SUMER study #215: Prominence in Lyman continuum

Remarks: 15 scans were executed in alternating directions. The whole study (in 912.00 Å) can be downloaded as an animation (see below).

Spectral windows

Average detector image, average profile.

Cont. @ 912.0 (10 000 K)

Animation of scans

When the scans are viewed consecutively, the dynamic of the chromosphere becomes visible. Please note that each scan takes approximately 4 minutes, so the whole animation covers 1 hour.

The animation shows the scans enlarged, smoothed, and corrected for the effect of scanning in alternate directions. Download the IDL/XDR restore file PR02MAY96_XDR.RST (520 KB) and the small IDL routine PR02MAY96_MOVIE.PRO and then start the animation (10 repetitions) by entering
IDL> .run pr02may96

IED, 30.Sep.99