SUMER details of the flare watch (JOP104) campaign
Apr 15 - May 06, 2002

Compiled by Christian Vocks, Bernhard Kliem, Therese Kucera
Last revised: 19 July 2002.
Note: this compilation was written after most (but not all!) of the data have been screened.

* Pointing and spectral lines
Date, times and SUMER slit position in solar Cartesian coordinates
and spectral lines used in studies
* Event list
Short description of events seen by SUMER
and related information from GOES, EIT, and LASCO

SUMER pointings and line selections during JOP104 campaign
Apr 15 - May 06, 2002

In the table below, the coordinates are the SUMER slit center pointing in solar-(x,y). The 300 arcsec long and 4 arcsec wide spectrometer slit (oriented north-south) was used. The time series at fixed pointing were taken simultaneously in the lines listed with a temporal resolution of N*16.5 sec, where N is the number of lines used (N=3 for most observations listed here). At each line, a spectral window of about 2 Angstrom width was recorded. Full detector readouts were taken at regular intervals (of typically 49.5 min). All poinings are off the west limb, so not all AR associations listed are unique.

Lines used in these studies:

Fe XXI 1354.00,
Fe XIX 1118.08,
Fe XVII 1153.16,
Fe XII 1349.36,
Ca XV 1098.44,
Ca XIII 1133.79,
Ca X/2 1115.51,
Si III 1113.22,
C II 1335.13

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Sumer Pointings and Line Selections
Apr 15 00:40 Apr 15 05:50 950 400 9901 Fe XIX, Ca X, Si III
Apr 15 12:00 Apr 15 17:05 950 400 9901 Fe XIX, Ca X, Si III
Apr 15 17:55 Apr 16 07:00 950 400 9901 Fe XIX, Ca X, Si III
Apr 16 15:35 Apr 16 19:40 960 400 9901 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
Apr 17 01:00 Apr 17 19:30 960 400 9901 Fe XIX, Ca X, Si III
Apr 18 00:01 Apr 18 07:00 980 400 9899, 9901, 9902 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
Apr 18 11:00 Apr 18 22:00 980 400 9899, 9901, 9902 Fe XIX, Ca X, Si III
Apr 19 00:01 Apr 19 07:00 970 350 9902 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
Apr 19 11:00 Apr 19 20:00 970 350 9902 Fe XIX, Ca X, Si III
Apr 20 00:01 Apr 20 07:00 990 -200 9906 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
Apr 20 11:00 Apr 20 19:30 990 -200 9906 Fe XIX, Ca X, Si III
Apr 21 00:30 Apr 21 04:00 990 -200 9906 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
Apr 23 14:00 Apr 24 00:15 990 -100 9907 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
Apr 24 00:20 Apr 24 20:45 990 -100 9907 Fe XIX, Ca X, Si III
Apr 24 20:45 Apr 25 09:20 980 -300 9910 Fe XIX, Ca XV, Ca XIII
Apr 25 09:20 Apr 25 22:00 980 -300 9910 Fe XIX, Fe XVII, Ca XIII
Apr 25 22:00 Apr 26 18:40 990 200 9912 Fe XIX, Ca X, Si III
Apr 26 18:50 Apr 29 18:00 990 200 9912 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
Apr 29 20:00 Apr 30 08:50 1000 -30 9923 Fe XIX, Ca XV, Ca XIII
Apr 30 08:50 Apr 30 21:20 1000 -30 9923 Fe XIX, Fe XVII, Ca XIII
Apr 30 21:20 May 01 02:25 1000 -30 9923 Fe XIX, Ca X, Si III
May 01 02:25 May 02 03:40 980 -310 9920 Fe XIX, Fe XVII, Ca XIII
May 02 04:00 May 04 01:50 990 200 9915 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
May 04 01:55 May 05 03:15 990 250 9915 Fe XIX, Fe XVII, Ca XIII
May 05 03:15 May 07 01:00 990 250 9915 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
May 11 00:34 May 14 04:22 990 -290 9934 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
May 14 04:22 May 14 17:00 990 -310 9934 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
May 14 17:00 May 16 00:38 990 -280 9934, 9937 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
May 16 00:38 May 17 01:56 945 420 9940 Fe VII, Ca XIV, Fe XIX
May 17 01:56 May 18 03:15 970 355 9940 Fe VII, Ca XIV, Fe XIX
May 18 03:15 May 19 09:47 970 -320 9949 Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II
May 19 09:47 May 19 19:58 990 -15 9945 Fe XIX

List of events

Sumer Events & Additional Information
Apr 15 23:30 Strong Fe XIX brightening & oscillation Yes
Apr 16 00:50 Weak Fe XIX brightening during decay of previous event No Data
01:15 Two small Fe XIX brightenings at different locations No Signal
02:25 Weak Fe XIX brightening Brightening (with GOES) at 2:20 UT - Different event?
06:35 Weak Fe XIX brightening w. strong line shift No Signal
13:10 Strong Fe XIX brightening & oscillation Yes
17:05 Brightening in Fe XXI and Fe XIX ?? No signal, very little data
Apr 17 02:30 Weak Fe XIX brightening & oscillation Yes
03:55 Weak Fe XIX brightening & oscillation No signal
04:10 Weak Fe XIX brightening & oscillation No signal
04:30 Strong Fe XIX brightening w. weak oscillation No Data
06:40 Weak Fe XIX brightening & oscillation No signal
11:35 Strong Fe XIX brightening & oscillation No signal
13:20 Weak Fe XIX brightening & oscillation Low, broad hump - probably not important
16:00 Fe XIX oscillation in bright loop No Data, no signal in data starting a few minutes later.
Apr 18 00:20 Fe XXI brightening & oscillation; possibly C II correlation C 1 No Data
06:40 Strong Fe XXI brightening & oscillation M 1 CME CME RHESSI caught the last part of this
12:50 Weak Fe XIX brightening & oscillation No Data
21:35 Series of weak Fe XIX brightenings & oscillations Yes
Apr 19 11:06 Strong Fe XIX brightening & oscillation; missed initial phase No Data
13:10 Very weak Fe XIX brightening & oscillation Very little signal
16:40 Very weak Fe XIX brightening & oscillation Yes
Apr 20 02:35 Very weak Fe XIX brightening & oscillation A little signal, but perhaps a few min. early to be this event.
Apr 21 00:40-03:55 Strong brightenings & shifts in all 3 lines X 1.5 Flare, CME, wave, dimming Fast halo CME Yes
Apr 23 15:45 Fe XXI Brightening & loop oscillation C 1 CME No data
16:15 Weak Fe XXI brightening & oscillation No data
18:35 Weak diffuse Fe XXI(?) brightening B 9 Fast spray (?) No data
Apr 24 00:40-00:55 Weak brightening & oscillation, probably P V blend Data only at very end. No signal
07:08-07:20 Weak Fe XIX brightening & oscillation Data only at very end. No signal
Apr 27 10:18-11:20 Fe XXI brightening; front moves along slit (Fe XXI, Fe XII, C II) C 2 CME No Data
Apr 28 23:05-23:42 Weak Fe XXI brightening RHESSI looks like it is catching the beginnings of something and then goes into night
all day C II motions along slit Prominence
Apr 30 08:50 onwards Two Fe XIX brightenings & strong oscillations; weaker Fe XVII brightenings & oscillation M 1 (?) Yes
May 2 08:00 Weak triple Fe XXI brightening & oscillation Yes
09:02 Fe XXI brightening & long oscillation C 1.9 No Data
17:43 Fe XXI brightening & oscillation No Data
19:42 Weak diffuse Fe XXI brightening No Data
20:21-21:00 Fe XXI brightening w. Doppler shifts & motion along slit C 6 in remote AR 9926 Wave & dimming Slow(?) CME No Data
20:45 Weak diffuse Fe XXI brightening; possibly C II correlation No Data
22:35 C II brightening & motion along slit CME in SE Two-sided CME No Data
May 3 02:50 Fe XXI brightening No Data
12:00 Fe XXI brightening C 1.9 Fan No Data
May 14 13:03 UT Flare in Fe XII No Data
May 15 8:10 UT Flare in Fe XXI, Darkening in Fe XII CME and Fe XII dimming RHESSI just caught the tail end of this