Wave propagation using CO5BOLD This package includes code snippets to modify the CO5BOLD-code for wave propagation experiments in addition to codes designed to deal with output from CO5BOLD simulations. The format is in a special ".uio" format. You must obtain the CO5BOLD code independently (it is not public). The typical CO5BOLD output are 2D images of pressure, magnetic field, velocity etc as a function of time. Extensive documentation is provided in the package. The package consists of IDL codes which will read in the ".uio" files and output both Gnu files and IDL save files. There is also code which will take the ".uio" files, and translate them to ".vdf" files for use with the Vapor program. The package was put together by Christian Nutto. If you use this code and/or its results, please contact schunker [at] mps.mpg.de, for the appropriate acknowledgement. Downloads: Code package (Manual (pdf) only) Information on CO5BOLD This website is best viewed using Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer browsers.