AR 8408, 8402, 8397
High resolution data of a group of three sunspots quite close together (around 10 degrees apart).
Active Region map.
Time: 8 hours, 1998.12.06_23:05:59 - 1998.12.07_07:01:59 UT
Resolution: 0.068 degrees / pixel
Dimensions: 512 x 256 x 480 pixels
soho_ephemeris returned status 0 for 1998.12.07_03:02:30.000_TAI :
OBS_DIST (au L0 (deg B0 (deg VR (m/s) VN (m/s) VW (m/s) Carr Rot
0.9745757026 113.398 0.0572 -166.59 -3777.52 29882.8 1943.6850
MDI sample header.
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