List of publications (Veröffentlichungsliste)
not listed in the ISI-Index are marked by an asterisk (*).
number of ISI-indexed papers published or in press: 85.
Arbeiten, die nicht im ISI-Index geführt werden, sind mit
einem Stern (*) versehen.
Gesamtzahl der ISI-indizierten
Publikationen: 85.
[104] Christensen, U.R., Wicht, J., Models of magnetic field generation in partly
stable planetary cores: Applications to Mercury and Saturn, submitted to Icarus, 2007.
[103] Wicht,
J., Mandea, M., Takahashi, F., Christensen, U.R.,
Matsushima, M., Langlais, B., Mercury’s internal
magnetic field, submitted to Space Sci.
Rev., 2007.
[102] Buffett, B.A., Christensen,
U.R., Magnetic and viscous coupling at the core-mantle boundary: Inferences
from observations of Earth’s nutation, Geophys. J.
Int., in press, 2007.
[101] Schrinner,
M., Rädler, K.-H., Schmitt, D., Rheinhardt,
M., Christensen, U.R.,
Mean-field-view on rotating magnetoconvection and the
geodynamo, Geophys. Astrophys.
Fluid Dyn., 101, 81-116, 2007.
Christensen, U.R., Wicht, J., Numerical dynamo
simulations, in: G. Schubert (editor-in-chief), Treatise on Geophysics, Vol. 8, Elsevier (
[99] Amit,
H., Olson, P., Christensen, U., Tests of core flow imaging method
with numerical dynamos, Geophys.J.Int., 168,
27-39, 2007.
Christensen, U.R., Aubert, J., Olson, P.,
Convection-driven planetary dynamos, in: Kupka, F., Roxburgh, I.W., Chan, K.L. (eds.), Convection in astrophysics, Proceedings IAU symposium No. 239, 188 –
196, 2007.
[96] Christensen, U.R., A deep dynamo generating Mercury’s magnetic
field, Nature, 444, 1056-1058, 2006.
[95*] Russell, C.T., Capaccioni,
F., Coradini, A., Christensen, U., De Sanctis, M.C.,
Feldman, W.C., Jaumann, R., Keller, H.U., Konopliv, A.S., McCord, T.B., McFadden, L.A., McSween, H.Y., Mottola, S., Neukum, G., Pieters, C.M., Prettyman, T.H., Raymond, C.A., Smith, D.E., Sykes, M.V.,
Williams, B.G., Wise, J., Zuber, M.T., Dawn discovery
mission to Vesta and Ceres: present status, Adv.
Space Res., 38, 2043-2048, 2006.
[94] Olson, P., Christensen, U.R., Dipole moment scaling for convection-driven
planetary dynamos, Earth Planet. Sci.
Lett., 250, 561-571, 2006.
[93] Wüllner,
U., Christensen, U.R.,
[92] Christensen, U.R., Aubert, J., Scaling
properties of convection-driven dynamos in rotating spherical shells and
applications to planetary magnetic fields, Geophys.
J. Int., 166, 97-114, 2006.
[91] Manglik,
A., Christensen, U., Effect of lithospheric root on decompression melting in
plume-lithosphere interaction models, Geophys.
J. Int., 164, 259-270, 2006.
[90*] Schrinner,
M., Rädler, K.-H., Schmitt, D., Reinhardt, M.,
Christensen, U., Mean-field view on geodynamo models, Magnetohydrodynamics, 42, 111-122, 2006.
[89] Schrinner,
M., Rädler, K.-H., Schmitt, D., Reinhardt, M., Christensen, U., Mean-field view on
rotating magnetoconvection and a geodynamo model,
Astron. Nachr., 326,
245-249, 2005.
[88] Kutzner, C., Christensen, U.R., Simulated
geomagnetic reversals and preferred VGP paths, Geophys. J. Int., 157,
1105-1118, 2004
[87] Christensen, U.R., Tilgner, A., Power requirement of the
geodynamo from ohmic losses in numerical and laboratory dynamos, Nature, 429, 169-171, 2004
[86] Russell, C.T., Coradini,
A., Christensen, U., De Sanctis, M.C., Feldman, W.C., Jaumann,
R., Keller, H.U., Konopliv, A.S., McCord, T.B.,
McFadden, L.A., McSween, H.Y., Mottola,
S., Neukum, G., Pieters,
C.M., Prettyman, T.H., Raymond, C.A., Smith, D.E.,
Sykes, M.V., Williams, B.G., Wise, J., Zuber, M.T.,
Dawn: a journey in space and time, Planet.
Space Sci., 52, 341-365, 2004.
[85] Auth, C., Bercovici,
D., Christensen, U.R.,
Two-dimensional convection with a self-lubricating, simple-damage rheology, Geophys. J.
Int., 154, 783-800, 2003.
[84] Christensen,
U.R., Olson, P., Secular variation in numerical geodynamo models with lateral
variations of boundary heat flow, Phys.
Earth Planet. Inter., 138, 39-54, 2003.
[83] Olson, P., Christensen, U.R., Time average magnetic fields in numerical
dynamos with heterogeneous boundary heat flow, Geophys. J. Int., 151, 809-823, 2002.
[82] Christensen,
U., Zonal flow driven by strongly supercritical
convection in rotating spherical shells, J.
Fluid Mech., 470, 115-133, 2002.
[81] Kutzner, C., Christensen, U.R., From stable dipolar
towards reversing numerical dynamos, Phys.
Earth Planet. Int., 131, 29-45, 2002.
[80*] Christensen, U., Book review: Mantle
convection in the earth and planets, by G. Schubert, D.L. Turcotte
and P. Olson, Geophys. Astrophys.
Fluid Dyn., 96, 173-174,
[79] Christensen,
U., Aubert, J., Cardin, P., Dormy,
E., Gibbons, S., Glatzmaier, G.A., Grote, E., Honkura, Y., Jones, C., Kono, M.,
Matsushima, M., Sakuraba, A., Takahashi, F., Tilgner,
A., Wicht, J., Zhang, K., A numerical dynamo
benchmark, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 128, 25-34, 2001.
[78] Christensen,
U.R., Geodynamic models of deep subduction, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 127,
25-34, 2001.
[77] Christensen,
U.R., Zonal flow driven by deep convection in the
major planets, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 2553-2556, 2001.
[76] Albers, M., Christensen, U., Channeling of plume flow
beneath mid-oceanic ridges, Earth Planet.
Sci. Lett., 187, 207-220. 2001.
[75] Laudenbach, N., Christensen, U.R., An optical method
for measuring temperature in laboratory models of mantle plumes, Geophys. J. Int., 145, 528-534, 2001.
[74] Ritter, J.R.R.,
[73*] Christensen, U., Book review: Dynamic
earth: plates plumes and mantle convection, by G.F. Davies, Am. J. Phys., 69, 1, 2001.
[72] Sunder-Plaßmann,
T., Christensen, U., A test of
approximations for modeling convection with
temperature-dependent viscosity, Phys.
Earth Planet. Int., 120, 103-110, 2000.
[71] Cserepes, L., Christensen, U., Ribe,
N., Geoid-to-topography of the Hawaiian swell from a
dynamical model of plume-lithosphere interaction, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 178,
29-78, 2000.
[70] Rau, S., Christensen, U.,
[69] Kutzner, C., Christensen, U., Effects of driving mechanisms in geodynamo models,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 29-32, 2000.
[68*] Ritter, J.R.R., Achauer,
U., Christensen, U.R. and the Eifel Plume Team, The teleseismic tomography experiment in the
[67] Ribe, N., Christensen, U., The dynamical origin
of Hawaiian volcanism, Earth Planet. Sci.
Lett., 171, 517-531, 1999.
[66] Christensen,
U., Olson, P., Glatzmaier, G.A., Numerical modeling
of the geodynamo: A systematic parameter study, Geophys. J. Int.,
138, 393-409, 1999.
[65] Olson, P., Christensen, U., Glatzmaier, G.A., Numerical modeling
of the geodynamo: mechanisms of field generation and equilibration, J. Geophys. Res., 104,
10383-10404, 1999.
[64] Claßen,
S., Heimpel, M., Christensen,
U., Blob instability in rotating compo-sitional
convection, Geophys. Res.
Lett., 26, 135-138, 1999.
[63*] Christensen, U.,
Stand der Dynamotheorie zur Entstehung des Erdmagnet-feldes,
Mitt. Gauss Gesell.,
36, 3-8, 1999.
[62] Christensen,
U., Olson, P., Glatzmaier, G.A., A dynamo model interpretation of geomagnetic
field structures, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
25, 1565-1568, 1998.
[61] Christensen,
U., Dynamic phase boundary topography by latent heat effects, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 154, 295-306, 1998.
[61] Christensen,
U., Fixed hotspots gone with the wind, Nature,
391, 739-740. (N&V
section), 1998.
[60*] Ritter, J.R.R., Christensen, U.R., Achauer, U., Bahr, K., Weber, M., Search for a mantle plume
[59*] Ritter, J.R.R., Christensen, U.R., Achauer,
U., Die Suche nach dem Eifel-Plume, Spektrum der Wissenschaften, Ausg.
September 1998, 16-22, 1998.
[58] Manglik,
A., Christensen, U., Mantle plumes, convection, and decompression melting, Current Science, 73, 1078-1083, 1997.
[57] Christensen,
U., The influence of chemical buoyancy on the dynamics of slabs in the
transition zone, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 22,435-22,443, 1997.
[56] van Keken, P.,
King, S.D., Schmeling, H., Christensen, U., Neumeister, D., Doin, M.-P., A comparison of methods for the modeling of thermochemical
convection, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 22,477-22,496, 1997.
[55] Manglik, A., Christensen, U., Effects of mantle
depletion buoyancy on plume flow and melting beneath a stationary plate, J. Geophys. Res., 102,
5019-5028, 1997.
[54] Doin, M.-P., Fleitout, L., Christensen,
U., Mantle convection and stability of depleted and undepleted
continental lithosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 2771-2787, 1997.
[53*] Sobolev, S., Babeyko, A.Y., Christensen, U., Granet,
M., Temperature and dynamics of the upper mantle beneath the French Massif
Central, in: K. Fuchs (ed.), Upper mantle heterogeneities from active and
passive seismology, pp. 269-275, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 1997.
[52] Albers, M., Christensen, U., The excess temperature of plumes rising from the
core mantle boundary, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
23, 3567-3570, 1996.
[51] Christensen,
U., The influence of trench migration on slab penetration into the lower mantle, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,
140, 27-39, 1996.
[50] Harder, H., Christensen, U., A one-plume model of martian
mantle convection, Nature, 380, 507-509, 1996.
[48] Christensen,
U., Effects of phase transitions on mantle convection, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci.,
23, 65-87, 1995.
[47] Busse, F.H., Christensen, U., Clever, R., Cserepes, L., Gable, C., Giannandrea,
E., Guillou, L., Houseman, G., Nataf,
H.-C., Ogawa, M., Parmentier, M., Sotin,
C., Travis, B., 3D convection at infinite Prandtl number in Cartesian geometry
– A benchmark comparison, Geophys. Astrophys.
Fluid Dyn., 75, 39-59,
[46] Christensen,
U., Hofmann, A.W., Segregation of subducted oceanic
crust in the convecting mantle, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 19,867-19,884, 1994.
[44] Zhang, S., Christensen, U., Geoid anomalies from Cenozoic subduction in
semi-dynamical flow models including phase boundaries, Geophys. Res. Lett., 20,
2383-2386, 1993.
[43] Zhang, S., Christensen, U., Some effects of lateral viscosity variations on geoid and surface velocities induced by density anomalies
in the mantle, Geophys. J. Int., 114, 531-547, 1993.
[42] Giannandrea, E., Christensen, U., Variable viscosity
convection experiments with stress free upper boundary and implications for the
heat transport in the Earth's mantle, Phys.
Earth Planet. Inter., 78, 139-152, 1993.
[41] Christensen,
U., Mantle convection - a natural mineral filter, Nature, 361, 303-304. (N&V section), 1993.
[40] Arndt, N.T., Christensen, U., The role of lithospheric
mantle in continental flood volcanism: thermal and geochemical constraints, J. Geophys. Res., 97,
10967-10981, 1992.
[39] Christensen,
U., An Eulerian technique for thermomechanical
modeling of lithospheric
extension, J. Geophys. Res., 97,
2015-2036, 1992.
[38] Weinstein, S., Christensen, U., Convection planforms in a fluid with a tempe-rature-dependent
viscosity beneath a stress-free upper boundary, Geophys. Res. Lett., 18,
2035-2038, 1991.
[37] Christensen,
U., The influence of phase transitions and chemical heterogeneity on mantle
convection, Eclogae geol. Helv., 84, 317-326,
[36] Moriceau, C., Christensen, U., Fleitout,
L., Geoid and topography associated with hot-spot
swells: negligible contribution from deep currents, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 103,
395-410, 1991.
[35] Christensen,
U., Harder, H., Three-dimensional convection with variable viscosity, Geophys. J. Int., 104, 213-226, 1991.
[34] Cserepes, L., Christensen, U., Three-dimensional
convection under drifting plates, Geophys.
Res. Lett., 17, 1497-1500, 1990.
[33] Christensen,
U., Reply to comment by G. Davies on 'Mixing by time-dependent mantle
convection', Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,
98, 408-410, 1990.
[32] Christensen,
U., Mixing by time-dependent convection, Earth
Planet. Sci. Lett., 95, 382-394,
[31] Blankenbach, B., Busse, F.H., Christensen,
U., Cserepes, L., Gunkel,
D., Hansen, U., Harder, H., Jarvis, G., Koch, M., Marquart,
G., Moore, D., Olson, P., Schmeling, H., Schnaubelt, T., A benchmark comparison for mantle
convection codes, Geophys. J. Int., 98, 23-28, 1989.
[30] Christensen,
U., Modes of mantle convection: one or several layers, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, A
328, 417-424, 1989.
[29] Christensen,
U., The heat transport of convection rolls at high Rayleigh num-bers, Geophys. Astrophys.
Fluid Dyn., 46, 93-103,
[28] Christensen,
U., Yuen, D.A., Time-dependent convection with non-Newtonian rheology, J. Geophys.
Res., 94, 814-820, 1989.
[27*] Christensen, U., Mantle rheology, constitution, and convection, in: W.R. Peltier (ed.), Convection
in the Earth's Mantle,
[26*] Christensen, U., The energy budget of the
Earth, in: D.E. James (ed.), Encyclopedia of Solid
Earth Geophyscis, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York, pp. 373-378, 1989..
[25*] Christensen, U., Mantle convection with
active chemical heterogeneities, in: S.R. Hart, L. Gülen
(eds.), Crust/Mantle recycling at
convergence zones, Kluwer, Dortrecht,
pp. 183-190, 1989.
[24] Christensen,
U., Is subducted lithosphere trapped at the 670-km
discontinuity?, Nature,
336, 462-463, 1988.
[23] Christensen,
U., Yuen, D.A., On the aspect ratio of Rayleigh-Benard convection rolls, Geophys. Res. Lett., 15, 597-600, 1988.
[22*] Büchel,
G., Christensen, U., Jacoby, W., Ritzert, M.,
Wolters, B. Gravimetrische Untersuchungen im Bereich des Kehlberger
Hochs (Hocheifel), Mainzer Geowiss. Mitteilungen, 17, 377-387, 1988.
[21] Christensen,
U., Some geodynamic effects of anisotropic viscosity, Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc., 91,
711-736, 1987.
[20] Christensen,
U., Time-dependent convection in elongated Rayleigh-Benard
cells, Geophys. Res. Lett., 14, 220-223, 1987.
[19] Olson, P., Christensen, U., Solitary wave propagation in a fluid conduit
within a viscous matrix, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 6367-6374, 1986.
[18] Quareni, F.,
Yuen, D.A., Sewell, G., Christensen,
U., High Rayleigh number convection with strongly variable viscosity: a
comparison between mean-field and two-dimensional solutions, J. Geophys. Res., 90,
12633-12644, 1985.
[17] Christensen,
U., Mantle phase transitions and postglacial rebound, J. Geophys. Res., 90, 11312-11318, 1985.
[16] Christensen,
U., Yuen, D.A., Layered convection induced by phase transitions, J. Geophys. Res., 90,
10291-10300, 1985.
[15] Christensen,
U., Viscosity-velocity correlation in convection cells with non-uniform
viscosity, J. Geophys., 57, 72-75, 1985.
[14] Christensen,
U., Thermal evolution models for the Earth, J.
Geophys. Res., 90, 2995-3008, 1985.
[13] Christensen,
U., Heat transport by variable viscosity convection II: Pressure influence,
non-Newtonian rheology and decaying heat sources, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 37,
183-205, 1985.
[12] Christensen,
U., Heat transport by variable viscosity convection and implications for the
Earth's thermal evolution, Phys. Earth
Planet. Int., 35, 264-282, 1984.
[11] Christensen,
U., Yuen, D.A., The interaction of a subducting lithospheric slab with a chemical or phase boundary, J. Geophys. Res., 89,
4389-4402, 1984.
[10] Christensen,
U., Instability of a hot boundary layer and initiation of thermo-chemical
plumes, Ann. Geophysicae,
2 , 311-320, 1984.
[9] Christensen,
U., Convection with pressure and temperature-dependent non-Newtonian rheology, Geophys. J.
R. astr. Soc., 77, 343-384, 1984.
[8*] Christensen, U., Large-scale mantle
dynamics and the 670-km discontinuity, Terra
Cognita , 4, 59-66,
[7] Christensen,
U., Comments on 'On the thermal state of the mantle' by A.C. Fowler, J. Geophys., 53, 201-202, 1983.
[6] Christensen,
U., Convection in a variable viscosity fluid:
Newtonian versus power-law rheology, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 64, 153-162, 1983.
[5] Christensen,
U., A numerical model of coupled subcontinental and
oceanic convection, Tectonophys., 95, 1-23, 1983.
[4] Christensen,
U., Phase boundaries in finite amplitude mantle convection, Geophys. J. R. astr.
Soc., 68, 487-497, 1982.
[3] Christensen,
U., Numerical experiments on convection in a chemically layered mantle, J. Geophys., 49, 82-84, 1981.
[2*] Kopitzke, U.,
Numerical simulation of mantle convection, in: Davies, P.A., Runcorn, S.K.
(eds.), Mechanisms of continental drift
and plate tectonics, Academic Press, London, pp. 289-294, 1980.
[1] Kopitzke,
U., Finite element convection models: comparison of shallow and deep mantle
convection, and temperatures in the mantle, J.
Geophys., 46, 97-121, 1979.