SUMER Emblem SUMER Flare Watch 2001

The following list shows SUMER flare watch studies that were carried out in February, March and October 2001 as part of SOHO campaign #6695 ("JOP137: Time Variations and Dynamics of Active Region Loops II") and SOHO campaign #6818 ("JOP104: Doppler Shifts in X-Ray Jets"). These studies observe Fe XIX 1118.073 (~6 000 000 K), among other lines. All studies use SUMER slit 1 (4"x300"). All studies place the flare line on the KBr part of the detector.

If you click on the start date, you will see a daily overview of the SUMER observations. Shown is the temporal development of the radiance, averaged across the whole slit and summed over a spectral range 1 Å around the flare line. Thus, flare events in the SUMER field of view become visible; they can be quantified and compared to other instruments' observations.

from  to    # good   solar X, Y  expos.  spectr. windows  flare
   /UTC     images   coord. /"  time /s  around /Å        line
-----------   ----   ----------   ----   --------------   ------
11:25 23:18    253    +954 -420  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
11:06 22:59    253    +954 -420  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
08:09 20:02    253    +994 +236  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
06:30 16:24    211    +994 +236  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
16:33 23:57    158    +994 +287  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
00:00 04:26     95    +994 +287  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
14:54 23:57    191    +994 +287  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
00:00 02:47     60    +994 +287  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
13:14 23:59    228    +994 +310  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
00:02 01:07     24    +994 +310  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
11:35 23:28    251    +994 +310  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
09:55 21:42    251    +994 +310  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
19:03 23:57    105    +954 +480  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
00:00 06:56    148    +954 +480  162.5   1115 1118 etc.   Fe XIX
09:41 19:41    442    +930 -520   78.0   1108 1115 1118   Fe XIX

Observed lines (incl. wavelength/Å and log temperature/K):

The studies of February and March 2001 transmit one full detector (1098-1138 Å) as well as five times the right and the left half of the detector, in an alternating mode. Only Ca X and Fe XIX are contained in all images. - Of the five flare watch studies of October 2001, only the last one could be used here.

IED, 20.Nov.02

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