SUMER study #363: Scans in C III, C II
Disk center in C III (left) and C II (right, 2 h later). Spectral windows
are integrated.
- date, time: 16.Jun.96, 06:45 - 06:56, 09:03 - 09:23 UT
- field of view: 61 arcsec E - 59 arcsec W, 60 arcsec S - 60 arcsec N
- slit: 1.0 arcsec x 120 arcsec, centered (number 4)
- raster step size: 1.5 arcsec (4 elementary steps) in "Schmierschritt" mode
- exposure time: 7.25, 14.5 seconds
- telemetry: 9*81 images of 25 spectral x 120 spatial pixels (format 14)
- compression: quasilog-min-max (method 5)
- wavelengths (among others):
1175.59 Å on reference pixel 192 of Detector A (first scan)
1334.53 Å on reference pixel 169 of Detector A (second scan)
- rotation compensation: standard
- binning: no spectral, no spatial
- on-board flat field correction: no
Remarks: The scans were taken before two parts of a study about Ca II K
grains (JOP026 with Tenerife). Seven more spectral windows were transmitted.
line = *, continuum = +
C III 1175.5 (70 000 K)
continuum and line intensity, line shift and width
line = *, continuum = +
C II 1334.5 (23 000 K)
continuum and line intensity, line shift and width
IED, 13.Jan.00