About this WebsiteWhat does this website aim to achieve?This website is a product of the HELAS initiative, aimed to increase European networking and the exchange of knowledge in preparation for the imminent local helioseismology projects and space missions. The site provides access to comprehensive observations and software for local helioseismic analysis which should be useful for students and professional scientists in the field. It is routinely updated with new data and analysis tools. What is local helioseismology (in three sentences)?The surface of the Sun oscillates radially due to trapped acoustic waves in the interior. These oscillation signals are measured by various instruments and used to gain insight into the interior mechanisms of the Sun. Local helioseismology does this using observations of small, localised regions of the solar surface. Living Reviews - Local Helioseismology gives a nice scientific review of helioseismology. In addition to the oscillation measurements, other aspects of the Solar surface are important. The intensity continuum (white light) defines surface characteristics, such as sunspots and magnetic field observations are important for active region analysis. For a complete analysis using local helioseismology it is helpful to have each of these observational components prepared for analysis. So, how does this website help?The observational data available from the `HELAS Local Helioseismology Network Activity' website consists of high quality observations of interesting local solar features suitable for local helioseismology. In addition, extra information and related observational material is available, making these the most comprehensive datasets obtainable. The extra information includes details of the reduction process, observation conditions and the solar surface covered by the available data. Currently the Doppler velocity observations come from GONG, SOHO-MDI and MOTH. In the future we hope to add TON observations.
This site is maintained by Hannah Schunker (schunker[at]mps.mpg.de). This website is best viewed using Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer browsers.