SUMER study #2146: Flare watch (on disk)
- date, time: 27.Oct.99, 21:25 - 21:34 UT
- field of view: 178 - 252 arcsec W, 534 - 234 arcsec S
- slit: 1.0 arcsec x 300 arcsec (number 2)
- raster step size: 2.25 arcsec (6 elementary steps)
- exposure time: 15 seconds
- telemetry: 34 images of 50 spectral x 360 spatial pixels (format 8)
- compression: quasilog-min-max (method 5)
- wavelength: 584.340 Å on reference pixel 152 of Detector A
- rotation compensation: after complete scan, corresponding to
0.75 arcsec after 317.328 seconds
- binning: no spectral, no spatial
- on-board flat field correction: no
Remarks: This contextual raster scan was followed by a flare watch
in "sit-and-stare" mode, taken in the middle of the field of view.
SUMER field of view in EIT image (19:33 UT)
line = *, continuum = +
He I 584.3 (20 000 K)
continuum and line intensity, line shift and width
IED, 11.Jul.00