SUMER FITS Files Catalogue for Oct.97

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FC_ 1595 2000 _ 08:31 South filament in N V JOP017 KUC
FC_ 1595 2000 _ 11:01 North filament in N V JOP017 KUC
FIL 1595 2000 _ 08:30 Filament in N V JOP017 KUC
FIL 1595 2000 _ 10:43 Filament in N V JOP017 KUC
CH_ 1593 1990 _ 21:41 Fast ref_spec in coronal hole CUR
FIL 1597 2000 _ 08:32 North filament in NV,SVI,HeI JOP017 KUC
FIL 1597 2000 _ 10:36 South filament in NV,SVI,HeI JOP017 KUC
DC_ ___0 2000 _ 08:30 Filament in NV,SVI,HeI,Lyman JOP017 KUC
FIL ___0 2000 _ 09:30 Filament observation in S VI JOP017 VIA
SS_ ___0 ___0 _ 19:30 Oscillations above sunspot (slit 5) MUG
UMB ___0 ___0 _ 21:00 Oscillations above sunspot (slit 8) MUG
QS_ ___0 2050 _ 16:01 Intercalibration_1_B_S
QS_ ___0 ___0 _ 19:00 Oscillations above sunspot (ref.obs.) MUG
CH_ 1603 1990 _ 06:31 Fast ref_spec in coronal hole MUG
ENG ___0 ___0 _ 17:14 Move azimuth, dump HM, switch off
BP_ 1612 2080 _ 14:32 Bright points and oscillations JOP038 BOC
LO_ 1611 2090 _ 20:01 Fine structure of loops JOP066 BOD
CH_ 1270 3005 _ 00:08 Ref_spec in a (possible) eq.CH SCH
CH_ 1615 3005 _ 04:00 Eq.CH in SiIV,OVI,OIV,Ly beta BOD
QS_ 1606 2085 _ 07:00 Oxford Helium enhancement study JOP062 LEM
CH_ 1270 3005 _ 10:07 Ref_spec in a (possible) eq.CH SCH
CH_ 1615 3005 _ 12:08 Eq.CH in SiIV,OVI,OIV,Ly beta BOD
QS_ 1614 2080 _ 15:03 Bright points and oscillations JOP038 BOC
PCH 1610 2095 _ 04:29 CH boundary, Lyman alpha red wing LEM
PCH 1609 2095 _ 05:30 CH boundary, Lyman alpha blue wing LEM
QS_ 1617 2085 _ 07:01 Oxford Helium enhancement study JOP062 LEM
BP_ 1618 2080 _ 14:31 Bright points and oscillations JOP038 BOC
LO_ 1625 2090 _ 20:01 Fine structure of loops JOP066 BOD
PCH 1623 ___0 _ 00:14 CH limb (Ne VIII, N V) sit+stare BOD
QS_ 1617 2085 _ 08:31 Oxford Helium enhancement study JOP062 LEM
SPI 1619 ___0 _ 14:40 Macrospicules (N III, Ly beta) sit+stare BOD
QS_ 1616 2093 _ 17:31 Non-equilibrium ionization JOP036 BOD
LO_ 1625 2090 _ 19:47 Fine structure of loops JOP066 BOD
AR_ 1628 3020 _ 05:13 Cool loops BOD
BP_ 1418 2080 _ 15:00 Bright points and oscillations JOP038 BOC
LO_ 1625 2090 _ 20:01 Fine structure of loops JOP066 BOD

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