This program processes a SOHO MDI image for helioseismic computations.
It performs the functions of three separate programs:
(1) map_perspect, which maps the image onto a representation equivalent the perspective from a position not necessarily the same as that viewed by the SOHO spacecraft,
(2) derotate_mdi_image, which measures and removes solar rotation before the mapping (1) is done, and
(3) Padding of the margins of the image, greatly reducing the ringing of the Fourier interpolator in (1) caused by the discontinuity across the solar limb.
The original version of this program was written by Seth Redfield in 1995. It was revised by Mark Fagan in 1996 to incorporate the option of inputing a list of perspectives and corresponding output filenames. It has the additional flexibility of mapping the center of the projection anywhere on the map, as specified by program arguments 6 and 7. The optional "mode" parameter specifies the geometry of the projection as follows:
-los (default) Line-of-sight projection onto the data array through an imaginary pinhole.
-perp Perpendicular projection of the Sun's spherical surface onto the data array.
-postel Postel projection.
It requires one extra subroutine to deal with the fits files, "do_fits.c".
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