Quiet SunA four hour, high resolution, MDI Doppler datacube, from 1997.12.07_16:57:59.0_UT to 1997.12.07_20:56:59.0_UT, 17 degrees North of the equator at the central longitude. Active Region map Time: 4 hours, 1997.12.07_16:57:59 - 1997.12.07_20:56:59 UTResolution: 0.034 degrees / pixel Dimensions: 512 x 256 x 480 pixels Ephemeris: soho_ephemeris returned status 0 for 1997.12.07_16:58:30.000_TAI : OBS_DIST (au) L0 (deg) B0 (deg) VR (m/s) VN (m/s) VW (m/s) Carr Rot 0.9741852174 243.244 -0.0468 -190.14 -3793.75 29912.2 1930.3243
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