MDI High Resolution Data of AR9236Good high resolution (0.034 deg / pixel) data for analysis of a large, complex sunspot. Active Region map.Time: 56 hours of data, 2000.11.22_14:29:58.0 - 2000.11.24_22:28:58.0 Resolution: 0.034 degrees / pixel Dimensions: 512 x 512 x 3360 pixels Ephemeris: soho_ephemeris returned status 0 for 2000.11.23_12:00:32.000_TAI : OBS_DIST (au) L0 (deg) B0 (deg) VR (m/s) VN (m/s) VW (m/s) Carr Rot 0.9768739109 4.710 1.7199 -245.62 -3647.92 29812.4 1969.9869 This website is best viewed using Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer browsers.