SUMER study: Filament raster in He I 584 and O I 1152
- date, time: 10.Mar.99, 17:39 - 17:52 UT
- field of view: 21 arcsec E - 82 arcsec W, 960 arcsec - 660 arcsec S
- slit: 1.0 arcsec x 300 arcsec (number 2)
- raster step size: 4.14 arcsec (11 elementary steps)
- exposure time: 30 seconds
- telemetry: 2(lines)*26 images of 50 spectral x 360 spatial pixels
(format 8)
- compression: quasilog-min-max (method 5)
- wavelengths:
1168.66 Å on reference pixel 322 of Detector A
1152.15 Å on reference pixel 697 of Detector A
- rotation compensation: standard
- binning: no spectral, no spatial
- on-board flat field correction: no
Remarks: The study was initiated by T. Kucera (NASA/GSFC).
Her comment: "The filament 'blew' before we could observe it. ... I'll be
running the same program over again a few times in the next week or so. -
The purpose of the study is to measure flows in filaments. The raster is just
supposed to be for context."
Spectral windows
He I 584.3
O I 1152.1
(* = line pixels, + = continuum pixels)
He I 584.3 (20 000 K)
continuum intensity, line intensity, line shift, line width
O I 1152.1 (10 000 K)
continuum intensity, line intensity, line shift, line width
IED, 11.Mar.99