data on C1, C2, C3 since 2001, Mission end >2012
Personnel Georgescu, Haaland
Funding DLR, ESA


Cluster FGM (Flux-Gate Magnetometer)
Objectives Earth magnetosphere, solar wind and their interaction
P.I. Andre Balogh (IC, now ISSI), Elisabeth Lucek (IC)
MPS Hardware none
Launch 2000
Current status Operations started 2001, Mission end >2012
Personnel Georgescu, Glassmeier
Funding DLR

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