Page | Printing | |
viii | 3 | Goossens, not Goosens |
4 | 3 | Goossens, not Goosens |
8 | 3 | 6th line: should be "in addition", not "in additional" |
9 | 3 | Goossens, not Goosens |
16 | 3 | 3rd line: optional arguments appear in square braces |
21 | 3 | Add reference to printing euro symbol in special character section |
47 | 3 | middle, remove backslashes before This (3 times) |
95 | 3 | 7th line up: "third l|", not "third r|" |
102 | 3 | 2nd line: "behaves same as \raisebox ..." (there is an extra {
here) |
109 | 3 | 3rd line: "(here =) is the delimiter" |
132 | 3 | last line of sample text of "It is possible to nest. . . " should be
y \\ z \end{array} \right) \] |
151 | 3 | Goossens, not Goosens |
167 | 3 | Goossens, not Goosens |
177 | 3 | list of color commands: col_spec to be same italic font as in text,
not slanted typewriter |
178 | 3 | examples of \definecolor must have all 3 arguments in curly
braces |
205 | 3 | line 9 up: \hfill, not \hfill} |
206 | 3 | middle, \noindent\slshape Comment: (add colon) |
207 | 3 | \renewenvironment{\comment}
\renewenvironment{comment} |
" | 3 | same definition: use \itshape instead of \it |
227 | 3 | index example, "as environments" comes after "arguments" |
243 | 3 | replace mfnfss with cyrillic, reflecting change in CTAN |
" | 3 | Goossens, not Goosens |
309 | 3 | Add missing } at end of \ps@headings definition |
328 | 3 | Goossens, not Goosens |
330 | 3 | Goossens, not Goosens |
363 | 3 | Goossens, not Goosens |
374 | 3 | Last two lines overlap with lines above |
375 | 3 | Two lines from previous page moved to below table |
376 | 3 | 2nd line up, "obtained" not "optained" |
389 | 3 | Goossens, not Goosens |
401 | 3 | CTAN organization: packages replaced by required |
" | 3 | mfnfss replaced by cyrillic |
402 | 3 | packages/tools replaced by required/tools |
406 | 3 | packages/amslatex replaced by required/amslatex |
410 | 3 | 5th line: add \end{subarray} to paradigm |
411 | 3 | middle, replace -2-p with -2pt |
413 | 3 | 7th line up, \dbinom instead of \fbinom |
421 | 3 | middle, "an equation*", not "a equation*" |
" | 3 | In Equation E.2, ki-li instead of ki-ki and then below: k_i-l_i
instead of k_i-k_i |
426 | 3 | Right justify 0 in the cases example |
428 | 3 | \usepackage[options]{amsmath} (square not curly brackets) |
431 | 3 | 2nd line up, \DeclareMathOperator{\End}{End} |
452 | 3 | add note on printing euro symbol as sans serif character |
514 | 3 | \negthinspace instead of \medspace |
549 | 3 | 1 pt = 65536 sp |
561 | 3 | correct spelling of Goossens (was erroneously Goosens) |