Carrington Rotation 2024Header Explanation.
------------------------------------------------- SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = -32 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 3 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 128 / Number of pixels in x NAXIS2 = 128 / Number of pixels in y NAXIS3 = 1664 / Length of the time serie EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H HISTORY Task INPUTPAR_GET (2004/02/20 18:22:58, V1.0) COMMENT #------------- COMMENT # Verbose Mode COMMENT #------------- VERBOSE = T / Display info (T/F)? COMMENT #------------- COMMENT # Input Images COMMENT #------------- FROOT = '/tarat/vol3/mring/020328t0755_1/mi/splitup.lst' / name of file with l COMMENT name of file with list of images FREF = '/tarat/vol3/merge/020328/mrvzi020328t2146.fits.gz' / Reference image ORIENT = 1 / Orientation: 1>Clock 2>Counter W_INST = 31.7 / sideral rot. = rot. on image + ? (nHz) COMMENT #----------------------- COMMENT # Region data input file COMMENT #----------------------- FRG = '/usr/local/gong++/lib/dense_pack.rg' / Name of input region ascii dat COMMENT #------------- COMMENT #Tracking mode COMMENT #------------- COMMENT #1>No tracking : images rotate beneath window COMMENT #2>Carrington rate : area tracked at equatorial Carrington COMMENT # rate independent of latitude. COMMENT #3>Central latitude: area tracked at rotation rate of the COMMENT # center of the area. COMMENT #4>All latitudes : each point of the area is tracked at the COMMENT # rotation rate of its latitude. COMMENT # COMMENT #For mode 3 & 4 the rotation rate at cos(colatitue)=mu is: COMMENT # OMEGA(mu)=OMEGA0-0MEGA2*mu^2-OMEGA4*mu^4 MODETRK = 3 / 1>No 2>Car rate 3>Central lat. 4>All lat. OMEGA0 = 451.43 / 1st coeff. of sideral diff. rot. rate (nHz) OMEGA2 = 54.77 / 2nd coeff. of sideral diff. rot. rate (nHz) OMEGA4 = 80.17 / 3rd coeff. of sideral diff. rot. rate (nHz) COMMENT #------------- COMMENT #Interpolation COMMENT #------------- INTERPOL= 2 / Interpol 1>spline 2>Lookup 1 3>tapered sinc 4 SPLM = 4 / Spline order for spline interpolation SPLK = 1 / Multiplicity of nodal points for spline inter SPLP = 10000 / Lookup option grid Resolution COMMENT #-------------- COMMENT #Spatial Filter COMMENT #-------------- SURF_FIT= F / Fit & remove surface (spatial filter) (T/F)? COMMENT #------------- COMMENT #Output Files COMMENT #------------- OUT_ROOT= 'rmi ' / Root name for output cubes (3 characters) HISTORY Task SPLITUP (2004/02/20 18:23:34, V0.1) ITIME = 60. / [s] Time interval per time slot L0_REF = 14.9771 / Carrington Long. of CMD 0 on Reference image TS_START= '2002/03/28 07:55:16' / Start day/time of the time serie TS_END = '2002/03/29 11:38:16' / End day/time of the time serie TS_REF = '2002/03/28 21:46:16' / day/time of Reference Image DTYPE = 'V ' / Data Type V: Velocity I:Intensity SITE = 'MR ' / SITE of the reference Image MAPSCALE= 0.125 / [deg] grid spacing LNG0 = -22.5 / [deg] region center CMD on reference image LAT0 = -52.5 / [deg] central latitude of the region GRID = 2 / 1>Lat-Long 2>Great Circle END ------------------------------------------------- This website is best viewed using Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer browsers.