MPS Publication Database
MPS Publication Database
The Max Planck Society's PubMan Database
For several years now, the
PubMan system
has been the standard repository for listing all publications for all the
Max Planck Institutes, including MPS. We have been using our own MPS Database simply as a convenient
interface for exporting publication data from our system into PubMan.
Of course, our database has also been for projects and scientists to maintain their publication lists.
*** This must now come to an end. ***
After over 20 years of maintaining our database, I am handing over
the responsibility to our librarian, Kerstin Raab, who has many years of experience with PubMan
and who will now enter the publication data directly into PubMan.
How you can access the publication lists from PubMan will be explained later.
New method for submitting your publication data
Instead of filling out a submission form, you now send an email to:
As in the old system, it is very important to specify:
- the Department and/or Research Group (can be more than one or even none)
- and the Project(s) to which the publication is to be associated,
- whether it belongs to IMPRS,
- and whether it is for the general public or scientific (professional) audience.
This is to ensure proper listings on project and department web pages.
Click on the above links to get the lists of official groups and projects.
To have a new project added to the list, see Johannes Stecker
The publication data can then be given in one of the following ways:
Complete Specification |
PDF file |
By Reference |
Always give:
- full title,
- author list,
- year of publication.
For an article in journal, give as well:
- journal name,
- volume,
- page numbers (first-last) or article id number
- DOI, most important, for locating the article online.
For non-journal articles, e.g. books, collections, conference proceedings, give
the obvious data:
- Book title, or conference name
- Page numbers, where appropriate
- Publisher or organizer (name, address)
- DOI and/or ISDN
Attach the article itself as a pdf file, containing at least the title page with all the
necessary publication data.
Give the (abbreviated) title and first 2-3 authors (consistency check) plus
- the DOI number
- a URL
- a link to ADS
Presentations (Talks, Vorträge)
In addition to the Department and Project and IMPRS information, you must give:
- The title of the talk;
- The authors;
- Type of talk, oral or poster or video or whatever;
- The conference where it was given (name, place, date);
- Optionally, the organizer.