SUMER FITS Files Catalogue for Jul.00

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PR_ 2216 6480 _ 00:02 Quiescent prominence (cont.)
COR 2212 ___0 _ 01:36 Off_disk_2 test LAN
COR 2218 ___0 _ 19:49 Corona in He II CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 00:01 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:01 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ ___0 ___0 _ 17:49 Observations at 1152 Angstroem
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 19:00 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
CH_ 2220 ___0 _ 21:14 Coronal hole spectral atlas CUR
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:01 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 19:14 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
UMB 2221 6515 _ 03:33 Sunspot spectral atlas CUR
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:01 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 16:03 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 18:21 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
COR 2212 ___0 _ 20:51 Off_disk_2 spectral atlas LAN
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:01 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 13:04 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
COR 2212 ___0 _ 23:12 Off_disk_2 spectral atlas LAN
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:01 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 13:04 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 15:53 Tests w/various lines, slits, coord.
QS_ 2179 6510 _ 21:33 Intercalibration_1_A_OV SCH
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:01 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 13:04 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
QS_ 2179 6510 _ 18:01 Intercalibration_1_A_OV SCH
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:04 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 13:07 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:01 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 13:04 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:01 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 13:03 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 15:56 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 20:28 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:00 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 13:03 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 16:19 Pointing tests at 922 Angstroem
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 09:00 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 09:39 Pointing tests at 922 Angstroem
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 10:11 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
PR_ 2219 ___0 _ 14:14 Quiescent prominence ref_spec CUR
PR_ 2216 6480 _ 16:26 Quiescent prominence JOP125 CUR
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 18:39 History memory, close door

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