SUMER study #134: East Limb Network Evolution

Remarks: The same area was scanned five times in alternating directions. Only the first scan is shown here. - There is no spectral information, because the data were compressed on-board by integrating a 50-pixel-spectral window (approx 2.1 Å in first order, 1.05 Å in second order) around the commanded wavelengths.

The study was initiated by P. Lemaire (IAS).

Ne VIII 780.324 (630 000 K)

S V 786.47 (170 000 K)

O IV 790.20 (170 000 K)

C IV 1548.20 (100 000 K)

Fe II 1563.79 (12 000 K), Mg VIII 782.36 (810 000 K)?

IED, 26.Jun.98