1. Running fastrack at MPS1. First make sure your .bashrc file has this line in it export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/local/intel/cc/lib:/opt/local/intel/fc/lib:/opt/local/intel/mkl/lib/32 2. Then change directories: > cd /data/seismo1/schunker/_linux4 3. Run fastrack: > fastrack -v in=/data/seismo2/schunker/AR9787/RAW/25_JAN_2002/fd_V_01h.079486/ out=/data/seismo2/schunker/QS_AR9787/TESTOUT/fd_V_01h.079486/ lat=-8.3 lon=133.28 cols=512 rows=512 a0=-0.015 a2=-0.339 a4=-0.485 scale =0.12 4. To run fastrack on multiple directories 4.1 Set directories for input >export foo='/scratch/seismo1/mdi/fd_V/{series}.0{#%d#series} 4.2 Run fastrack >cd /data/seismo1/schunker/_linux4 > fastrack -v in="prog:foo,series:fd_V_01h[79320-79343]" out=/scratch/seismo2/schunker/fastrack_output/ bckgn=/scratch/seismo2/schunker/BCKGN/MEAN_lat08.3S_lon170.0.fits lat=-8.3 lon=170. cols=512 rows=512 a0=-0.015 a2=-0.339 a4=-0.485 scale =0.12 2. Using 'fastrack.c' at StanfordThe tracking of the SOHO-MDI data provided here was done at Stanford using the program 'fastrack.c' (R. Bogart) and the description of how it works is provided below. Most of the SOHO-MDI data was reduced using this program. (Notes on exactly how I did the fastracking at Stanford - probably only useful for people at MPS).To do tracking of level 1.8 MDI data 0. source ~CM/script/soi_exe.setup 1. Create a 'mapfile' as below, which includes all the input data for 'fastrack.c'
---------------------------------------------------- !setenv mdi wd:/scr20/schunker/{series}.{#%04d#series};bn:{series}.{#%06d#series} !setenv jjj wd:/scr20/schunker/results2/{series}.{#%04d#series};bn:{series}.{#%06d#series} DSDSOUT=100 p=fastrack d=0 \ in=prog:mdi,level:lev1.8,series:fd_M_01h[81178-81205],sel:[0-43] \ out=prog:jjj,level:track,series:fdm16_7.5_1664_37.5N[47695] \ lat=37.5 \ lon=[210.0,217.5,225.0,232.5,240.0,247.5,255.0,262.5,270.0,277.5,285.0,292.5,300.0] \ map="Postels" \ scale=0.125000 \ map_pa=0.000000 \ radius=0.000000 \ cols=128 \ rows=128 \ a0=-0.028930 \ a2=-0.344100 \ a4=-0.503700 \ merid_v=0.000000 \ xc=nan0xf0000000 \ yc=nan0xf0000000 \ v=-1 -------------------------------------------------------------2. You must make sure you are running on an appropriate machine (sonar will do) to implement the mapping with 'fastrack.c' . ------------------------------------------------------------ unix> ssh sonar ------------------------------------------------------------3. Run the mapfile by typing this command (substitute 'mapfile' with the name of your mapfile.) ------------------------------------------------------------ unix> pe map=mapfile ------------------------------------------------------------* What WE get fastracking to do, and a description of these parameters: fastrack extracts from a series of solar images multiple regions fixed in co-moving frames at a set of initially specified heliographic coordinates. (specified by the user by giving heliogrpahic latitude and longitude of central point as well as size of the region). The tracked regions are of a common specified size, and the same map projection is used, only the central point varying (which happens to track the longitude and latitude.) Depending on the nature of the tracking, the heliographic coordinates of the map centers will be continuously adjusted as functions of time, matching the specified coordinates only at the start. If a tracking matching the Carrington rate is selected, the heliographic coordinates of all map locations will, by definition, remain fixed. If images are missing from the input data series or other- wise rejected, fastrack will linearly interpolate in time across the gaps in the mapped output. (Missing images at the end points result in continuation backward or forward from the first or last valid map.) Partial input images may produce missing values in the mapped images. The input data series is normally assumned to be continuous, so if an image selection range is made (...,series:XXX[I- J],sel:[M-N]) the first selector (M)is assumed to apply only to the first data set (I) and the last selector (N)to apply only to the last data set (J); all intervening images are accepted. The -c flag forces the image selection to apply independently to each data set in the series. The images are tracked at the Carrington rate. The coefficients of the sin^2(latitude) expansion of rotation minus Carrington rotation (urad/sec) are specified. Default values are from Snodgrass 82/84, but these can be changed and some alternate options are given in the comments of fastrack.c Snodgrass values are: a0 Float -0.02893 a2 Float -0.3441 a4 Float -0.5037 THE PARAMETERS in = input files, the dataset is assumed to include in its ancillary data the parameters required for heliographic mapping, namely the observation time and heliographic location. out = output files bckgn = we DO NOT subtract an average image (necessary only for Doppler calculations lat = latitude of centre of region for tracking lon = longitude (or list of) for the centre of region for tracking map = "Postels" although there are many options for mapping, again refer to the comments of fastrack.c scale = 0.125, which is the scaling of the pixels (degrees/pixel) at a location appropriate for the selected mapping option; a 0.0 value implies autoscaling to best scale of image. cols = 128. (width of image in pixels) but these are easily changed rows = 128. (height of image in pixels) but these are easily changed map_pa = 0.000000, used to change the direction of heliographic North from vertical in the output image. radius = 0.000000 a0 = -0.028930 a2 = -0.344100 a4 = -0.503700 merid_v = 0.000000, is the meridional velocity xc = nan0xf0000000 yc = nan0xf0000000 OTHER TRACKING OPTIONS The -l flag sets a "lagrangian" tracking option, forcing the tracking to be at the differential rotation appropriate to the instantaneous latitude for each point in the region, rather than at a common rate for the whole region. The -n option "turns off" tracking in the sense that the images are tracked at minus the Carrington rate. There is no correction for observer motion in the latitudinal direc- tion, so this is not quite the same as mapping to fixed heliocentric coordinates. The -z flag directs the output maps to be organized in polar coordinates, with azimuthal angle the most rapidly varying coordinate, (columns) and radial distance from the map center the next (rows). The length of the angle dimension in that case will not be a power of 2 unless set by the cols value. If the verbose option (-v) is set, one line of history information will be produced per input image. The mapped data sets are placed in one or more 3-dimensional FITS files, with time (image serial number) the most slowly varying axis. This website is best viewed using Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer browsers.