SUMER FITS Files Catalogue for Jun.98

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QS_ 1748 5160 _ 15:01 JOP070 in Si IV and O IV LEM
FS_ 1531 ___0 _ 21:01 Full Sun scattered Ly alpha LEM
FIL 1752 5195 _ 06:01 JOP009 prom./fil. (Cont.900) BOC
FIL 1753 5195 _ 08:00 JOP009 prom./fil. (NII,NeVIII,OIV) BOC
QS_ 1748 5160 _ 15:01 JOP070 in Si IV and O IV LEM
FS_ 1532 ___0 _ 20:01 Full Sun scattered Ly beta LEM
CH_ 1755 ___0 _ 04:36 Coronal hole non-thermal velocity PAT
FIL 1754 5195 _ 06:01 JOP009 prom./fil. (Lyman lines) BOC
PR_ 1758 5195 _ 08:00 JOP009 prom./fil. (NII,NeVIII,OIV) BOC
ENG 1746 ___0 _ 13:31 JOP038 quiet Sun test BOC
QS_ 1748 5160 _ 15:03 JOP070 in Si IV and O IV LEM
FS_ 1533 ___0 _ 20:01 Full Sun scattered He I 584 LEM
CH_ 1755 ___0 _ 04:31 Coronal hole non-thermal velocity PAT
PR_ 1754 5195 _ 05:31 JOP009 prom./fil. (Lyman lines) BOC
FIL 1759 5195 _ 07:20 JOP009 prom./fil. (He) BOC
FIL 1752 5195 _ 09:09 JOP009 prom./fil. (Cont.900) BOC
PR_ 1754 5195 _ 10:59 JOP009 prom./fil. (Lyman lines) BOC
CS_ 1760 5205 _ 13:01 Abundance in streamer (BACH) LEM
BP_ 1750 5200 _ 06:51 Bright points JOP038 (NeVIII,NIV,SV) BOC
CH_ 1755 ___0 _ 15:16 Coronal hole non-thermal velocity PAT
NET 1761 ___0 G 16:02 Network evolution LEM
BP_ 1762 5200 _ 07:00 Bright points JOP038 (NeVIII,NIV,OIV) VIA
CH_ 1755 ___0 _ 15:31 Coronal hole non-thermal velocity PAT
QS_ 1270 ___0 _ 16:31 Quiet Sun reference spectrum SCH
QS_ 1269 ___0 _ 18:31 Reference spectrum across limb SCH
PR_ 1754 5195 _ 05:01 JOP009 prom./fil. (Lyman lines) BOC
FIL 1759 5195 _ 06:50 JOP009 prom./fil. (He) BOC
FIL 1752 5195 _ 08:39 JOP009 prom./fil. (Cont.900) BOC
PR_ 1754 5195 _ 10:30 JOP009 prom./fil. (Lyman lines) BOC
BP_ 1762 5200 _ 13:03 Bright points JOP038 (NeVIII,NIV,OIV) VIA
BP_ 1762 5200 _ 07:31 Bright points JOP038 (NeVIII,NIV,OIV) VIA
QS_ 1763 ___0 _ 16:17 Quiet Sun oscillations (w/TRACE,MDI) BOC
DC_ 1070 ___0 _ 00:44 Flat field Detector B SCH
BP_ 1762 5200 _ 07:01 Bright points JOP038 (NeVIII,NIV,OIV) VIA
PCH 1766 ___0 _ 15:40 Coronal hole oscillations (w/CDS) PAT
FIL 1765 5265 _ 03:49 Dynamics in filaments (Spadaro) BOC
BP_ 1762 5200 _ 06:57 Bright points JOP038 (NeVIII,NIV,OIV) VIA
QS_ 1771 ___0 _ 15:57 Redshifts time statistics PAT
PCH 1770 ___0 _ 18:01 Ion temperatures in coronal hole PAT
FIL 1765 5265 _ 01:42 Dynamics in filaments (Spadaro) BOC
FIL 1774 5255 _ 06:01 JOP012 (Schmieder) BOC
FIL 1785 5255 _ 09:21 JOP017 (Schmieder) BOC
QS_ 1062 5250 _ 15:03 Intercalibration_1_B_S SCH
SS_ 1784 5235 _ 18:01 Explosive events in active region INN
FIL 1785 5255 _ 05:10 JOP017 (Schmieder) BOC
QS_ 1786 5235 _ 11:31 Explosive events in quiet Sun INN
FIL 1787 ___0 _ 00:03 Ionization degree in filaments BOC
DC_ 1782 5240 _ 12:00 JOP016 (Jordan) in Helium lines LEM
CH_ 1770 ___0 _ 20:58 Ion temperatures in coronal hole PAT
FIL 1785 5260 _ 05:42 JOP017 (Schmieder) BOC
DC_ 1782 5240 _ 12:03 JOP016 (Jordan) in Helium lines LEM
QS_ 1788 ___0 _ 18:55 Line shift statistical properties PAT
PR_ 1789 5260 _ 00:08 Prominence oscillations in O IV BOC
FIL 1787 ___0 G 05:53 Ionization degree in filaments BOC
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 13:02 History memory Det.B, close door

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