Some Comments

This work is based on the SUMER FITS files as prepared by Nicolas Morisset, Joan Hollis, and (in the very beginning) on the SUMER Log files as prepared by John Mariska. It cannot deliver more data than provided by these, and it relies on their updates.

The catalogue is meant for people who like to "read" through several "pages" and get an overview before using a data base (which later they will have to use anyway, in order to extract the FITS files they want). In the first phase, it has only been locally accessible, now it is open for the public.

The catalogue consists of a collection of day-by-day entries, with links to the detailed list consisting of file-by-file entries. The latter are automatically condensed from the SUMER files, whereas the "comments" (study/campaign titles) are collected from various (partly unformal) sources:

Not having been involved in the observation planning, I ran into some difficulties assigning the comments to the files. Sometimes I just had to guess. Thus, there may be errors in the comments, so please check them and tell me where to correct.

If FITS files have already been analysed and turned into images, there are links to those sites, too - but they are still very few.

IED, 29 May 2001,