The Sun in Fe II, O IV, S V
observed by SUMER 15.Jun.96

SUMER performed a 3.5-hour-scan of the Solar disk in three emission lines simultaneously: Iron II (Chromosphere / lower TR, temperature 16 000 K), Oxygen IV (transition region, temperature 140 000 K), and Sulfur V (transition region, temperature 160 000 K). The scan started in the Solar south-east and was not quite completed; the last 15 minutes, corresponding to a region at the north pole, are missing because a joint observation with another telescope started.

The technical parameters are the same as in the other full disk scans of this month; please compare the Six Lines page.

The spectral information was compressed to one intensity value by integrating a spectral window of 50 pixels. This corresponds to approx. 2.1 Å in first order (around Fe II at 1559 Å, thus containing conributions from Si I and relatively strong continuum, too), or 1.05 Å in second order (around O IV at 787 Å and S V at 786 Å).

View full disk in Iron II, Oxygen IV, Sulfur V line.

View north-west limb prominence in these three lines.

IED, 30.Apr.97