Sunspot Classification DefinitionsDate: day.month.year L0: Heliographic longitude of the central point of the solar disk. B0: Heliographic latitude of the central point of the observed solar disk. HG_LONG: The heliographic longitude of the temporal mid-point, central pixel of the data. HG_LAT: The heliographic latitude of the temporal mid-point, central pixel of the data. R1: The average radius of the umbra - penumbra boundary. R2: The average radius of the outer penumbra. Duty Cycle: The percentage of 'good' data in time. Location: Sunspot group location, in heliographic degrees latitude and degrees east or west from central meridian, rotated to 2400 UTC. Magnetic Type: Magnetic classification of the group. alpha - unipolar sunspot group. beta - sunspot group having both positive and negative magnetic polarities (bipolar), with a simple and distinct division between the polarities. beta-gamma - sunspot group that is bipolar but which is sufficiently complex that no single, continuous line can be drawn between spots of opposite polarities.Z: Modified Zurich-Macintosh Classification. D - An elongated bipolar sunspot group with penumbra on both ends of the group. Area : Total corrected area of the group in millionths of the solar hemisphere. LL : Longitudinal extent of the group in heliographic degrees. NN : The number of visible sunspots on the Solar disk. This website is best viewed using Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer browsers.