MDI AR8558 & Quiet SunA nice dataset for quiet sun - AR comparison study. There is only high resolution data for Dopplergram data. Magnetograms and Intensity continnum are full disk and cover a longer period of time. Details of the active regions evolution are provided below, but are not essential for analysis of 35 hours data. Active Region map.Time: 35 hours of data, 1999.05.31_20:59:58 - 1999.06.02_07:58:58 UT Resolution: 0.068000 deg / pixel Dimensions: 256 x 512 x 2100 pixels Ephemeris: soho_ephemeris returned status 0 for 1999.06.02_02:59:30.000_TAI : OBS_DIST (au) L0 (deg) B0 (deg) VR (m/s) VN (m/s) VW (m/s) Carr Rot 1.0031718621 299.197 -0.6045 325.74 3707.73 29028.3 1950.1689
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