SUMER study: Sunspot scan of 06.May.99
- date, time: 06.May.99, 11:37 - 11:42 UT
- field of view: 258 - 293 arcsec W, 277 - 380 arcsec N
- slit: 1.0 arcsec x 120 arcsec, centered (number 4)
- raster step size: 1.505 arcsec (4 elementary steps)
- exposure time: 10 seconds
- telemetry: 24 images of 50 spectral x 120 spatial pixels (format 10)
- compression: quasilog-min-max (method 5)
- wavelength: 1478.5 Å on reference pixel 400 of Detector B
- rotation compensation: standard
- binning: no spectral, no spatial
- on-board flat field correction: no
Remarks: The scan was followed by a reference spectrum over the active
Spectral window
Continuum at 1478 Å
The size of the image is approximately 26 000 km x 74 000 km.
IED, 07.May.99