SUMS Activity
- Under the current setup, the SUMS server should be able to handle
around 100 requests at the same time; the rest in the queue might be
aborted due to timeout. So please check the plot below (updated every
five minutes) before you submit a bunch of requests to SUMS.
- It is better to submit one request for a large chunk of metadata
instead of many requests for small chunks of metadata to reduce the
burden for the server.
- When retrieving the data path with the command "show_info", please use the "-P" flag (uppercase) instead of the "-p" flag (lowercase). The "-p" flag invokes not only SUMS but also Remote SUMS to check if the data exist on our local site, but because the Remote SUMS on our site is running on a separate machine, you will see an error message complaining " is not running". That is, the "-p" flag does not work properly when the requested data do not exist. Note that some data do not exist on our site because the providing site does not have them either (e.g., gaps resulting from spacecraft events). Also, if NFS is too busy (e.g., somebody is writing a huge file into /SUM*), the /SUM* directories on the involved hard disk might be temporarily unavailable.
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