The following picture shows three consecutive detector images taken near Sun center by SUMER on 22.Apr.96 during a reference spectrum calibration. The format is 1024 (spectral) x 120 (local) pixels, the exposure time is 115 seconds each. The first detector shows the wavelength range 567 to 590 Å, the second detector 574 to 596 Å, the third 580 to 602 Å (2nd order). Thus, the Helium I emission line (in the middle of the image) moves across the detector. To the right, C III lines (around 1175 Å, 1st order) can be found.
The next three pictures show information from a detector window around the Helium I emission line, taken near Sun center by SUMER on 01.Mar.96 during an intercalibration test run. The format is 50 (spectral) x 120 (local) pixels, the exposure time is 5 seconds. (a) shows the total profile intensity in counts per line along the slit. (b) shows the spectral window with pixel intensities corresponding to brightness in logarithmic scale. (c) shows the same window with pixel intensities in the third dimension, making visible the 120 profiles of the slit.