
The Time Resolved Imaging Photometry Package    TRIPP Top of page    is made for

  • CCD time series reduction and analysis
    TRIPP provides an on-line check of the incoming frames, performs relative aperture photometry and provides a set of time series tools, like calculation of periodograms including false alarm probability determination, epoc folding, sinus fitting, and light curve simulations. It has been used in several WET campaigns on the Tübingen side, e.g. in XCov19.
  • IDL
    TRIPP is based on routines by Ralf D. Geckeler and has since 1999 been developed and repeatedly extended by Sonja Schuh, Jochen Deetjen and Stefan Dreizler, who acknowledge contributions from Thomas Gleissner, Patrick Risse, Thomas Rauch, and Eckart Göhler. The time series analysis parts draw on work by Sara Benlloch-Garcia, Katja Pottschmidt and Jörn Wilms.
  • user-friendly working
    A single log-file and a reduction mask, both guiding the reduction process, has to be edited,  the rest goes by itself. However, interactive control is possible and documentation of  the different steps is done. The default set-up provides good results, no fine tuning with numerous parameter files is needed. Any additional feature can be easily provided by own IDL routines. IDL is fast, providing quick results for unpatient astronomers :)
  • free distribution
    Please contact one of us for a copy of the routines. For internal use, the routines are available through the aitlib.


Stefan Dreizler
dreizler@@astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de     http://www.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~dreizler
Sonja Schuh
schuh@@astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de     http://www.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~schuh