SUMER FITS Files Catalogue for Dec.96

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QS_ _965 _540 _ 00:02 Features JOP053 (cont. from 30.Nov.96)
LMB _979 ___0 _ 00:11 Off-limb CO absorptions RUE
FS_ _981 ___0 _ 09:11 Sun as a star at 1382 Angstroem LEM
FS_ _982 ___0 _ 17:14 Sun as a star at 1362 Angstroem LEM
QS_ _983 ___0 _ 01:17 Network study, comparison SiIV/OIV LEM
QS_ _962 _553 _ 09:00 in NII, SIV plus GCT SCH
CH_ _980 ___0 _ 12:18 Coronal hole structure and diagnostic MgVII
CH_ ___0 ___0 _ 17:49 Test with 2 mm hole
NET _978 ___0 _ 20:31 Atomic physics for SIV DOS GAD_SULFUR3
CH_ _903 ___0 _ 01:28 Active region study GAD_B0:polar plume DOS
QS_ _962 _553 _ 09:01 in NII, SIV plus GCT SCH
CH_ _984 ___0 _ 12:18 Coronal hole diagnostic SCH CH_STRUCT_SI8
AR_ _972 ___0 _ 17:26 Coronal holes DOS GD_AD_B6
CH_ _976 ___0 _ 00:07 Coronal hole electron density GAD_SUPER_NE1
QS_ _962 _553 _ 09:03 in NII, SIV plus GCT SCH
CH_ _986 ___0 _ 12:20 Coronal hole diagnostics DOS CH_STRUCT_CA10
FS_ _899 ___0 _ 18:32 Full Sun scattered He I 584 profile LEM
QS_ _905 ___0 _ 02:11 He I 584 absorption line study PUY
PP_ _954 ___0 _ 04:14 Lyman alpha and S X profile off-disk CBO
LMB _943 _780 _ 06:15 Focussing of interstellar Helium WIL
FS_ _895 ___0 _ 11:02 Full Sun straylight Lyman alpha profile LEM
NET _987 _840 _ 20:01 Network blinker OIV, OV, SV, NIV, NeVIII LEM
CH_ _977 ___0 _ 21:25 Coronal hole electron density GAD_SUPER_NE2
LMB _943 _780 _ 03:55 Focussing of interstellar Helium WIL
CH_ _990 ___0 _ 08:12 Coronal hole temperatures DOS GAD_MG_TEMP
CH_ _972 ___0 _ 12:31 Coronal holes DOS GD_AD_B6
CH_ _991 ___0 _ 19:10 Coronal hole abundances DOS GAD_B1
LMB _943 _780 _ 03:51 Focussing of interstellar Helium WIL
CH_ _992 ___0 _ 08:07 Coronal hole electron temperature DOS
CH_ _989 ___0 _ 12:58 Ne/Mg abundance variations DOS GAD_NE_MG_B1
NET _988 ___0 _ 11:29 Transition region temperature DOS GAD_SI4_B1
CH_ _995 ___0 _ 17:33 Coronal hole densities DOS GAD_SUPER_NE3
DC_ _818 ___0 _ 23:32 Short flat field SCH
CH_ _999 ___0 _ 23:54 High-resolution line profiles (CH,QS,TR,PCH)
CH_ ___0 ___0 _ 16:22 History memory
QS_ 1000 ___0 _ 16:59 Line intensity longwards Ly alpha (QS,TR,CH)
CH_ _997 ___0 _ 03:30 Polar coronal hole densities DOS GAD_SUPER_SI3
CH_ 1004 ___0 _ 09:29 Transient events in coronal holes TIM
CH_ _998 _770 _ 17:02 Polar jetlets JOP057 (S.Koutchmy) LEM
CH_ _994 _560 _ 20:01 Coronal holes vs. normal quiet Sun JOP055 RUE
NET 1005 ___0 _ 00:08 Line intensities of subcoronal structures TIM
NET 1004 ___0 _ 05:35 Transient events in coronal holes TIM
CH_ _996 ___0 _ 13:00 Deep exposures in polar coronal hole, O VI
CH_ _998 _770 _ 16:58 Polar jetlets JOP057 (S.Koutchmy) LEM
CH_ _922 _560 _ 20:07 Coronal hole struct_1032 JOP055 WIL
CH_ 1010 ___0 _ 01:29 Explosive events in range 1230-1270 TIM
CH_ 1011 ___0 _ 13:21 Emission lines for subcoronal structures TIM
CH_ 1001 _900 _ 14:33 Propagating waves over network JOP058 LEM
CH_ _998 _770 _ 16:32 Polar jetlets JOP057 (S.Koutchmy) LEM
CH_ 1012 _560 _ 19:31 Coronal hole struct_1032_S RUE
CH_ 1010 ___0 _ 00:44 Explosive events in range 1230-1270 TIM
NET 1013 ___0 _ 04:35 Explosive events (2) TIM
QS_ 1011 ___0 _ 08:36 Emission lines for subcoronal structures TIM
NET 1010 ___0 _ 10:28 Explosive events in range 1230-1270 TIM
CH_ 1001 _900 _ 14:29 Propagating waves over network JOP058 LEM
CH_ _998 _770 _ 16:29 Polar jetlets JOP057 (S.Koutchmy) LEM
CH_ _994 _560 _ 19:51 Coronal hole vs. normal quiet Sun JOP055 RUE
NET 1010 ___0 _ 23:53 Explosive events in range 1230-1270 TIM
NET 1013 ___0 _ 03:44 Explosive events (2) TIM
QS_ 1011 ___0 _ 07:35 Emission lines for subcoronal structures TIM
NET 1010 ___0 _ 10:11 Explosive events in range 1230-1270 TIM
CH_ 1001 _900 _ 14:31 Propagating waves over network JOP058 LEM
CH_ _998 _770 _ 16:30 Polar jetlets JOP057 (S.Koutchmy) LEM
CH_ _922 _560 _ 19:33 Coronal hole struct_1032 JOP055 WIL
CH_ 1010 ___0 _ 22:57 Explosive events in range 1230-1270 TIM
CH_ 1013 ___0 _ 02:48 Explosive events (2) TIM
FS_ 1002 ___0 _ 06:50 Sun as a star at 1342 Angstroem LEM
CH_ 1001 _900 _ 15:01 Propagating waves over network JOP058 LEM
CH_ _998 _770 _ 16:58 Polar jetlets JOP057 (S.Koutchmy) LEM
CH_ _994 _560 _ 20:04 Coronal hole vs. normal quiet Sun JOP055 RUE
DC_ 1017 ___0 _ 23:54 Transients in quiet Sun, high cadence CUR
DC_ 1016 ___0 _ 08:00 Redshift in QS, with CDS NIS coverage CUR
CH_ _998 _770 _ 15:47 Polar jetlets JOP057 (S.Koutchmy) LEM
DC_ ___0 ___0 _ 18:54 Flat field Detector B (HV set to 4790 V)
CH_ _922 _560 _ 19:59 Coronal hole struct_1032 JOP055 WIL
SS_ 1024 ___0 _ 01:07 AR 8004 refspec, interleaved RSC scans
AR_ 1018 ___0 _ 06:37 Sunspot refspec, interleaved RSC scans, w/CDS
SS_ 1024 ___0 _ 11:20 AR 8004 refspec, interleaved RSC scans
CH_ 1025 _770 _ 16:01 Polar jetlets JOP057 (S.Koutchmy) CUR
CH_ _994 _560 _ 19:06 Coronal hole vs. normal quiet Sun JOP055 RUE
CH_ 1020 ___0 _ 23:01 Transients in north CH boundary region CUR
CH_ 1021 ___0 _ 07:08 Redshifts in north CH boundary region CUR
CH_ _758 ___0 _ 14:25 Flat field Detector B, with history memory
CH_ 1027 ___0 _ 18:55 Time series in north CH, interrupted CUR
CH_ ___0 ___0 _ 21:25 Test run, interrupted, history memory dump
CH_ 1028 ___0 _ 22:01 Time series in north CH (2), interrupted
CH_ 1034 ___0 _ 22:57 Time series in north CH boundary region (3)
PP_ 1032 ___0 _ 11:00 Transients in plume CUR
PP_ 1033 ___0 _ 19:06 Redshift in plume CUR
QS_ 1026 ___0 _ 02:25 Geometrical distortion calibr./ wave destretch
QS_ 1035 ___0 _ 05:20 Assessment of on-board flatfield performance
PP_ 1036 ___0 _ 05:32 Plume time series CUR
QS_ 1037 ___0 _ 17:36 Quiet Sun time series, interrupted
QS_ 1039 ___0 _ 21:07 Quiet Sun time series, continued CUR
ST_ 1038 ___0 _ 15:03 Star spectrum rehearsal CUR
ST_ 1038 ___0 _ 18:54 Prepare for star CUR
ST_ 1038 ___0 _ 19:54 Star HD164492 (08 V) reference spectrum
DC_ ___0 ___0 _ 22:27 Disable hole, close door, dump history memory

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