Coronal Hole SE Boundary
observed by SUMER 20.Aug.96

Fe XII Mg X O V N V Cont.

On 20.Aug.96, SUMER scanned the Solar SE in order to observe the coronal hole boundary as part of a campaign (cf. North Coronal Hole of 10.Aug.96).

The scan lasted 8 hours (13:29 - 21:30 UT) covering a 723 x 300 arcsec² FOV between 1201 and 478 arcsec E and between 650 and 950 arcsec S of the Solar center. The raster step size was 1.5 arcsec, 480 detector images were taken with an exposure time of 60 seconds each. Please note that 12 minutes of telemetry are missing towards the end of the scan and were substituted by their neighbors' average.

Detailed information - results as well as limitations of the routines used here - can be viewed for individual lines. This includes 2D images of background and line intensities, relative line shifts and broadenings. Also, average spectral windows are shown together with average profiles - pixels considered line (*) and continuum (+) marked. Three examples are given for actual profiles and the way they were fitted to calculate moments: one from the disk, one from the limb, and one off-limb.

Some remarks considering a first approach to line shift determination.

IED, 13.Oct.97