Living Reviews

Living Reviews

in Solar Physics

What is Living Reviews about?

'Living Reviews' is a unique editorial concept for the publication of high-quality scientific content. Living Reviews journals are publishing 'living' review articles. What does this mean?

'Living' review articles are

  1. as the name suggests, review articles, providing insightful surveys on research progress in the fields they cover and guiding readers to the most important literature in the field
  2. solicited from experts in the field by an international Editorial Board
  3. subject to strict peer-review
  4. and, most important, 'living' which means that the articles are regularly being updated by their authors to incorporate the latest developments in the field.

Please refer to the "Journal Concept" documents for Living Reviews in Solar Physics and Living Reviews in Relativity for further details on journal philosophy, editorial concept and policies.

The concept of a 'living' review is originated by Bernard F. Schutz and Jennifer Wheary, who started the first journal, Living Reviews in Relativity, in 1998 at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics. Living Reviews® is a registered trademark of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

Which additional services are being offered?

Living Reviews journals go far beyond the electronic dissemination of traditional print articles. All articles are readable online in HTML, integrated in a highly functional hypertext viewing environment. Sophisticated navigation support is offered for equations, figures, footnotes and references. Additionally, all references cited in Living Reviews articles are collated in online searchable literature databases, with the database entries linked back to and put into context by the annotation within the respective review articles.

Please refer to the document Using Living Reviews (in the Living Reviews in Relativity web space) to learn more about the electronic design.

Who is the publisher of Living Reviews?

Living Reviews journals are being published by scientific institutions. Living Reviews in Relativity is being published by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Golm. Living Reviews in Solar Physics is being published by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Katlenburg-Lindau.

Both institutes are part of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (MPG). To support the publication of Living Reviews journals inside and outside the MPG, in 2002 the Living Reviews BackOffice has been founded. The Living Reviews BackOffice is a joint project between the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics and the Heinz Nixdorf Center for Information Management in the Max Planck Society (ZIM). The BackOffice provides the technological and organizational publishing infrastructure and editorial services to Max Planck Institutes that wish to start their own Living Reviews journal. The BackOffice provides consulting service and cooperation also to external institutions that are interested to adopt the journal concept to their research area.

Please refer to the BackOffice project pages for further details.

> Living Reviews in Solar Physics Homepage

© 2006, Max Planck Institute for
Solar System Research, Lindau