Convectively Stabilised Models (CSM)These convectively stabilised models were developed for use in local helioseismology. They have solar-like eigenfunctions and eigenfrequencies. If you use these models, please contact schunker [at] mps.mpg.de, to obtain the appropriate acknowledgement. Documentation: Downloads:
Extra information: Caption: Azimuthally averaged power spectrum for CSM B using the SPARC code. The Model S eigenfrequencies are overplotted (dashed curves) and the comparable domain is outlined as before. Caption: Cuts through the SPARC power spectrum (blue) and the SLiM power spectrum (red) using CSM A, and the observed power spectrum (black) at different wavenumbers. The Model S eigenfrequencies (vertical lines) are shown for comparison. Caption: Cuts through the SPARC power spectrum (blue) and the SLiM power spectrum (red) using CSM B, and the observed power spectrum (black) at different wavenumbers. The Model S eigenfrequencies (vertical lines) are shown for comparison.
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