SUMER study: Full Sun in S VI, Ly eps
- date, time: 28.Aug.96, 09:52 - 12:53 UT
- field of view: 1010 arcsec E - 1010 arcsec W, 1095 - 255 arcsec S
- slit: 1.0 arcsec x 360 arcsec (number 2)
- raster step size: 1.5 arcsec (4 elementary steps, "Schmierschritt")
- exposure time: 3 seconds
- telemetry: 3284 images of 5 "spectral" x 360 spatial pixels (format 45)
- compression: Lemaire's 5 moments of 3 lines scheme (method 17)
- wavelength: 933.0 Å on reference pixel 633 of Detector A
- rotation compensation: standard
- binning: no spectral, no spatial
- on-board flat field correction: yes
The study is part of a time series of full disks in S VI and H I Ly e,
initiated by P. Lemaire (IAS). This particular one was automatically
interrupted, probably due to software problems, shortly after the third
diagonal scan was finished.
SUMER field of view in EIT images of 19:38 UT and 21:55 UT
H I Ly e 937.8 (10 000 K)
The image above is binned (3x3 pixels); click here for
full resolution.
S VI 933.4 (200 000 K)
The image above is binned (3x3 pixels); click here for
full resolution.
S VI 944.5 + Si VIII 944.3 (200 000 K, 850 000 K)
The image above is binned (3x3 pixels); click here for
full resolution.
IED, 06.Jul.01