SUMER FITS Files Catalogue for Oct.01

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ENG ___0 ___0 _ 12:58 Open door, change pointing
JET 2308 6818 _ 14:11 JOP104: Off-limb X-ray jets (Fe XII,XXI) LEM
LO_ 2305 6817 _ 18:29 JOP137: Loop at limb (C IV) LEM
JET 2308 6818 _ 01:01 JOP104: Off-limb X-ray jets (Fe XII,XXI) LEM
PR_ 2304 6819 _ 06:36 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
JET 2308 6818 _ 13:34 JOP104: Off-limb X-ray jets (Fe XII,XXI) LEM
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 19:21 Engineering at 1152 Angstroem
LO_ 2305 6817 _ 20:05 JOP137: Loop at limb (C IV) LEM
LO_ 2310 6818 _ 01:27 JOP104: Doppler shifts in jets (FeXIX,CaX) KLI
LO_ 2310 6818 _ 07:28 JOP104: Doppler shifts in jets (FeXIX,CaX) KLI
LO_ 2311 6818 _ 13:30 JOP104: Doppler shifts in jets (FeXIX,CaX) KLI
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 19:37 Engineering at 1152, move slit
LO_ 2305 6817 _ 20:08 JOP137: Loop at limb (C IV) LEM
PR_ 2318 6819 _ 01:31 JOP133: Prominence ref_spec (Det.A,slit 7) LEM
PR_ 2317 6822 _ 08:01 JOP131: Prominence in Lyman lines LEM
JET 2311 6818 _ 09:41 JOP104: Doppler shifts in jets (FeXIX,CaX) KLI
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 20:02 Engineering at 1152, move slit
SW_ 2319 6821 _ 21:01 JOP130: Streamer edge (O VI, slit 7) LEM
SW_ 2321 6821 _ 21:54 JOP130: Streamer edge (Si VIII, 45mn) LEM
SW_ 2323 6821 _ 22:31 JOP130: Streamer edge (Si VIII, 1h30) LEM
FIL 2264 6822 _ 08:01 JOP131: Filament in Lyman lines LEM
FIL 2264 6822 _ 10:16 JOP131: Filament in Lyman lines LEM
FIL 2264 6822 _ 12:32 JOP131: Filament in Lyman lines LEM
SW_ 2324 6821 _ 17:31 JOP130: Streamer edge (O VI, Si VIII) LEM
PR_ 2303 6819 _ 22:31 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
FIL 2326 6822 _ 08:01 JOP131: Filament in Lyman lines LEM
FIL 2303 6819 _ 12:40 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
SW_ 2325 6821 _ 16:01 JOP130: Streamer edge (O VI, Si VIII) LEM
FIL 2326 6822 _ 08:01 JOP131: Filament in Lyman lines LEM
FIL 2303 6819 _ 12:40 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
SW_ 2325 6821 _ 16:01 JOP130: Streamer edge (O VI, Si VIII) LEM
FIL 2303 6819 _ 02:04 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
FIL 2326 6822 _ 08:00 JOP131: Filament in Lyman lines LEM
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 12:21 Engineering at 1152, move slit
CS_ 2327 6821 _ 14:04 JOP130: Streamer edge (O VI, Si VIII) LEM
FIL 2303 6819 _ 00:05 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
FIL 2326 6822 _ 08:02 JOP131: Filament in Lyman lines LEM
EXP 2279 6823 _ 15:25 JOP122: Heating blocks LEM
CS_ 2328 6821 _ 19:46 JOP130: Streamer edge (O VI, Si VIII) LEM
FIL 2303 6819 _ 00:46 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
EXP 2279 6823 _ 15:31 JOP122: Heating blocks LEM
CS_ 2328 6821 _ 19:52 JOP130: Streamer edge (O VI, Si VIII) LEM
CS_ 2329 6821 _ 00:53 Off-limb scattering (O VI) LEM
FIL 2303 6819 _ 08:00 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
EXP 2279 6823 _ 15:31 JOP122: Heating blocks LEM
FIL 2303 6819 _ 19:54 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
FIL 2303 6819 _ 08:02 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
CS_ 2327 6821 _ 16:02 JOP130: Streamer edge (O VI, Si VIII) LEM
PR_ 2303 6819 _ 06:01 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
CS_ 2327 6821 _ 16:02 JOP130: Streamer edge (O VI, Si VIII) LEM
CS_ 2330 ___0 _ 01:59 Spectral and spatial scattering LEM
PR_ 2303 6819 _ 09:01 JOP133: Profiles of metallic elements CIR
FS_ 2269 ___0 _ 13:02 Full Sun scattered Lyman alpha LEM
FS_ 2263 ___0 _ 00:03 Full Sun scattered Lyman beta LEM
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 12:17 History memory, close door

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