Section 6 Telecommands

Section Contents


6.1 Internal Structure of SUMER Telecommands

According to the SOHO EID A (25-Mar-1991), section 3, page 87, the OBDH Block Command Structure consists of one 16 bit header word (ML-A) and between 1 and 31 16 bit data words (ML-B1 ... ML-B31). The last ML-B word always contains a checksum value of all the ML-A and ML-B words preceding the checksum word.

MSB                                                         LSB
   header word                               ML-A
   data                                      ML-B1
   data                                      ML-B2
   data                                      ML-B3
   data                                      ML-B4
     :                                          :
   data                                      ML-Bn-2
   data                                      ML-Bn-1
   checksum word                             ML-Bn  1þnþ31

The ML-A word consists of the following fields:

MSB                                                       LSB
 15  14     13  12  11 10     9  8  7  6  5    4  3  2  1  0
 res'd      Destination       Command          Block Length
            Address           Identifier

The two most significant bits are reserved and are set to zero. SUMER's destination address is 11. The command identifier will be 8 for all telecommands of the SUMER Instrument Software except for the spacecraft interface handler telecommands. The block length field indicates the number of ML-B words including the checksum word. No ML-B words except the checksum word are required.

The SUMER Instrument Software uses the ML-B1 word to identify the telecommand (TC) to be executed. The other ML-B words contain the parameters of the telecommand, if any, and the checksum value. Thus, a SUMER telecommand consists of six bytes (ML-A, ML-B1, checksum) and two or four bytes per parameter.

The SUMER ML-B1-Word consists of the following fields:

MSB                                                LSB
 15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8       7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 Command Type Identifier       Sub-Command Identifier

The command type identifier can contain one of the following values:

     B0      Command Dispatcher Telecommands
     B1      Parameter Telecommands
     B2      Command List Handling Telecommands
     B3      Direct Telecommands
     45      Level 3 Function
     46      Level 4 Function

The following table associates the command type identifiers (cti) and the sub-command identifiers (sci) in hexadecimal notation for these telecommands and L3/L4 functions.

cti sci  command dispatcher TC    cti sci  level 3 function
_______ ______________________    _______ _________________
 B0 00   cancel_exec_cmd           45 00   AFT
 B0 01   cmd_list_disable          45 01   IIM_mode
 B0 02   cmd_list_enable           45 02   IIM_div
 B0 04   repoint                   45 0C   lambda11
                                   45 0D   lambda21
                                   45 0E   lambda13
                                   45 0F   lambda23
                                   45 10   lambda18

cti sci  parameter TC             cti sci  level 3 function
_______ _________________________________ _________________
 B1 00   dump_global_param         45 11   lambda28
 B1 01   change_global_param       45 12   flag
 B1 10   dump_POP_param            45 13   cont
 B1 11   init_POP_param            45 14   slit
 B1 12   change_POP_param          45 15   spectrohelio1
 B1 13   change_POP_params         45 17   point
 B1 20   dump_UDP_param            45 19   ref_spec
 B1 21   clear_UDP_param           45 1A   compression
 B1 22   change_UDP_param          45 1B   expl_event_search
 B1 23   change_UDP_params         45 1C   rot_comp
 B1 30   dump_UDP                  45 1E   RSC
 B1 31   clear_UDP                 45 1F   RSC_scan
 B1 32   load_UDP                  45 20   full_disk
 B1 40   dump_calib_tbl            45 21   contY
 B1 41   init_calib_tbl            45 22   contZ
 B1 42   change_calib_tbl          45 23   binning
                                   45 24   sphel_mode
                                   45 25   spectrohelio2
cti sci  cmd list handling TC      45 26   celestial_obj
_______ _____________________      45 27   FF_mode
 B2 00   dump_cmd_list             45 28   FlatField
 B2 01   clear_cmd_list                    
 B2 02   cmd_delete                45 31   Do_DET_Cmd
 B2 03   cmd_list_enter            45 32   StandBy
                                   45 33   ShutDown
                                   45 35   SetMCPHighVoltage
cti sci  direct TC                 45 36   PowerUp
_______ __________                 45 37   SaveSettings
 B3 00   start_POP                 45 38   RestoreSettings
 B3 01   start_UDP                 45 39   SwitchOFF_PSU
                                   45 3A   SwitchON_PSU
                                   45 3B   MCInitPos
                                   45 3C   MCMove
                                   45 3D   MCPos2
                                   45 3E   StandBy_PSU
                                   45 3F   ReadImage
                                   45 40   Set_SphelPointCenter
                                   45 41   Set_SphelDirection
                                   45 42   spectrohelio3
                                   45 43   spectrohelio4

cti sci  level 4 function         cti sci  level 4 function
_______ ______________________    _______ _________________
 46 00   IIM_AutoClear             46 60   RSC_ReadImage
 46 01   IIM_InputGate             46 61   RSC_On
 46 02   IIM_ChannelSelect         46 62   RSC_Off
 46 03   IIM_SetPowerSwitch        46 63   RSC_PowChk
 46 04   IIM_PowerCommandA                
 46 05   IIM_PowerCommandB         46 80   POW_ReadHK
 46 06   IIM_LUStrobeA             46 81   POW_Execute
 46 07   IIM_LUStrobeB             46 82   POW_WAXrequest
 46 08   IIM_Status                46 83   POW_WAXpulse
 46 09   IIM_Clear                 46 85   POW_WAXTest
 46 0A   IIM_Chk                          
 46 0B   IIM_HMrequest             46 A0   SYS_GetHKrecord
 46 0C   IIM_LatchUpTest           46 A1   SYS_ReadStatus
                                   46 A2   SYS_IO_Select
 46 20   MC_Reset                  46 A3   SYS_ClrError
 46 21   MC_Power                  46 A4   SYS_GetError
 46 22   MC_Selftest               46 A5   SYS_GetBankSelect
 46 23   MC_ReadHK                 46 A6   SYS_GetBankStatus
 46 26   MC_ScanStep               46 A7   SYS_CCBStatus
 46 27   MC_ScanMotion             46 A8   46 28   MC_GetSteps               46 A9   SYS_CU_Stop
 46 29   MC_GetFreq                46 AA   SYS_Config
 46 2A   MC_GetErr                 46 AB   SYS_RamDisk
 46 2B   MC_SetVariable            46 AC   SYS_Peek
 46 2C   MC_GetIRAMValue           46 AD   SYS_Poke
 46 2D   MC_SetIRAMValue           46 AE   SYS_Dump
 46 2E   MC_GetERAMValue           46 AF   SYS_Operator
 46 2F   MC_SetERAMValue           46 B0   SYS_GetVersion
 46 30   MC_TST_RelPos             46 C0   TST_CRCPatternTest
 46 31   MC_MC1Qualify             46 C1   TST_MoviTest
 46 32   MC_SetMoveVars            46 C2   TST_WalkTest
 46 40   DET_Readout               46 E0   HEA_Manual
 46 41   DET_QualifyHV             46 E1   HEA_Auto
 46 42   DET_HighV                 46 E2   HEA_Bias
 46 43   DET_X_Timing              46 E3   HEA_Interval
 46 44   DET_Y_Timing              46 E4   HEA_Mode
 46 45   DET_MCPHigh
 46 46   DET_X_Charge
 46 47   DET_Y_Charge
 46 48   DET_X_UpperThreshold
 46 49   DET_Y_UpperThreshold

The following sections list the telecommands defined to control the SUMER DPU. To facilitate the finding of telecommands in these sections, the listings employ a tabular format as explained in the following example.

MLB hex command specifier

 1  BA98  command specifier
 2  uuuu  select 0 - 0xFFFF
 3  cccc  checksum

Comment on the command or on parameters of the command.

The tabular format used to list the telecommands consists of three blocks of one or more lines:

1. The first block gives the column headers for the second line block ("MLB hex") and states the name of the telecommand. This first line block is separated from the rest of the command by a dividing line to facilitate the finding of telecommands.

2. The second line block (just below the dividing line) is built using another tabular format that consists of three columns:

2.1. In the first column, the number of the respective MLB word is given. Whenever the MLB word count in a telecommand cannot be known in advance, i.e. for all commands of variable length, the last MLB word is indicated by noting 'n', the last but one is indicated by noting 'n-1', etc.

2.2. In the second column, all values that are known in advance are given in hexadecimal notation (i.e. using the decimal digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and the uppercase letters A, B, C, D, E, F. All values that cannot be known in advance, i.e. all parameter values, are indicated by parameter codes using the decimal digit 0, the lowercase letters, and the uppercase letters R, U, and X.

2.3. In the third column, short descriptions of the values or parameters are given. Whenever possible, the allowable range of values is listed. In case no range is mentioned explicitly, the parameter code (see below) in the second column provides an indication of the maximum possible range. This, however, does not mean that every value in that range could be used.

3. The third block of lines provides a short description of the command. In addition, it is used to list miscellaneous pieces of information, e.g. parameter values, notes, cautions.

MLB words consist of 16 bits. Depending on the data types of the parameters to be transmitted, these 16 bits are used to represent signed or unsigned integers:

    ssss     signed integer, maximum range: -32768 to +32767 (0x8000 to 0x7FFF)

    uuuu     unsigned integer, maximum range: 0 to 65535 (0x0000 to 0xFFFF)

    00uu     unsigned integer, maximum range: 0 to 255 (0x0000 to 0x00FF)

    xxxx     16 bit parameter of unknown type

    cccc     checksum: unsigned integer, maximum range: 0x0000 to 0xFFFF

    zzzz     checksum: unsigned integer, maximum range: 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
             (used in case where two different checksums have to be transmitted)

MLB words consist of 16 bits. Whenever values of 32 bits length (e.g. 32 bit real numbers) have to be transmitted, two consecutive MLB words are used.

The first word contains the least significant 16 bits (indicated by lowercase letters "rrrr-"), the second word contains the most significant 16 bits (uppercase letters "-RRRR". To visually connect such consecutive MLB words and to indicate their special properties, the first word of such a pair is marked with a trailing dash ('-'), while the second word is marked with a leading dash:

   -RRRR     real number in 32 bit representation (ANSI-IEEE Standard 754-1985)

   -UUUU     32 bit parameter of type unsigned integer

   -XXXX     32 bit parameter of any unknown type (signed, unsigned, or real)

MLB words consist of 16 bits. Whenever user defined programs in token code form (tokens consist of 8 bits) have to be transmitted, a single MLB word is used to contain two separate tokens.

TtTt two separate tokens contained in a single MLB word

6.2 Spacecraft Interface Handler Telecommands

These telecommands are handled by the spacecraft interface handler process directly. Except the WAX pulse command, they will not be transferred to the telecommand dispatcher in a higher level.

6.2.1 Configuration Commands -- MLCNFCMD

The ML-A word for all configuration commands is 0x2D23.

MLB hex select telemetry/telecommand unit

 1  0000  select telemetry/telecommand unit
 2  00uu  select 0 - 5
 3  cccc  checksum

Parameter select:

    0 = enable nominal telemetry unit
    1 = enable redundant telemetry unit
    2 = enable both telemetry units
    3 = enable nominal telecommand unit
    4 = enable redundant telecommand unit
    5 = enable both telecommand units

MLB hex write to CU1 config register

 1  0001  write to CU1 config register
 2  uuuu  new value
 3  cccc  checksum

Write a new value to the CU1 config register.

MLB hex write to CU2 config register

 1  0002  write to CU2 config register
 2  uuuu  new value
 3  cccc  checksum

Write a new value to the CU2 config register.

MLB hex select OBTCLK/MFP

 1  0003  select OBTCLK/MFP
 2  00uu  select 0 - 3
 3  cccc  checksum

Parameter select:

    0 = nominal OBTCLK, nominal MFP
    1 = redundant OBTCLK, nominal MFP
    2 = nominal OBTCLK, redundant MFP
    3 = redundant OBTCLK, redundant MFP

6.2.2 Inter Instrument Mode Select -- MLIIFMASTER

The ML-A word for this command is 0x2C83.

MLB hex IIF Mode Select

 1  0000  IIF Mode Select
 2  uuuu  select = 0xFFFF / 0xAAAA / 0x0000
 3  cccc  checksum

Parameter select: 0xFFFF = Master, 0xAAAA = Receiver, 0x0000 = StandBy

6.2.3 Inter Instrument Validity Bit Reset -- MLIIFVALID

The ML-A word for this command is 0x2CE2.

MLB hex IIF Validity Bit Reset

 1  FFFF  IIF Validity Bit Reset
 2  cccc  checksum

Reset the IIF validity bit.

6.2.4 Select Science Data Rate -- MLSCRATE

The ML-A word for this command is 0x2C42.

MLB hex Select Science Data Rate

 1  00uu  select 0 - 3
 2  cccc  checksum

Parameter select:

    0 = telemetry mode 0
    1 = telemetry submode 1 (48 blocks/frame; 10.5 kbaud)
    2 = telemetry submode 2 and 3 (idle)
    3 = telemetry submode 4 (96 blocks/frame; 21 kbaud)

6.2.5 Set Local On Board Timer -- MLLOBTSYNC

The ML-A word for this command is 0x2C24.

MLB hex Set local on board timer

 1  uuuu  high word
 2  uuuu  middle word
 3  uuuu  low word
 4  cccc  checksum

Set the local on-board timer (LOBT).

6.2.6 Dummy Command -- MLDUMMY

The ML-A word for this command is 0x2C01.

MLB hex dummy command

 1  cccc  checksum

Check the telecommand handling.

6.3 Command Dispatcher Telecommands

Command Dispatcher Telecommands will have to be executed directly, they cannot be entered into the command list.

MLB hex cancel_exec_cmd

 1  B000  TC cancel_exec_cmd
 2  cccc  checksum

Cancel the command currently being executed.

MLB hex cmd_list_disable

 1  B001  TC cmd_list_disable
 2  cccc  checksum

Disable the execution of commands in the command list.

MLB hex cmd_list_enable

 1  B002  TC cmd_list_enable
 2  cccc  checksum

Enable the execution of commands in the command list.

MLB hex repoint

 1  B004  TC repoint
 2  00uu  validity flag (range 0 - 1)
 3  ssss  east-west coordinate y (in 0.0625")
 4  ssss  north-south coordinate z (in 0.0625")
 5  cccc  checksum

Send new telescope pointing coordinates to functions that can be interrupted.

The ML-A word for the next telecommand is 0x2CC3.

MLB hex IIF (inter-instrument flag data exchange message)

 1  uuuu  master ID & solar coordinate y
 2  uuuu  solar event ID & solar coordinate z
 3  cccc  checksum

Send an inter-instrument flag.

The internal structure of the ML-B1 word consists of the following fields:

MSB                                                      LSB
 15   14  13  12  11    10    9  8  7   6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 VB   Master ID          0    Solar Coordinate y

The internal structure of the ML-B2 word consists of the following fields:

MSB                                                     LSB
 15   14  13  12  11    10    9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 VB   Solar event ID     1    Solar Coordinate z

The validity bit (VB) is set to 0 to indicate a valid message while 1 indicates an invalid message.

Master ID description:

CDS          0100
EIT          0111
LASCO        1001
SUMER        1011
UVCS         1101

Solar event codes:

ID   Code    event                           application

4    0100    Jets/Turbulent events           POPs 8 and 24
3    0011    Micro/Subflares                    -
2    0010    Bright Points                   POP 12
5    0101    Transverse Velocity Events      tbd.
6    0110    Activated prominences           tbd.
7    0111    Eruptive prominences               -
8    1000    Coronal Mass ejection              -
1    0001    Flares                             -
9    1001    Precursor Activity                 -
12   1100    Celestial objects               POPs 15 and 27
15   111     Any other event                 tbd.

- means not applicable to SUMER tbd. means potential candidate

The ML-A word for the next telecommand is 0x2CA2.

MLB hex ESRWARNING (ESR warning message from the spacecraft)

 1  CCCC  ESR warning
 2  cccc  checksum

On reception of this ESR warning message, the detector high voltage is switched off, all POPs/UDPs and level 3 routines are aborted and the command list is disabled. If the configuration bit ESRdoor for closing MC1Door is set to 1, the entrance door will be closed.

6.4 Parameter Telecommands

6.4.1 Global Parameter Handling

MLB hex dump_global_param

 1  B100  TC dump_global_param
 2  cccc  checksum

Dump the contents of the global parameters list using HK record #248.

Description Of Contents Of HK Record #248

loc  nob    t     tmname     contents of element
___ ____ _______ __________ ____________________
 0    2      u2   SSYNC      SUMER sync word (0xEB90)
 2    2      u2   SSTYP248   image record type word (0x81F8)
 4    4    2*u2   SSTIM248   record compilation time
 8    1       b              block ID:
                                 HKID_COMMLIST  0:  command list
                                 HKID_GLOB      1:  global params
                                 HKID_POP_PAR   2:  POP-Params
                                 HKID_UDP       3:  UDP
                                 HKID_UDP_PAR   4:  UDP-params
                                 HKID_CALIB     5:  calibration table
 9    1       b              block count (1-255)
10    2     2*b              spare (contains 0)
12   60   b/u4/              data byte, u2, u4, or R4 depending
          u2/R4                  on dumped list

The records are mapped continuously onto HK248 record. The records dumped consist of:

HKID_COMMLIST 32 records of the following contents:

nob    t     tmname     contents of element
___ _______ __________ ____________________
 4      u4              LOBT start time of command (4 most sign. bytes)
 2      u2              MLA word of the command loaded
 2      u2              MLB1 word of the command loaded
60   30*u2              MLB words of the command loaded

HKID_GLOB           global parameter array (refer to Section 8.2, functions
                    SystemR, SystemS, SystemU)

HKID_POP_PAR        POP parameter; refer to listing of POP parameters. All
                    parameters are of size u4, so high and low words are

HKID_UDP            UDP as byte dump; please note that bytes are swapped
                    during dump.

HKID_UDP_PAR        UDP parameters are dumped. All parameters are of size u4,
                    so high and low words are swapped.

HKID_CALIB          calibration parameters are dumped. All parameters are of
                    type float, so high and low words are swapped.

MLB hex change_global_param

 1  B101  TC change_global_param
 2  00uu  parameter number (1 - 255)
 3  xxxx-
 4 -XXXX  parameter value (range depends on parameter)
 5  cccc  checksum

Change the value of a global parameter (refer to Section 8.2, functions SystemR,SystemS, SystemU) .

The following list gives the numbers, data types, default values, and short descriptions of the predefined global system parameters:

 nr   type     def.value       short description
____ ________ _______________ ________________________________
  1   INT32    65535           global position MC1Door
  2   INT32    65535           global position MC2TelAzim
  3   INT32    65535           global position MC3TelElev
  4   INT32    65535           global position MC4SlitSel
  5   INT32    65535           global position MC5SlitFocus
  6   INT32    65535           global position MC6Grating
  7   INT32    65535           global position MC8ScanMir
  8   INT32        0           left limit MC1Door
  9   INT32        0           left limit MC2TelAzim
 10   INT32        0           left limit MC3TelElev
 11   INT32    -2100           left limit MC4SlitSel
 12   INT32        0           left limit MC5SlitFocus
 13   INT32       26           left limit MC6Grating
 14   INT32      250           left limit MC8ScanMir
 15   INT32    18000           right limit MC1Door
 16   INT32    10000           right limit MC2TelAzim
 17   INT32    10000           right limit MC3TelElev
 18   INT32     2000           right limit MC4SlitSel
 19   INT32     3200           right limit MC5SlitFocus
 20   INT32    20306           right limit MC6Grating
 21   INT32    12400           right limit MC8ScanMir
 22   INT32        0           MC4 slit 0 position
 23   INT32    -2090           MC4 slit 1 position
 24   INT32     -954           MC4 slit 2 position
 25   INT32     -218           MC4 slit 3 position
 26   INT32        0           MC4 slit 4 position
 27   INT32      218           MC4 slit 5 position
 28   INT32      556           MC4 slit 6 position
 29   INT32      774           MC4 slit 7 position
 30   INT32      992           MC4 slit 8 position
 31   INT32     1734           MC4 slit 9 position
 32   INT32        0           pointing coordinate y
 33   INT32        0           pointing coordinate z
 34   INT32     2653           detector B pixel offset
 35   INT32     5000           MC2TelAzim pointing center
 36   REAL32       2.6316      MC2TelAzim pointing slope   1 / 0.38
 37   INT32     5000           MC3TelElev pointing center
 38   REAL32       2.6316      MC3TelElev pointing slope
                                                  1 / 0.38 = 2.6316f
 39   REAL32     600.0         main line reg lambda1 600.0f
 40   REAL32       0.0         main line reg lambda2   0.0f
 41   REAL32       0.0         main line reg lambda3   0.0f
 42   REAL32       0.0         main line reg lambda4   0.0f
 43   REAL32       0.0         main line reg lambda5   0.0f
 44   REAL32       0.0         main line reg lambda6   0.0f
 45   REAL32       0.0         main line reg lambda7   0.0f
 46   REAL32       0.0         main line reg lambda8   0.0f
 47   INT32      512           main line reg pixel pos lambda1
 48   INT32        0           main line reg pixel pos lambda2
 49   INT32        0           main line reg pixel pos lambda3
 50   INT32        0           main line reg pixel pos lambda4
 51   INT32        0           main line reg pixel pos lambda5
 52   INT32        0           main line reg pixel pos lambda6
 53   INT32        0           main line reg pixel pos lambda7
 54   INT32        0           main line reg pixel pos lambda8
 55   INT32        0           main line reg MC8ScanMir pos
 56   INT32        0           main line reg MC6Grating pos
 57   REAL32       0.0         alt. line reg lambda1   0.0f
 58   REAL32       0.0         alt. line reg lambda2   0.0f
 59   REAL32       0.0         alt. line reg lambda3   0.0f
 60   REAL32       0.0         alt. line reg lambda4   0.0f
 61   REAL32       0.0         alt. line reg lambda5   0.0f
 62   REAL32       0.0         alt. line reg lambda6   0.0f
 63   REAL32       0.0         alt. line reg lambda7   0.0f
 64   REAL32       0.0         alt. line reg lambda8   0.0f
 65   INT32      512           alt. line reg pixel pos lambda1
 66   INT32        0           alt. line reg pixel pos lambda2
 67   INT32        0           alt. line reg pixel pos lambda3
 68   INT32        0           alt. line reg pixel pos lambda4
 69   INT32        0           alt. line reg pixel pos lambda5
 70   INT32        0           alt. line reg pixel pos lambda6
 71   INT32        0           alt. line reg pixel pos lambda7
 72   INT32        0           alt. line reg pixel pos lambda8
 73   INT32        0           alt. line reg MC8ScanMir pos
 74   INT32        0           alt. line reg MC6Grating pos
 75   INT32        0           deltaY: offset of coordinates
                                       YO-ZO in units of 0.0625"
 76   INT32        0           deltaZ: offset of coordinates
                                       YO-ZO in units of 0.0625"
 77   REAL32       0           alpha: coordinates rotation angle
                               from -ZO axis to +ZE axis in rad
 78   INT32       60           MCP current limit for HK monitor detector A
 79   INT32       30           deflector current limit in mA for
                                                             HK monitor
 80   INT32     5000           MC2 step reference position
 81   INT32     5000           MC3 step reference position
 82   INT32      -40           MC4 step reference position
 83   INT32     1600           MC5 step reference position
 84   INT32    10266           MC6 step reference position
 85   INT32     2066           MC2 LVDT value reference position
 86   INT32     2040           MC3 LVDT value reference position
 87   INT32     1923           MC4 LVDT value reference position
 88   INT32     2060           MC5 LVDT value reference position
 89   INT32     2047           MC6 LVDT value reference position
 90   REAL32     0.400974      MC2 slope (LVDT value/MC halfsteps)
 91   REAL32     0.4040459      MC3 slope (LVDT value/MC halfsteps)
 92   REAL32     0.49469686    MC4 slope (LVDT value/MC halfsteps)
 93   REAL32     0.92621796    MC5 slope (LVDT value/MC halfsteps)
 94   REAL32     0.15976419    MC6 slope (LVDT value/MC halfsteps)
 95   REAL32       92902.661   lambda p1[0] polynom parameter
 96   REAL32     -0.95548680   lambda p1[1] polynom parameter
 97   REAL32    0.0022464862   lambda p1[2] polynom parameter
 98   REAL32   3.7847956e-07   lambda p1[3] polynom parameter
 99   REAL32  -9.1409721e-11   lambda p1[4] polynom parameter
 100   REAL32       92452.448   lambda p2[0] polynom parameter
 101   REAL32     -0.78656044   lambda p2[1] polynom parameter
 102   REAL32    0.0026775704   lambda p2[2] polynom parameter
 103   REAL32  -1.5980437e-08   lambda p2[3] polynom parameter
 104   REAL32   3.4045525e-12   lambda p2[4] polynom parameter
 105   REAL32       41.228878   lambda p3[0] polynom parameter
 106   REAL32     0.084043516   lambda p3[1] polynom parameter
 107   REAL32  -3.7850975e-05   lambda p3[2] polynom parameter
 108   REAL32   6.6944424e-09   lambda p3[3] polynom parameter
 109   REAL32  -4.3954003e-13   lambda p3[4] polynom parameter
 110   REAL32      0.67326388   lambda p4[0] polynom parameter
 111   REAL32     0.030671205   lambda p4[1] polynom parameter
 112   REAL32   3.7683317e-07   lambda p4[2] polynom parameter
 113   REAL32  -7.5780048e-11   lambda p4[3] polynom parameter
 114   REAL32   5.1073297e-15   lambda p4[4] polynom parameter
 115   REAL32    -35240674.0    lambda p5[0] polynom parameter
 116   REAL32      386.10788    lambda p5[1] polynom parameter
 117   REAL32           51.0    lambda p5[2] polynom parameter
 118   REAL32     1.71661377    lambda qmstep
 119   REAL32         3600.0    lambda nk
 120   REAL32         50.905    lambda qmoff
 121    INT32           6580    lambda FSToff
 122    INT32           2008    lambda stepborder
 123   REAL32        3200.78    lambda r
 124   REAL32       0.0266e7    detector A pixel size
 125   REAL32      1634.6292    lambda f0
 126    INT32               0   bitpattern for MC1
 127    INT32               0   bitpattern for MC2
 128    INT32               0   bitpattern for MC3
 129    INT32               0   bitpattern for MC4
 130    INT32               0   bitpattern for MC5
 131    INT32               0   bitpattern for MC6
 132    INT32               0   bitpattern for MC8
 133   REAL32       0.0125      MC6 step size
 134    INT32            1      direction of rotation compensation
 135   REAL32          0.0      pole axis angle epsilon
 136    INT32          120      detector B MCP current limit for HKLimChk
 137    INT32        -4835      detector A MCP HV command limit
 138    INT32        -4700      detector B MCP HV command limit
 139   REAL32          0.0      MC6 focus position calc. offset a
 140   REAL32          0.0      MC6 focus position calc. slope b
 141   REAL32     0.0265e7      detector B pixel size
 142   REAL32          0.48     lambda p6[0] polynom parameter
 143   REAL32          0.0      lambda p6[1] polynom parameter
 144   REAL32          0.0      lambda p6[2] polynom parameter
 145   REAL32          3.0      correction for heater level [0]
 146   REAL32          3.0      correction for heater level [1]
 147   REAL32          3.0      correction for heater level [2]
 148   REAL32          3.0      correction for heater gradient [0]
 149   REAL32          3.0      correction for heater gradient [1]
 150   REAL32          3.0      correction for heater gradient [2]

6.4.2 POP Parameter Handling

MLB hex dump_POP_param

 1  B110  TC dump_POP_param
 2  00uu  POP number (1 - 36)
 3  cccc  checksum

Dump the contents of a POP parameter list using HK record #248 (cf. telecommand dump_global_param).

MLB hex init_POP_param

 1  B111  TC init_POP_param
 2  00uu  POP number (1 - 36)
 3  cccc  checksum

Initialize a POP parameter list by copying the POP's default parameter list.

MLB hex change_POP_param

 1  B112  TC change_POP_param
 2  00uu  POP number (1 - 36)
 3  00uu  parameter number (range depends on POP, cf. sections 9/3)
 4  xxxx-
 5 -XXXX  parameter value (range depends on POP)
 6  cccc  checksum

Change the value of a POP parameter.

MLB hex change_POP_params

 1  B113  TC change_POP_params
 2  00uu  POP number (1 - 36)
 3  00uu  number of first parameter to change (range depends on POP)
 4  00uu  count of parameters to change (range depends on POP)
 5  xxxx-
 6 -XXXX  first parameter value (range depends on POP)
 :  xxxx-
 : -XXXX  parameter value (range depends on POP)
n-2 xxxx-
n-1-XXXX  last parameter value (range depends on POP)
 n  cccc  checksum

This command can be used to change up to 10 POP parameter values at a time.

6.4.3 UDP Parameter Handling

MLB hex dump_UDP_param

 1  B120  TC dump_UDP_param
 2  00uu  UDP number (1 - 16)
 3  cccc  checksum

Dump the contents of a UDP parameter list using HK record #248 (cf. telecommand dump_global_param).

MLB hex clear_UDP_param

 1  B121  TC clear_UDP_param
 2  00uu  UDP number (1 - 16)
 3  cccc  checksum

Clear a UDP parameter list.

MLB hex change_UDP_param

 1  B122  TC change_UDP_param
 2  00uu  UDP number (1 - 16)
 3  00uu  parameter number (range depends on UDP)
 4  xxxx-
 5 -XXXX  parameter value (range depends on UDP)
 6  cccc  checksum

Change the value of a UDP parameter.

MLB hex change_UDP_params

 1  B123  TC change_UDP_params
 2  00uu  UDP number (1 - 16)
 3  00uu  number of first parameter to change (range depends on UDP)
 4  00uu  count of parameters to change (range depends on UDP)
 5  xxxx-
 6 -XXXX  first parameter value (range depends on UDP)
 :  xxxx-
 : -XXXX        parameter value (range depends on UDP)
n-2 xxxx-
n-1-XXXX  last parameter value (range depends on UDP)
 n  cccc  checksum

This command can be used to change up to 10 UDP parameter values at a time.

6.4.4 UDP Handling

MLB hex dump_UDP

 1  B130  TC dump_UDP
 2  00uu  UDP number (1 - 16)
 3  cccc  checksum

Dump a UDP program using HK record #248 (cf. TC dump_global_param).

MLB hex clear_UDP

 1  B131  TC clear_UDP
 2  00uu  UDP number (1 - 16)
 3  cccc  checksum

Clear a UDP program.

MLB hex load_UDP

 1  B132  TC load_UDP
 2  00uu  UDP number (1 - 16)
 3  uuuu  block number (1 - number of blocks to transmit)
 4  TtTt  token codes
 :        :
n-1 TtTt  token codes
 n  cccc  checksum

Upload a UDP program or parts thereof.

6.4.5 Calibration Table Handling

MLB hex dump_calib_tbl

 1  B140  TC dump_calib_tbl
 2  00uu  calibration table number(1 - 2)
 3  cccc  checksum

Dump the contents of a calibration table using HK record #248 (cf. telecommand dump_global_param).

The contents of the calibration table 1 together with the default values is listed in the table:

 nr   type        def.value      short description
____ ________ _________________ _________________________
  0   REAL32      0.9920724f     MC1 T3 correction factor
  1   REAL32      0.9930048f     MC2 T3 correction factor
  2   REAL32      0.9935323f     MC3 T3 correction factor
  3   REAL32      0.9933113f     MC4 T3 correction factor
  4   REAL32      0.9945430f     MC5 T3 correction factor
  5   REAL32      0.9913797f     MC6 T3 correction factor
  6   REAL32      0.9958075f     MC8 T3 correction factor
  7   REAL32     31.18656f       MC1 T3 correction offset
  8   REAL32     24.03120f       MC2 T3 correction offset
  9   REAL32     17.87380f       MC3 T3 correction offset
 10   REAL32     18.21849f       MC4 T3 correction offset
 11   REAL32     20.86804f       MC5 T3 correction offset
 12   REAL32     13.13155f       MC6 T3 correction offset
 13   REAL32     26.87641f       MC8 T3 correction offset

MLB hex init_calib_tbl

 1  B141  TC init_calib_tbl
 2  00uu  calibration table number (1 - 2)
 3  cccc  checksum

Initialize a calibration table.

MLB hex change_calib_tbl

 1  B142  TC change_calib_tbl
 2  00uu  calibration table number (1 - 2)
 3  00uu  index into table (0 - 13 in first table, 0 - 1 in second tbl)
 4  xxxx-
 5 -XXXX  value (range depends on table and index)
 6  cccc  checksum

Change a value of a calibration table. This can only be done if SUMER 4 is switched off (after DPU power on or after executing the level 3 functions SwitchOFF_PSU or StandBy_PSU).

6.5 Command List Handling Telecommands

Command List Handling Telecommands will have to be executed directly, they cannot be entered into the command list.

MLB hex dump_cmd_list

 1  B200  TC dump_cmd_list
 2  cccc  checksum

Dump the commands in the command list using HK record #248 (cf. telecommand dump_global_param).

MLB hex clear_cmd_list

 1  B201  TC clear_cmd_list
 2  cccc  checksum

Clear the commands in the command list.

MLB hex cmd_delete

 1  B202  TC cmd_delete
 2  00uu  command to delete (0 - 63)
 3  cccc  checksum

Delete a command from the command list.

MLB hex cmd_list_enter

 1  B203  TC cmd_list_enter
 2  uuuu-
 3 -UUUU  requested starting time (time tag)
 4  xxxx  ML-A  word of the command to be entered
 5  xxxx  ML-B1 word of the command to be entered
 :  xxxx  :
n-1 zzzz  last ML-B word (checksum) of the command t.b.e.
 n  cccc  checksum

Enter a command into the command list.

6.6 Direct Telecommands

MLB hex start_POP

 1  B300  TC start_POP
 2  00uu  POP number (1 .. 36)
 3  cccc  checksum

Start executing a POP.

MLB hex start_UDP

 1  B301  TC start_UDP
 2  00uu  UDP number (1 - 16)
 3  cccc  checksum

Start executing an UDP.

6.7 Level 3 Routines

6.7.1 Complex Level 3 Routines

For more detailed descriptions of the complex level 3 routines, please refer to Section 7.


 1  4500  L3-function AFT
 2  cccc  checksum

Perform an abbreviated functional test of SUMER's hardware.

MLB hex IIM_mode

 1  4501  L3-function IIM_mode
 2  ssss  read-out mode (0: replace, +1: add, -1: subtract)
 3  cccc  checksum

Set the IIM read-out mode.

MLB hex IIM_div

 1  4502  L3-function IIM_div
 2  uuuu  constant for division
 3  cccc  checksum

Divide all pixels of a full image by an constant.

MLB hex lambda11

 1  450C  L3-function lambda11
 2  uuuu  pixel position px (0 - 1023)
 3  rrrr-
 4 -RRRR  lambda1
 5  cccc  checksum

Prepare the main line register for the observation at one wavelength, set up the spectrometer accordingly.

MLB hex lambda21

 1  450D  L3-function lambda21
 2  uuuu  pixel position px (0 - 1023)
 3  rrrr-
 4 -RRRR  lambda1
 5  cccc  checksum

Prepare the alternate line register for the observation at one wavelength.

MLB hex lambda13

 1  450E  L3-function lambda13
 2  uuuu  pixel position px (0 - 1023)
 3  rrrr-
 4 -RRRR  lambda1
 5  rrrr-
 6 -RRRR  lambda2
 7  rrrr-
 8 -RRRR  lambda3
 9  cccc  checksum

Prepare the main line register for the observation at three wavelengths, set up the spectrometer accordingly.

MLB hex lambda23

 1  450F  L3-function lambda23
 2  uuuu  pixel position px (0 - 1023)
 3  rrrr-
 4 -RRRR  lambda1
 5  rrrr-
 6 -RRRR  lambda2
 7  rrrr-
 8 -RRRR  lambda3
 9  cccc  checksum

Prepare the alternate line register for the observation at three wavelengths.

MLB hex lambda18

 1  4510  L3-function lambda18
 2  uuuu  pixel position px (0 - 1023)
 3  rrrr-
 4 -RRRR  lambda1
 5  rrrr-
 6 -RRRR  lambda2
 7  rrrr-
 8 -RRRR  lambda3
 9  rrrr-
10 -RRRR  lambda4
11  rrrr-
12 -RRRR  lambda5
13  rrrr-
14 -RRRR  lambda6
15  rrrr-
16 -RRRR  lambda7
17  rrrr-
18 -RRRR  lambda8
19  cccc  checksum

Prepare the main line register for the observation at eight wavelengths, set up the spectrometer accordingly.

MLB hex point

 1  4517  L3-function point
 2  ssss  east-west coordinate y (in 0.0625")
 3  ssss  north-south coordinate z (in 0.0625")
 4  cccc  checksum

Point the telescope to the given coordinates.

MLB hex lambda28

 1  4511  L3-function lambda28
 2  uuuu  pixel position px (0 - 1023)
 3  rrrr-
 4 -RRRR  lambda1
 5  rrrr-
 6 -RRRR  lambda2
 7  rrrr-
 8 -RRRR  lambda3
 9  rrrr-
10 -RRRR  lambda4
11  rrrr-
12 -RRRR  lambda5
13  rrrr-
14 -RRRR  lambda6
15  rrrr-
16 -RRRR  lambda7
17  rrrr-
18 -RRRR  lambda8
19  cccc  checksum

Prepare the main line register for the observation at eight wavelengths.

MLB hex flag

 1  4512  L3-function flag
 2  ssss  east-west coordinate y (in 0.0625")
 3  ssss  north-south coordinate z (in 0.0625")
 4  ssss  solar event ID
 5  cccc  checksum

Issue an Inter-instrument flag (IIF).

MLB hex cont

 1  4513  L3-function cont
 2  cccc  checksum

Check if a valid IIF or repoint TC has been received.

MLB hex slit

 1  4514  L3-function slit
 2  00uu  slit to select (1 - 9)
 3  cccc  checksum

Select a slit.

slits:      1     4" x 300"
            2     1" x 300"
            3     1" x 120", top (South on Sun)
            4     1" x 120", centered
            5     1" x 120", bottom (North on Sun)
            6   0.3" x 120", top
            7   0.3" x 120", centered
            8   0.3" x 120", bottom
            9     1" hole  , centered

MLB hex spectrohelio1

 1  4515  L3-function spectrohelio1
 2  uuuu  integration time dt
 3  00uu  telemetry format (2 - 45)
 4  ssss  raster step size (0 - 127, -16 - -2)
 5  ssss  number of raster steps to perform
 6  cccc  checksum

Acquire one or more spectroheliograms using the spectral lines given in the main line register.

MLB hex ref_spec

 1  4519  L3-function ref_spec
 2  uuuu  integration time dt
 3  00uu  telemetry format f (2 - 45)
 4  rrrr-
 5 -RRRR  wavelength start lambda
 6  rrrr-
 7 -RRRR  wavelength step delta
 8  uuuu  number of wavelength steps 
 9  cccc  checksum

Acquire a reference spectrum.

MLB hex compression

 1  451A  L3-function compression
 2  ssss  compression scheme to perform (-17 - +17)
 3  cccc  checksum

Set up the compression scheme to be used for image compression.

MLB hex expl_event_search

 1  451B  L3-function expl_event_search
 2  uuuu  integration time dt
 3  00uu  telemetry format f (2 - 45)
 4  00uu  raster increment dy (0 - 127)
 5  ssss  number of steps or repetitions n
 6  00uu  trigger threshold percentage lev (0 - 255)
 7  uuuu  minimum search time tmin
 8  uuuu  maximum search time tmax
 9  cccc  checksum

Search for explosive events on the Sun.

MLB hex rot_comp

 1  451C  L3-function rot_comp
 2  rrrr-
 3 -RRRR  time interval dt (dt = -1.0; dt þ 0.0)
 4  cccc  checksum

Compensate for the motion of solar objects in the filed of view due to the Sun's rotation. After dt seconds the telescope pointing will be corrected by 0.76" in +Y direction. For details cf. chapter 8.

dt = -1.0           off
dt =  0.0           standard compensation
dt >  0.0           manual parameter


 1  451E  L3-function rsc
 2  00uu  integration time code dt (0 - 3)
 3  cccc  checksum

Acquire a rear slit camera (RSC) image. RSC takes care of switch on/off.

MLB hex RSC_scan

 1  451F  L3-function rsc_scan
 2  00uu  integration time code dt (0 - 3)
 3  00uu  raster increment dy (0 - 127)
 4  00uu  number of loops to execute
 5  cccc  checksum

Acquire a group of 50 rear slit camera (RSC) images. RSC_Scan takes care of switch on/off.

MLB hex full_disk

 1  4520  L3-function full_disk
 2  uuuu  integration time dt
 3  00uu  telemetry format f (2 - 45)
 4  ssss  raster step size (-128 - +127)
 5  ssss  special operation mode "Schmierschritt" sch (sch < 0)
 6  ssss  mode centr (0: full disk, 1: central meridian)
 7  cccc  checksum

Acquire spectroheliograms of the Sun's full visible disk or the central meridian only.

MLB hex contY

 1  4521  L3-function contY
 2  cccc  checksum

Extract the y coordinate given in the latest IIF or repoint TC.

MLB hex contZ

 1  4522  L3-function contZ
 2  cccc  checksum

Extract the z coordinate given in the latest IIF or repoint TC.

MLB hex binning

 1  4523  L3-function binning
 2  uuuu  factor for spectral binning (1 - 1024)
 3  uuuu  factor for spatial binning (1 - 360)
 4  cccc  checksum

Set up the binning schemes in spectral and spatial direction to be used for image compression.

MLB hex sphel_mode

 1  4524  L3-function sphel_mode
 2  00uu  mode (0 - 3)
 3  cccc  checksum

Set up the mode value indicating whether spectrohelio will be interrupted by IIF or repoint TC commands.

MLB hex spectrohelio2

 1  4525  L3-function spectrohelio2
 2  uuuu  integration time dt
 3  00uu  telemetry format (2 - 45)
 4  ssss  raster step size (0 - 127)
 5  ssss  number of raster steps to perform
 6  cccc  checksum

Acquire two or more spectroheliograms using the spectral lines given in the main and alternate line registers.

MLB hex celestial_obj

 1  4526  L3-function celestial_obj
 2  uuuu  maximum search time tmax
 3  rrrr-
 4 -RRRR  step time interval tstp
 5  uuuu  number n of images per wavelength
 6  ssss  dark signal value
 7  rrrr-
 8 -RRRR  wavelength start lambda
 9  rrrr-
10 -RRRR  wavelength step delta
11  uuuu  number of wavelength steps
12  cccc  checksum

Locate and observe celestial objects outside the Sun.

MLB hex FF_mode

 1  4527  L3-function FF_mode
 2  00uu  mode (0 - 2)
 3  cccc  checksum

Enable or disable the flat-field correction to be performed before binning and compressing the raw image data.

MLB hex FlatField

 1  4528  L3-function FlatField
 2  uuuu  integration time dt
 3  rrrr-
 4 -RRRR  wavelength lambda
 5  rrrr-
 6 -RRRR  correction value f1
 7  rrrr-
 8 -RRRR  correction value f0
 9  cccc  checksum

Acquire a single raw image to be used in calculating the flat-field correction array.

MLB hex Set_SphelPointCenter

 1  4540  L3-function Set_SphelPointCenter
 2  ssss  east-west coordinate y (in 0.0625")
 3  ssss  north-south coordinate z (in 0.0625")
 4  cccc  checksum

Set the center of the telescope pointing for spectrohelio3, spectrohelio4 and expl_event_search to the given coordinates.

MLB hex Set_SphelDirection

 1  4541  L3-function Set_SphelDirection
 2  ssss  direction (-1; +1)
 3  cccc  checksum

Set the direction for the next spectrohelio3, spectrohelio4, full_disk or expl_event_search call.

MLB hex spectrohelio3

 1  4542  L3-function spectrohelio1
 2  uuuu  integration time dt
 3  00uu  telemetry format (2 - 45)
 4  ssss  raster step size (0 - 127, -16 - -2)
 5  ssss  number of raster steps to perform
 6  cccc  checksum

Acquire one or more spectroheliograms using the spectral lines given in the main line register. The motion of MC2TelAzim is optimized.

MLB hex spectrohelio4

 1  4543  L3-function spectrohelio2
 2  uuuu  integration time dt
 3  00uu  telemetry format (2 - 45)
 4  ssss  raster step size (0 - 127)
 5  ssss  number of raster steps to perform
 6  cccc  checksum

Acquire two or more spectroheliograms using the spectral lines given in the main and alternate line registers. The motion of MC2TelAzim is optimized.

6.7.2 Elementary Level 3 Detector Functions

All detector commands refer to the detector that has been selected using the L4 function SYS_Config.

The selected detector becomes active if the power converter switch for the selected detector is switched on (L3 function StandBy()). The cyclic HK data readout is switched on.

The selected detector becomes operative if the HV is switched on (L3 function PowerUp()).

MLB hex Do_DET_Cmd

 1  4531  L3 function Do_DET_Cmd
 2  uuuu  detector L4 command 0x4640 - 0x4648
 3  ssss  Par1
 4  uuuu  Par2
 5  cccc  checksum

Perform a detector L4 command on the active detector.

Convert the voltage values to the correct byte values for detector commanding.

Parameter Par1:
    L4 function DET_HighV:
        action : 0: HV off, 1: HV on

    L4 function DET_MCPHigh:
        MCP HV : -2000 ... -5500 V; 0xF830 - 0xEA84

    L4 function DET_X_Timing:
        voltage: 0 ... 5000 mV; 0x00 - 0x1388

    L4 function DET_QualifyHV:
        action : 0: disable HV, 1: enable HV

Parameter Par2:
    L4 function DET_QualifyHV:
        action : 0: disable stim pulser, 1: enable stim pulser

MLB hex StandBy

 1  4532  L3 function StandBy
 2  cccc  checksum

Switch selected detector to StandBy mode. (high voltage off, power converter on, cyclic HK data readout is started).

If the selected detector is active and operative (high voltage on), the high voltage is stepped down to -2000 and switched off. The high voltage enable bit is cleared (the stim pulser enable bit is unchanged).

If the selected detector is not active, the selected detector is switched on via power converter SUMER 4.

MLB hex ShutDown

 1  4533  L3 function ShutDown
 2  cccc  checksum

Shut down Detector.

If the active detector is operative (high voltage on), StandBy() the active detector, then switch off power via SUMER 4 for active detector (cyclic HK data readout is stopped).

MLB hex SetMCPHighVoltage

 1  4535  L3 function SetMCPHighVoltage
 2  uuuu  MCP high voltage -2000 ... -5500 V
 3  cccc  checksum

Set MCP and field high voltage of the active detector.

If the active detector is operative (high voltage on), change MCP HV in ñ100 V and 1 s wait steps until value is reached.

The HK data is not checked if the commanded value is reached.

    MCP high voltage: -2000 ... -5500 V;  0xF380 - 0xEA84

MLB hex PowerUp

 1  4536  L3 function PowerUp
 2  cccc  checksum

Power up detector.

If the active detector is not operative (high voltage off), set MCP and field voltage of the active detector to -2000 V. Then switch on MCP HV.

This command has to be preceded by the HV switch on enable command (L4 function DET_QualifyHV(ON, ON/OFF)).

MLB hex SaveSettings

 1  4537  L3 function SaveSettings
 2  cccc  checksum

Save the actual settings of the active detector in the detector configuration table (DCT).

    DCT[0] = X timing threshold
    DCT[1] = Y timing threshold
    DCT[2] = X charge threshold
    DCT[3] = Y charge threshold
    DCT[4] = X charge upper threshold
    DCT[5] = Y charge upper threshold
    DCT[6] = commanded Microchannel plate voltage

MLB hex RestoreSettings

 1  4538  L3 function RestoreSettings
 2  cccc  checksum

Restore the actual settings of the active detector in DCT.

If a detector is active set X and Y timing threshold, X and Y Charge threshold, X and Y Charge upper threshold to the settings in DCT.

If the HV is on, set HV with SetMCPHighVoltage() to the value in DCT.

6.7.3 Elementary Level 3 Power Converter Functions

MLB hex SwitchOFF_PSU

 1  4539  L3 function SwitchOFF_PSU
 2  cccc  checksum

The power converter is switched off.

NOTE: There will be no emergency switch on after 30 minutes after this function is called. The next switch on has to be done by calling the L3 function SwitchON_PSU.

MLB hex SwitchON_PSU

 1  453A  L3 function SwitchON_PSU
 2  cccc  checksum

Switch on power converter.

The power converter is switched on.

MLB hex StandBy_PSU

 1  453E  L3 function StandBy_PSU
 2  cccc  checksum

The power converter is switched to standby mode (S0, deflector and dummy heaters are not switched off).

NOTE: There will be no emergency switch on after 30 minutes after this function is called. The next switch on has to be done by calling the L3 function SwitchON_PSU.

6.7.4 Elementary Level 3 Motor Controller Functions

MLB hex MCInitPos

 1  453B  L3 function MCInitPos
 2  00uu  MCDev 0 - 6
 3  cccc  checksum

Initialize position of motor controller.

    1. MC reset: bitpattern is set to 0 (L4 func. hdlr)
    2. if ADC and LVDT not disabled by config
          MC LVDTADCon, wait 1 second
         2a. read position encoder, calculate MC position
         2b. MC LVDTADCoff
    3. move right direction with +1 step from endbitpattern to endbitpattern+7
       move left direction with -1 step from endbitpattern+7 to endbitpattern
    4. if ADC and LVDT not disabled by config
          MC LVDTADCon, wait 1 second
         4a. read position encoder, calculate MC position
         4b. MC LVDTADCoff
         4c. add 1 if global MC position is odd

In case of MC2TelAzim, MC3TelElev, MC4SlitSel, MC5SlitFocus, MC6Grating the position calculation is done by

                    MCoffset = LVDTrefpos - MCslope * MCrefpos

                    MCpos = (LVDTvalue - MCoffset) / MCslope.

MCslope and the LVDT value and MC position of a reference point (LVDTrefpos, MCrefpos) are part of the global parameter array (see 5.4/2 SystemR, SystemS, SystemU commands for description of global parameter array).

MC8ScanMir position is calculated by a fitting algorithm using several global parameters.

The bitpattern of the final position of MCInitPos is stored for each MC in the global parameter array.

The LVDT is switched off and not switched on afterwards, even if it was on before the command. This is important for the MC8 encoder.

MLB hex MCMove

 1  453C  L3 function MCMove
 2  00uu  MCDev 0 - 6
 3  ssss  newpos  -32768 - 32767; 0x8000 - 0x7FFF
 4  00uu  mode 0 / 1
 5  cccc  checksum

Move one MC.

Switch off heater if only +18 or -18V (flagged in Enable.CoBit.MC_Heater). Switch off heater if MC is running in high current mode (flagged in global array PhaseCurr[Dev]).

   Dev:      MC device
   newpos:   absolute position where to move MC
   mode = 1: newpos is the new absolute position (use MC_TST_Relpos).
   mode = 0: call MCScanMotion and move the previous set stepwidth.

MLB hex MCPos2

 1  453D  L3 function MCPos2
 2  00uu  MCDev1 0 - 6
 3  00uu  MCDev2 0 - 6
 4  ssss  newpos  -32768 - 32767; 0x8000 - 0x7FFF
 5  ssss  newpos  -32768 - 32767; 0x8000 - 0x7FFF
 6  cccc  checksum

Move two MCs to absolute position.

If moving 2 MCs is disabled (Config.CoBit.MCMove2) or only +18 or -18V (flagged in Enable.CoBit.MC_Heater) is working or a MC is working in high current mode, the positioning is done sequential by calling MCMove 2 times.

Heaters are switched off before starting positioning of MCs.

   MCDev1    1st MC device 0 - 6
   MCDev2    2nd MC device 0 - 6
   newpos1   absolute position where to move MC 1
   newpos2   absolute position where to move MC 2

6.8 Level 4 Routines

6.8.1 Structure of ML-B Word

For level 4 functions, the ML-B1 word consists of the following fields:

MSB                                                       LSB
 15  14  13  12  11  10   9   8     7  6  5    4  3  2  1  0
  0   1   0   0   0   1   1   0     Group      Command Number
      Level 4 Function              Ident.     in Group

The level 4 functions are divided into eight groups:

 group   group   para-    ML-A    command type
         nr      meters   word   
_______ _______ ________ _______ ______________________________
 IIM       0        3      2D04   image integration memory cmd
 MC        1        6      2D07   motor controller cmd
 DET       2        2      2D03   XDL detector cmd
 RSC       3        2      2D03   rear slit camera cmd
 POW       4        4      2D05   power converter (SUMER 4) cmd
 SYS       5        6      2D07   system cmd
 TST       6        8      2D09   test cmd
 HEA       7        3      2D04   heater control cmd

6.8.2 Image Integration Memory Commands

MLB hex IIM_AutoClear

 1  4600  L4-function IIM_AutoClear
 2  00uu  Action: 0 (off) / 1 (on)
 3  0000 
 4  cccc  checksum

Switch on/off Auto Clear Function: 0 = auto clear off, 1 = auto clear on.

MLB hex IIM_InputGate

 1  4601  L4-function IIM_InputGate
 2  00uu  Action: 0 (off) / 1 (on)
 3  0000 
 4  cccc  checksum

Open/close integration gate: 0 = close integration gate, 1 = open integration gate.

MLB hex IIM_ChannelSelect

 1  4602  L4-function IIM_ChannelSelect
 2  00uu  Action: 0 (off) / 1 (on)
 3  0000 
 4  cccc  checksum

Select IIM channel to CU: 0 = channel A, 1 = channel B.

MLB hex IIM_SetPowerSwitch

 1  4603  L4-function IIM_SetPowerSwitch
 2  00uu  Action: 0 (off) / 1 (on)
 3  0000 
 4  cccc  checksum

Set/hold latch up protection: 0 = hold latch up protection, 1 = set latch up protection.

MLB hex IIM_PowerCommandA

 1  4604  L4-function IIM_PowerCommandA
 2  00uu  Action: 0 (off) / 1 (on)
 3  0000 
 4  cccc  checksum

Power command channel A: 0 = channel A off, 1 = channel A on.

MLB hex IIM_PowerCommandB

 1  4605  L4-function IIM_PowerCommandB
 2  00uu  Action: 0 (off) / 1 (on)
 3  0000 
 4  cccc  checksum

Power command channel B: 0 = channel B off, 1 = channel B on.

MLB hex IIM_LUStrobeA

 1  4606  L4-function IIM_LUStrobeA
 2  0000 
 3  0000 
 4  730A  checksum

Low threshold pulse latch up protection channel A.

MLB hex IIM_LUStrobeB

 1  4607  L4-function IIM_LUStrobeB
 2  0000 
 3  0000 
 4  730B  checksum

Low threshold pulse latch up protection channel B.

MLB hex IIM_Status

 1  4608  L4-function IIM_Status
 2  0000 
 3  0000 
 4  730C  checksum

Read IIM status register.

MLB hex IIM_Clear

 1  4609  L4-function IIM_Clear
 2  0000 
 3  0000 
 4  730D  checksum

Clear the actual (by CU selected) IIM. Function waits until bit 15 of the status register is cleared.

MLB hex IIM_Chk

 1  460A  L4-function IIM_Chk
 2  0000 
 3  0000 
 4  730E  checksum

Memory pattern test (by actual CU selected) IIM. Fills memory with CRC pattern. Compares whole memory for the correct pattern.

MLB hex IIM_HMrequest 1 460B L4-function IIM_HMrequest 2 00uu mode = 0 / 1 / 2 3 0000 4 cccc checksum

Switch on/off cyclic history memory update, send the actual history memory.

mode = 0: switch off cyclic HM update. If HMupdate was on, the history memory is transmitted to the telemetry.

mode = 1: switch on cyclic HM update. If HMupdate was on, the history memory is transmitted to the telemetry.

mode = 2: send the actual history memory to the telemetry.

The history memory is cleared after transmission.

MLB hex IIM_LatchUpTest

 1  460C  L4-function IIM_LatchUpTest
 2  00uu  mode = 0 (LatchUpTest off) / 1 (LatchUpTest on)
 3  0000 
 4  cccc  checksum

Enable/disable the low current latch-up test after recording a picture. Default: ON

6.8.3 Motor Controller Commands


0  door
1  azimuth
2  elevation
3  slit select
4  slit focus
5  grating focus
6  scan mirror

MLB hex MC_Reset

 1  4620  L4-function MC_Reset
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Reset a motor controller.

MLB hex MC_Power

 1  4621  L4-function MC_Power
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  00uu  function 0 - 3
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Switch on/off ADC/encoder power. function:

    0 = LVDT off
    1 = LVDT & ADC on
    2 = LVDT & ADC off
    3 = ADC on

MLB hex MC_Selftest

 1  4622  L4-function MC_Selftest
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

MC ROM test.

MLB hex MC_ReadHK

 1  4623  L4-function MC_ReadHK
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  00uu  HK Channel 0 - 11
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Read a MC housekeeping value. The complete HK record for an MC can be read with SYS_GetHKrecord.

MLB hex MC_ScanStep

 1  4626  L4-function MC_ScanStep
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  ssss  steps -128 to +127
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Set step width for MC_ScanMotion command.

MLB hex MC_ScanMotion

 1  4627  L4-function MC_ScanMotion
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Perform previous preset motion with phase current and switch then to retaining current.

Phase and retaining current are inserted from the level 4 function handler before calling the level 4 function MC_ScanMotion

MLB hex MC_GetSteps

 1  4628  L4-function MC_GetSteps
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Read steps per ramp.

MLB hex MC_GetFreq

 1  4629  L4-function MC_GetFreq
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Read maximal step frequency.

MLB hex MC_GetErr

 1  462A  L4-function MC_GetErr
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Read MC error code.

MLB hex MC_SetVariable

 1  462B  L4-function MC_SetVariable
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  00uu  Var 0 - 1
 4  00uu  Val 0 - 255
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Write a program variable to a motor controller.

    Var = 0:  set number of steps/ramp
    Var = 1:  set maximal step frequency
    Val: value 0 - 255

MLB hex MC_GetIRAMValue

 1  462C  L4-function MC_GetIRAMValue
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  00uu  Addr 0 - 255
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Get value from internal RAM. Addr: address 0 - 255

MLB hex MC_SetIRAMValue

 1  462D  L4-function MC_SetIRAMValue
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  00uu  Addr 0 - 255
 4  00uu  Data 0 - 255
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Set internal RAM value.

    Addr: address of internal RAM 0 to 255
    Data: data 0 to 255

MLB hex MC_GetERAMValue

 1  462E  L4-function MC_GetERAMValue
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  uuuu  Addr 0 - 65535
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Get value from external RAM. Addr: address 0 to 65535

MLB hex MC_SetERAMValue

 1  462F  L4-function MC_SetERAMValue
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  uuuu  Addr 0 - 65535
 4  00uu  Data 0 - 255
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Set external RAM value.

    Addr: address of external RAM 0 to 65535
    Data: data 0 to 255

MLB hex MC_TST_RelPos

 1  4630  L4-function MC_TST_RelPos
 2  00uu  MC device number 0 - 6
 3  ssss  steps -32768 to 32767, 0x8000 - 0x7FFF
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Positions a MC relative using the L4-function MC_RelPos. Waits for answer of MC with L4- function MC_RelPosAns. The timeout is calculated according to the number of steps, the maximum step frequency and the steps per ramp. Bitpattern, phase and retaining current are inserted from the level 4 function handler before calling the level 4 function MC_RelPos.

MLB hex MC_MC1Qualify

 1  4631  L4-function MC_MC1Qualify
 2  0000  MC device number MC1Door (0)
 3  00uu  qualify: 1 = on
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

MC1Door has to be qualified for move with this command. The next MC_TST_RelPos, MC_RelPos or MC_ScanMotion command resets the qualification.

MLB hex MC_SetMoveVars 1 4632 L4-function MC_SetMoveVars 2 00uu MC device number 0 - 6 3 ssss Pattern 0 - 7, -1 use DPU intern pattern 4 00uu Phase 0: 100%-141%, 1: 141%-141% 5 00uu Retain 0: 0%, 1: 20% 6 0000 7 cccc checksum

MC_SetMoveVars sets the bitpattern, the phase current and the retaining current for a MC.

If Pattern is set to -1, the DPU internal bitpattern is used. If Pattern is set to 0 - 7, this bitpattern is used for the next move (only).

If Phase is set to 0, the start phase current for a even start-bitpattern is set to 141%, for odd start-bitpattern to 100%. If Phase is set to 1, the MC is working in high current mode until another MC_SetMoveVars command sets Phase back to 0.

If Retain is 0, the retaining current for am even end-bitpattern is set to 0%, for an odd end- bitpattern to 20%. If Retain is 1, the retaining current is set all time to 20% until another MC_SetMoveVars command sets Retain back to 0.

6.8.4 Detector Commands

The detector to be used is set by the configuration command SYS_config.

MLB hex DET_Readout

 1  4640  L4-function DET_Readout
 2  0000 
 3  7343  checksum

Read all telemetry channels of the actual selected detector. The housekeeping data of the detector is placed in the array DST. No other action is taken.

MLB hex DET_QualifyHV

 1  4641  L4-function DET_QualifyHV
 2  00uu  Action = 0 / 1
 3  00uu  StimPulser = 0 / 1
 4  cccc  checksum

Enable/Disable high voltage and stim pulser. This command disables or enables the high voltage on command (DET_HighV) depending on the state of the parameter Action.

The stim pulser is enabled depending on the parameter StimPulser.

    Action:     0 = disable, 1 = enable
    StimPulser: 0 = disable, 1 = enable

MLB hex DET_HighV

 1  4642  L4-function DET_HighV
 2  00uu  Action = 0 / 1
 3  0000  
 4  cccc  checksum

High voltage on/off. This command turns on or off the MCP-high-voltage power supply. For switching HV on, DET_QualifyHV must be called previous to enabling this command.

The voltage for MCP is set with DET_MCPHigh.

    Action: 0 = HV off, 1 = HV on

MLB hex DET_X_Timing

 1  4643  L4-function DET_X_Timing
 2  00uu  Threshold 0x00 - 0xFF
 3  0000  
 4  cccc  checksum

Set X timing threshold.

    Threshold:  x timing threshold 0x00 - 0xFF

MLB hex DET_Y_Timing

 1  4644  L4-function DET_Y_Timing
 2  00uu  Threshold 0x00 - 0xFF
 3  0000  
 4  cccc  checksum

Set Y timing threshold.

    Threshold:  y timing threshold 0x00 - 0xFF


 1  4645  L4-function DET_MCPHigh
 2  00uu  Action = 0 / 1
 3  0000  
 4  cccc  checksum

Sets the bias voltage on the MCP.

    MCP high voltage 0x00 - 0xFF; 0x00 = -2000 V; 0xFF = -5500 V

MLB hex DET_X_Charge

 1  4646 L4-function DET_X_Charge
 2  00uu  Threshold 0x00 - 0xFF
 3  0000  
 4  cccc  checksum

Set X Charge threshold.

    Threshold:  x Charge threshold 0x00 - 0xFF

MLB hex DET_Y_Charge

 1  4647 L4-function DET_Y_Charge
 2  00uu  Threshold 0x00 - 0xFF
 3  0000  
 4  cccc  checksum

Set Y Charge threshold.

    Threshold:  y Charge threshold 0x00 - 0xFF

MLB hex DET_X_UpperThreshold

 1  4648  L4-function DET_X_UpperThreshold
 2  00uu  Threshold 0x00 - 0xFF
 3  0000  
 4  cccc  checksum

Set X Charge upper threshold.

    Threshold:  x Charge upper threshold 0x00 - 0xFF

MLB hex DET_Y_UpperThreshold

 1  4649  L4-function DET_Y_UpperThreshold
 2  00uu  Threshold 0x00 - 0xFF
 3  0000  
 4  cccc  checksum

Set Y Charge upper threshold.

    Threshold:  y Charge upper threshold 0x00 - 0xFF

6.8.5 Rear Slit Camera Commands

On any error the RSC has to be switched off and on to reset the communication. Otherwise no correct communication is possible.

MLB hex RSC_ReadImage

 1  4660  L4-function RSC_ReadImage
 2  0000 
 3  7363  checksum

Readout actual image from RSC and transfer to ground in science record number 34.

MLB hex RSC_On

 1  4661  L4-function RSC_On
 2  00uu  Time = 0 - 3
 3  cccc  checksum

Switch on RSC power, start readout.

Integration time:
    RSCi77  (0)  =  77 ms
    RSCi103 (1)  = 103 ms
    RSCi155 (2)  = 155 ms
    RSCi206 (3)  = 206 ms

MLB hex RSC_Off

 1  4662  L4-function RSC_Off
 2  0000 
 3  7365  checksum

Switch off RSC power.

MLB hex RSC_PowChk

 1  4663  L4-function RSC_PowChk
 2  0000 
 3  7366  checksum

Check status of RSC power. Status is checked in I/O decoder register, not on RSC!

6.8.6 Power Converter Commands

MLB hex POW_ReadHK

 1  4680  L4-function POW_ReadHK
 2  0000 
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  7385  checksum

Read all HK data of the power converter SUMER 4.

To transmit the HK data to ground, the SYS_GetHKrecord function is used.

Device Numbers:
Con_Switch      0   /* converter on/off emergency off           */
Con_main        1   /* converter main / redundant               */
Con1_input      2   /* converter 1 input voltage                */
Con2_input      3   /* converter 2 input voltage                */
Con1_VDD        4   /* converter 1 VDD / +18 V output           */
Con2_VDD        5   /* converter 2 VDD / +18 V output           */
Egy_VDD1_VDD2   6   /* emergency connection VDD1 to VDD2/+18V   */
Egy_VBB1_VBB2   7   /* emergency connection VDD1 to VDD2/+18V   */
Con1_VCC        8   /* converter 1 VCC / +5 V output            */
Con2_VCC        9   /* converter 2 VCC / +5 V output            */
IonPump         10  /* ion pump                                 */
Deflector       11  /* deflector                                */
WAXrelais       12  /* redundant door motor                     */
Con1_VBB        13  /* converter 1 VBB / -18 V output           */
Con2_VBB        14  /* converter 2 VBB / -18 V output           */

Det_A_Converter 32  /* detector A converter                     */
Det_B_Converter 33  /* detector B converter                     */
Heater_A        34  /* operational heater A                     */
Heater_B        35  /* operational heater B                     */
Heater_C        36  /* operational heater C                     */
Det_Cover_WAX   37  /* detector heater D main                   */
Det_Cover_Red   38  /* detector heater D redundant              */

VCC_MC1         39  /* VCC/+5V MC1 Entrance door                */
VCC_MC2         40  /* VCC/+5V MC2 Telescope Azimut             */
VCC_MC3         41  /* VCC/+5V MC3 Telescope Elevation          */
VCC_MC4         42  /* VCC/+5V MC4 Slit Select                  */
VCC_MC5         43  /* VCC/+5V MC5 Slit Focus                   */
VCC_MC6         44  /* VCC/+5V MC6 Focus                        */
VCC_MC7         45  /* VCC/+5V MC7 Redundant Focus              */
VCC_MC8         46  /* VCC/+5V MC8 Scan Mirror                  */
VCC_RSC         47  /* VCC/+5V Rear Slit Camera                 */
VDD1            48  /* VDD1/+18V Line 1                         */
VDD2            49  /* VDD2/+18V Line 2                         */
VBB1            50  /* VBB1/-18V Line 1                         */
VBB2            51  /* VBB2/-18V Line 2                         */

MLB hex POW_Execute

 1  4681  L4-function POW_Execute
 2  00uu  Dev = 0 - 14, 32 - 51
 3  00uu  Act = 0 (off) / 1 (on)
 4  0000 
 5  cccc  checksum

Switch on/off one relais of the power converter SUMER 4.

    Dev:  desired relais  0 - 14, 32 - 51
    Act:  off = 0, on = 1

MLB hex POW_WAXrequest

 1  4682  L4-function POW_WAXrequest
 2  uuuu  WAXrequestdelay in s
 3  uuuu  WAXpulsedelay in s
 4  0000 
 5  cccc  checksum

After sending this command, the WAX motor is enabled for switch on for WAXrequestdelay seconds. Within this time, the hardware pulse for switch on the WAX motor or a POW_WAXpulse command can be sent. If one of this commands is sent, the WAX motor is switched on for WAXpulsedelay seconds.

MLB hex POW_WAXpulse

 1  4683  L4-function POW_WAXpulse
 2  0000 
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  7388  checksum

Switch on the WAX motor. This command has to be enabled with a POW_WAX request command.

The L4-Telecommand POW_Qualify (0x4684) has been deleted.


 1  4685  L4-function POW_WAXTest
 2  0000 
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  738A  checksum

Switch on the WAX motor for 3 seconds and measure WAX current.

6.8.7 System Commands

MLB hex SYS_GetHKrecord

 1  46A0  L4-function SYS_GetHKrecord
 2  00uu  HKnum = 0xFA - 0xFC
 3  00uu  MCdev = 0 - 6
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Ask for a 'on request HK record' #250, #251, #252. The HK records #251 and #252 are only generated if the power supply (SUMER 4) is switched on for the subsystem MC or DET. Otherwise a NOPOWER error is returned in the L4 result HK record #249.

MLB hex SYS_ReadStatus

 1  46A1  L4-function SYS_ReadStatus
 2  0000 
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  73A5  checksum

Read status register selected RSC & detector interface, selected DC/DC converter

MLB hex SYS_IO_Select

 1  46A2  L4-function SYS_IO_Select
 2  00uu  Dev = 0 / 1
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Select RSC & detector interface.

    Dev:  0 = Interface 1, 1 = Interface 2

MLB hex SYS_ClrError

 1  46A3  L4-function SYS_ClrError
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Clear RAM error status register on ECP or SPU.

    CU:  0 = ECP, 1 = SPU

MLB hex SYS_GetError

 1  46A4  L4-function SYS_GetError
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Read RAM error status register on ECP or SPU.

    CU:  0 = ECP, 1 = SPU

MLB hex SYS_GetBankSelect

 1  46A5  L4-function SYS_GetBankSelect
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Read bank select register on ECP or SPU.

    CU:  0 = ECP, 1 = SPU

MLB hex SYS_GetBankStatus

 1  46A6  L4-function SYS_GetBankStatus
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Read bank status register on ECP or SPU.

    CU:  0 = ECP, 1 = SPU

MLB hex SYS_CCBStatus

 1  46A7  L4-function SYS_CCBStatus
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Read common control bus status register on ECP or SPU.

    CU:  0 = ECP, 1 = SPU

MLB hex SYS_CU_Monitor

 1  46A8  L4-function SYS_CU_Monitor
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  00uu  Switch = 0 / 1
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Switches power monitoring for all RAM banks on/off on ECP or SPU.

    CU:  0 = ECP, 1 = SPU
    Switch:  0 = monitoring off, 1 = monitoring on

MLB hex SYS_CU_Stop

 1  46A9  L4-function SYS_CU_Stop
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  0000 
 4  0000 
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Stops the specified CU. The system reboots (used for testing the watchdogs).

    CU:  0 = ECP, 1 = SPU

MLB hex SYS_Config

 1  46AA  L4-function SYS_Config
 2  uuuu  config bits  0 - 15
 3  uuuu  config bits 16 - 31
 4  uuuu  config bits 32 - 47
 5  uuuu  config bits 48 - 63
 6  00uu  config bits 64 - 71
 7  cccc  checksum

Set instrument configuration (cf. table below):

bit   bit         description                              bit    bit
pos   name                                                 is 0   is 1
____ ___________ ________________________________________ ______ ______
  0   PCS0        Converter on/off - emergency off         dis.   ena.
  1   PCS1        Converter main - redundant               dis.   ena.
  2   PCS2        Converter 1 input                        dis.   ena.
  3   PCS3        Converter 2 input                        dis.   ena.
  4   PCS4        Converter 1 VDD/+18V output              dis.   ena.
  5   PCS5        Converter 2 VDD/+18V output              dis.   ena.
  6   PCS6        emergency connection VDD1 to VDD2/+18V   dis.   ena.
  7   PCS7        emergency connection VBB1 to VBB2/-18V   dis.   ena.
  8   PCS8        converter 1 VCC/+5V output               dis.   ena.
  9   PCS9        converter 2 VCC/+5V output               dis.   ena.
 10   PCS10       not used                                 dis.   ena.
 11   PCS11       deflector                                dis.   ena.
 12   PCS12       wax motor                                dis.   ena.
 13   PCS13       converter 1 VBB/-18V output              dis.   ena.
 14   PCS14       converter 2 VBB/-18V output              dis.   ena.
 15   PCS15       detector A converter                     dis.   ena.
 16   PCS16       detector B converter                     dis.   ena.
 17   PCS17       operational heater A                     dis.   ena.
 18   PCS18       operational heater B                     dis.   ena.
 19   PCS19       operational heater C                     dis.   ena.
 20   PCS20       AUX BUS 1 (dummy heater 1)               dis.   ena.
 21   PCS21       AUX BUS 2 (dummy heater 2)               dis.   ena.
 22   PCS22       VCC/+5V MC1 entrance door                dis.   ena.
 23   PCS23       VCC/+5V MC2 telescope azimuth            dis.   ena.
 24   PCS24       VCC/+5V MC3 telescope elevation          dis.   ena.
 25   PCS25       VCC/+5V MC4 slit select                  dis.   ena.
 26   PCS26       VCC/+5V MC5 slit focus                   dis.   ena.
 27   PCS27       VCC/+5V MC6 focus                        dis.   ena.
 28   PCS28       VCC/+5V MC8 scan mirror                  dis.   ena.
 29   PCS29       VCC/+5V rear slit camera                 dis.   ena.
 30   PCS30       VDD1/+18V line 1                         dis.   ena.
 31   PCS31       VDD2/+18V line 2                         dis.   ena.
 32   PCS32       VBB1/-18V line 1                         dis.   ena.
 33   PCS33       VBB2/-18V line 2                         dis.   ena.
 34   MC1LVDT     MC1 LVDT switching                       dis.   ena.
 35   MC2LVDT     MC2 LVDT switching                       dis.   ena.
 36   MC3LVDT     MC3 LVDT switching                       dis.   ena.
 37   MC4LVDT     MC4 LVDT switching                       dis.   ena.
 38   MC5LVDT     MC5 LVDT switching                       dis.   ena.
 39   MC6LVDT     MC6 LVDT switching                       dis.   ena.
 40   MC8LVDT     MC8 LVDT switching                       dis.   ena.
 41   MC1OP       MC1 operation (motion)                   dis.   ena.
 42   MC2OP       MC2 operation (motion)                   dis.   ena.
 43   MC3OP       MC3 operation (motion)                   dis.   ena.
 44   MC4OP       MC4 operation (motion)                   dis.   ena.
 45   MC5OP       MC5 operation (motion)                   dis.   ena.
 46   MC6OP       MC6 operation (motion)                   dis.   ena.
 47   MC8OP       MC8 operation (motion)                   dis.   ena.
 48   MC1CUR      MC1 current switching                    dis.   ena.
 49   MC2CUR      MC2 current switching                    dis.   ena.
 50   MC3CUR      MC3 current switching                    dis.   ena.
 51   MC4CUR      MC4 current switching                    dis.   ena.
 52   MC5CUR      MC5 current switching                    dis.   ena.
 53   MC6CUR      MC6 current switching                    dis.   ena.
 54   MC8CUR      MC8 current switching                    dis.   ena.
 55   MC1ADC      MC1 ADC switching                        dis.   ena.
 56   MC2ADC      MC2 ADC switching                        dis.   ena.
 57   MC3ADC      MC3 ADC switching                        dis.   ena.
 58   MC4ADC      MC4 ADC switching                        dis.   ena.
 59   MC5ADC      MC5 ADC switching                        dis.   ena.
 60   MC6ADC      MC6 ADC switching                        dis.   ena.
 61   MC8ADC      MC8 ADC switching                        dis.   ena.
 62   THA         A Thermistor main/redundant              main   red.
 63   THB         B Thermistor main/redundant              main   red.
 64   THC         C Thermistor main/redundant              main   red.
 65   MCmove2     enable moving 2 MCs                      dis.   ena.
 66   MC_Heater   only VDD / VBB present                   both   one
 67   DisHKMon    enable HK monitor                        dis.   ena.
 68   Watch       enable watchdog                          dis.   ena.
 69   ESRdoor     close door on ESR warning                dis.   ena.
 70   SP4         spare                                          
 71   SP5         spare                                          

Bits 0 ... 11, 13, 14, 30 ... 33: Power Converter Configuration Bits These bits are used for switch on. The settings of these bits are used to determine which power converter switches are turned ON during the switch on procedure of SUMER 4 (level 3 command SwitchOn_PSU). Note: Care has to be taken when setting these bits.

Bits 12, 15 ... 29: Power Converter Configuration Bits Setting these bits to 1 enables the switch on of the specific power converter switch.

Bits 34 ... 40: Motor Controller Position Encoder Bits Setting these bits to 1 enables the switch on of a position encoder for MC HK reading.

Bits 41 ... 47: Motor Controller Motion Bits Setting these bits to 1 enables the motion of an MC. If these bits are set to 0, only a zero step move (for measuring the current) can be performed.

Bits 48 ... 54: Motor Controller Current Bits Setting these bits to 1 enables the switch on of the MC motor stages. If these bits are set to 0, the MCs cannot move (not even zero step moves).

Bits 55 ... 61: Motor Controller ADC Bits Setting these bits to 1 enables the switch on of an ADC for MC HK reading. If these bits are set to 0, the ADCs and LVDTs cannot be switched on.

Bits 62 ... 64: Thermistor Main/Redundant Bits These bits define which thermistor is used for heater control:

 bit       MC used        heater used
_________ ______________ ___________________________
 THA = 0   MC4SlitSel     heater A: MC 4 front
 THB = 0   MC6Grating     heater B: MC 6 spacer
 THC = 0   MC3TelElev     heater C: MC 3 rear
 THA = 1   MC5SlitFocus   heater A: MC 5 front red.
 THB = 1   MC1Door        heater B: MC 1 spacer red.
 THC = 1   MC8ScanMir     heater C: MC 8 rear red.

When switching off the power supply via SUMER 4 of an MC, the user is responsible that the specified MC is not used for measuring the temperature for the heater control.

Bit 65: Enable Moving Of 2 MCs If this bit is set to 1, two MCs can be moved at the same time (level 3 functions point, lambda1x, spectrohelio2). If this bit is set to 0, the motions are performed sequentially.

Bit 66: Only +18V or -18V available Setting this bit to 0 signals that +18V and -18V are available from SUMER 4. If this bit is set to 1, only +18V or -18V is available from SUMER 4. In this case, all MCs are moved sequentially and the ADCs are switched off during motion. This bit has to be set in addition to the SUMER 4 configuration bits!

Bit 67: Enable HK Monitor Setting this bit to 1 enables the HK monitor. If a HK value is out of range, an emergency switch off will be executed. Setting this bit to 0 disables the HK monitor.

Bit 68: Enable Watchdog Setting this bit to 1 enables the watchdog monitor process. The watchdog process observes several processes to verify that the program is still running. The watchdog is triggered only if every process observed sends a tag within an individual time period. Setting this bit to 0 disables the watchdog monitor process. The watchdog is now triggered every 300 ms.

Bit 69: Enable closing door on ESR warning

Setting this bit to 1 enables the closing of MC1Door in case of ESRwarning. Setting this bit to 0 disables the closing of MC1Door in case of ESRwarning.

MLB hex SYS_RamDisk

 1  46AB  L4-function SYS_RamDisk
 2  00uu  mode: 0 = dump BAT, 1 = modify BAT
 3  uuuu  index into block allocation table
 4  00uu  setting: 0 = set block free, 1 = set block bad
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Command to modify the block allocation table of the RAM disk. Changes only allowed to unallocated or bad blocks. If a used block should be modified, a HDLERR is returned.

On command 'dump', the words B3 and B4 should be set to zero.

MLB hex SYS_Peek

 1  46AC  L4-function SYS_Peek
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  uuuu  higher 16 bit of address
 4  uuuu  lower 16 bit of address
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Command to read a memory cell. The contents of the memory cell (byte size) is returned as level 4 result.

MLB hex SYS_Poke

 1  46AD  L4-function SYS_Poke
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  uuuu  higher 16 bit of address
 4  uuuu  lower 16 bit of address
 5  00uu  0x00 - 0xFF byte to write
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Command to write into a memory cell.

The value in MLB5 is written into the address specified by MLB3and MLB4. DANGER: All addresses are allowed!

MLB hex SYS_Dump

 1  46AE  L4-function SYS_Dump
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  uuuu  higher 16 bit of address
 4  uuuu  lower 16 bit of address
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  cccc  checksum

Command to dump memory contents. The memory starting at the address specified by MLB3 and MLB4 is dumped into science data format 9 (50*360*B2).

MLB hex SYS_Operator

 1  46AF  L4-function SYS_Operator
 2  uuuu  bit 0-6: scientist 0 - 63; bit 8-9: location  0 -  3
 3  uuuu  administration counter
 4  00uu  target    0 - 63
 5  uuuu  flight operation request number 0 - 4095
 6  uuuu  flight operation request date   0 - 4095
 7  cccc  checksum

Command to set several fields in the science header.

MLB hex SYS_GetVersion

 1  46B0  L4-function SYS_GetVersion
 2  0000  
 3  0000  
 4  0000  
 5  0000  
 6  0000  
 7  cccc  checksum

Get system version string. The version string is returned as 30 byte character string in HK record # 249.

6.8.8 Test Commands

MLB hex TST_CRCPatternTest

 1  46C0  L4-function TST_CRCPatternTest
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  uuuu  VonAddr = 0x000 - 0xBFF kbytes above offset
 4  uuuu  BisAddr = 0x000 - 0xBFF kbytes above offset
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  0000 
 8  0000 
 9  cccc  checksum

CU memory test with CRC pattern of addresses on ECP or SPU. Offset is 1 MB.

    CU:  0 = ECP, 1 = SPU

MLB hex TST_MoviTest

 1  46C1  L4-function TST_MoviTest
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  uuuu  VonAddr = 0x000 - 0xBFF kbytes above offset
 4  uuuu  BisAddr = 0x000 - 0xBFF kbytes above offset
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  0000 
 8  0000 
 9  cccc  checksum

CU memory test with moving inversion on ECP or SPU. Offset is 1 MB.

    CU:  0 = ECP, 1 = SPU

MLB hex TST_WalkTest

 1  46C2  L4-function TST_WalkTest
 2  00uu  CU = 0 / 1
 3  uuuu  VonAddr = 0x000 - 0xBFF kbytes above offset
 4  uuuu  BisAddr = 0x000 - 0xBFF kbytes above offset
 5  0000 
 6  0000 
 7  0000 
 8  0000 
 9  cccc  checksum

Walking Ones CU memory test on ECP or SPU. Offset is 1 MB.

    CU:  0 = ECP, 1 = SPU

6.8.9 Heater Control Commands

MLB hex HEA_Manual

 1  46E0  L4-function HEA_Manual
 2  00uu  heater number:  0 - 2
 3  00uu  manual on time: 0 - 10 ticks
 4  cccc  checksum

Switch the heater to manual operation.

MLB hex HEA_Auto

 1  46E1  L4-function HEA_Auto
 2  00uu  heater number:  0 - 2
 3  0000 
 4  cccc  checksum

Switch the heater to automatic operation.

MLB hex HEA_Bias

 1  46E2  L4-function HEA_Bias
 2  00uu  heater number:  0 - 2
 3  ssss  bias:  -2048 - 2047 (in units of mK)
 4  cccc  checksum

Set the heater bias value.

MLB hex HEA_Interval

 1  46E3  L4-function HEA_Interval
 2  00uu  ticksize:  1 - 255  seconds
 3  0000 
 4  cccc  checksum

Set the heater interval value.

MLB hex HEA_Mode

 1  46E4  L4-function HEA_Mode
 2  00uu  Mode: 1 .. 
 3  0000 
 4  cccc  checksum

Set the heater mode:

    Mode = 1 .. 3

Mode 1:

Heater A:   x x x x x - - - - -
Heater B:   - - - - - x - - - -
Heater C:   - - - - - - x x x x

Mode 2:     this is the default mode

Heater A:   x x x x x x x x - -
Heater B:   - - - - - - - - x x
Heater C:   x x x x x x x x - -

Mode 3:

Heater A:   x x x x x x x x x x
Heater B:   x x x x x x x x x x
Heater C:   x x x x x x x x x x

6.9 Error Codes And Level 4 Results

6.9.1 Error Codes

 dec    hex   mnemonic         error message
_____ ______ ________________ _____________________________________________
   0   0000   ANSOK            answer O.K. (no error)
  -1   FFFF   PTYERR           parity error
  -2   FFFE   FRAERR           framing error
  -3   FFFD   COMERR           communication error
  -4   FFFC   CNTERR           parameter count error
  -5   FFFB   PARERR           parameter error
  -6   FFFA   CRCERR           CRC error
  -7   FFF9   CTOERR           timeout; for MC, global position reset to -1
  -8   FFF8   ESR-WARN         ESR warning (cmd list disabled!)
  -9   FFF7   CMDERR           command error
 -10   FFF6   LIMERR           value out of Limit
 -11   FFF5   POWERR           power failure
 -12   FFF4   NSOERR           power converter not switched on
 -13   FFF3   RSCTI1           RSC time out 1st half full after power on
 -14   FFF2   RSCTI2           RSC time out on read out
 -15   FFF1   QUAERR           qualification error
 -16   FFF0   NOPOWER          power is off
 -17   FFEF   CFGERR           configuration error
 -18   FFEE   HDLERR           RAM disk: illegal file handle
 -19   FFED   ALLERR           RAM disk: no more disk space available
 -20   FFEC   NMHERR           RAM disk: no more handle available
 -21   FFEB   EOFERR           RAM disk: file not found
 -22   FFEA   MCSTSERR         MC: status error detected
 -23   FFE9   NODETACTIVE      DETL35: no detector active
 -24   FFE8   DETHVFAIL        DETL35: high voltage off
 -25   FFE7   AFTERR           AFT: error detected
 -30   FFE2   LVDTDISABLED     MC: LVDT disabled
 -31   FFE1   MOTDISABLED      MC: motor disabled
 -32   FFE0   CURDISABLED      MC: current disabled
 -33   FFDF   MCMOVE           MC: MC currently moving
 -34   FFDE   MCNOTINITPOS     MC: MC position not initialized
 -35   FFDD   MCOUTOFLIMIT     MC: MC soft limit reached
 -36   FFDC   ADCDISABLED      MC: ADC disabled
 -37   FFDB   NOBINNING        no binning allowed
 -38   FFDA   OUTOFSPEC        wavelength wrong
 -39   FFD9   IIMPOWERFAIL     IIM channels off
 -40   FFD8   WRONGFORMAT      wrong format for compression scheme
 -41   FFD7   WRONGCOMPR       wrong compression scheme
 -42   FFD6   NOPIC            no picture available
 -43   FFD5   WRONGIIMMODE     wrong IIM readout mode
 -44   FFD4   PICTOOBIG        readout area > 1024*360
 -45   FFD3   NOFLATFIELD      no flat field image available
 -46   FFD2   RAMDISCNOTREADY  RAM disk not ready
 -47   FFD1   ABORTERR         global abort set
 -48   FFD0   NOTRIGGER        no trigger during celobj search
 -49   FFCF   LAMPIXERR        pixel not on detector in lambda
 -50   FFCE   CLHDISABLED      CLH: command list disabled, cmd lost
 -51   FFCD   CLHLOCKED        CLH: command list locked, cmd lost
 -52   FFCC   CLHNREADY        CLH: L3,L4 active, cmd lost
 -53   FFCB   CLHFULL          CLH: command list full, cmd lost
 -54   FFCA   CLHCMDERR        CLH: cmd not allowed (list not disabled)
 -55   FFC9   CLHPARERR        CLH: parameter error
 -56   FFC8   UDPNOTLOADED     UDP not loaded
 -60   FFC4   TCHUDPTOLONG     TCH: UDP too long
 -61   FFC3   TCHUDPUSED       TCH: UDP array is occupied by lower UDP
 -62   FFC2   TCHPARERR        TCH: parameter error
 -63   FFC1   TCHCMDERR        TCH: command error
 -64   FFC0   UDPPARUNUSED     TCH: UDP parameter unused (up to now)
 -65   FFBF   TCHUDPPARAMUSED  TCH: UDP parameter used by another UDP
 -66   FFBE   NOCENTERSET      SPHEL3/4: no pointing center set
 -70   FFBA   TOKCI_STUNDER    TokCI: stack underflow
 -71   FFB9   TOKCI_STOVER     TokCI: stack overflow
 -72   FFB8   TOKCI_RANGE      TokCI: argument out of range
 -73   FFB7   TOKCI_INVTOK     TokCI: invalid token
 -74   FFB6   TOKCI_INVPAR     TokCI: invalid parameter type
 -75   FFB5   TOKCI_INVSUB     TokCI: invalid subscript type
 -76   FFB4   TOKCI_INVCAST    TokCI: invalid cast to pointer
 -77   FFB3   TOKCI_INVOP      TokCI: invalid operation
 -78   FFB2   TOKCI_OPMISM     TokCI: operand type mismatch
 -79   FFB1   TOKCI_EXPPTR     TokCI: expected pointer
 -80   FFB0   TOKCI_ABORT      TokCI: global abort flag raised
 -97   FF9F          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW+RSCCOM+RSCFIF+RSCUN1+RSC1ST
 -98   FF9E          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW+RSCCOM+RSCFIF+RSCUN1
 -99   FF9D          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW+RSCCOM+RSCFIF       +RSC1ST
-100   FF9C          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW+RSCCOM+RSCFIF
-101   FF9B          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW+RSCCOM       +RSCUN1+RSC1ST
-102   FF9A          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW+RSCCOM       +RSCUN1
-103   FF99          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW+RSCCOM              +RSC1ST
-104   FF98          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW+RSCCOM
-105   FF97          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW       +RSCFIF+RSCUN1+RSC1ST
-106   FF96          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW       +RSCFIF+RSCUN1
-107   FF95          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW       +RSCFIF       +RSC1ST
-108   FF94          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW       +RSCFIF
-109   FF93          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW              +RSCUN1+RSC1ST
-110   FF92          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW              +RSCUN1
-111   FF91          (combi)   RSC: RSCPOW                     +RSC1ST
-112   FF90   RSCPOW           RSC: RSCPOW = power alert
-113   FF8F          (combi)   RSC:       +RSCCOM+RSCFIF+RSCUN1+RSC1ST
-114   FF8E          (combi)   RSC:       +RSCCOM+RSCFIF+RSCUN1
-115   FF8D          (combi)   RSC:       +RSCCOM+RSCFIF       +RSC1ST
-116   FF8C          (combi)   RSC:       +RSCCOM+RSCFIF
-117   FF8B          (combi)   RSC:       +RSCCOM       +RSCUN1+RSC1ST
-118   FF8A          (combi)   RSC:       +RSCCOM       +RSCUN1
-119   FF89          (combi)   RSC:       +RSCCOM              +RSC1ST
-120   FF88   RSCCOM           RSC:        RSCCOM = communication error
-121   FF87          (combi)   RSC:              +RSCFIF+RSCUN1+RSC1ST
-122   FF86          (combi)   RSC:              +RSCFIF+RSCUN1
-123   FF85          (combi)   RSC:              +RSCFIF       +RSC1ST
-124   FF84   RSCFIE           RSC: FIFO full =   RSCFIE
-125   FF83          (combi)   RSC:                     +RSCUN1+RSC1ST
-126   FF82   RSCUN1           RSC: unexpected 1st pix = RSCUN1
-127   FF81   RSC1ST           RSC: first pixel error =         RSC1ST

6.9.2 Level 4 Results

The L4 commands are arranged in 8 groups:

After each L4 command, the HK record #249 containing the command parameters and the command results is transmitted to the EGSE. Every routine in each group has an individual set of return parameters. All return parameters are of type INT32. The positions of the return parameter within the HK record #249 are shown in the tables with R#.

The result of the level 4 function executed is returned in HK record #249 in position 17 (bytes 68 - 71). Additional data resulting from execution of the L4 command are shown in the tables. Image Integration Memory Commands

R1          ML-B1 command word
R2, R3      command parameter if not specified otherwise
R16         result from level 4 routine

 L4 command           action reflected in          HK record number
____________________ ____________________________ ______________________
 IIM_AutoClear        R1, R2, R3, R16              249
    (46 00 hex)       status word in R3           
                      status word, result          255:   1/s
                      status word, result          HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 IIM_InputGate        R1, R2, R3, R16              249
    (46 01 hex)       status word in R3           
                      status word, result          255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 IIM_ChannelSelect    R1, R2, R3, R16              249
    (46 02 hex)       status word in R3           
                      status word, result          255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 IIM_SetPowerSwitch   R1, R2, R3, R16              249
    (46 03 hex)       status word in R3           
                      status word, result          255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 IIM_PowerCommandA    R1, R2, R3, R16              249
    (46 04 hex)       status word in R3           
                      status word, result          255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 IIM_PowerCommandB    R1, R2, R3, R16              249
    (46 05 hex)       status word in R3           
                      status word, result          255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 IIM_LUStrobeA        R1, R2, status word in R3    249
    (46 06 hex)       status word                  255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 IIM_LUStrobeB        R1, R2, status word in R3    249
    (46 07 hex)       status word                  255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 IIM_Status           R1, R2, status word in R3    249
    (46 08 hex)       status word                  255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 IIM_Clear            R1, R2, status word in R3    249
    (46 09 hex)       status word                  255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 IIM_Chk              R1, R2, R16 num of errors    249
    (46 0A hex)                                   
 IIM_HMrequest        R1, R2                       249
    (46 0B hex)       if R2=2 or HMupdate was on: 
                      HM 512*20 32 bit words       science record #36
 IIM_LatchUpTest      R1, R2                       249
    (46 0C hex)                            Motor Controller Commands

R1          ML-B1 command word
R2          device number 0 - 6
R3-R6       command parameter if not specified otherwise
R15         MC status
R16         L4 command result

 L4 command           action reflected in          HK record number
____________________ ____________________________ ______________________
 MC_Reset             R1, R2, R15, R16             249
    (46 20 hex)                                   
 MC_Power             R1, R2, R3, R15, R16         249
    (46 21 hex)                                    HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                                                   251 on request
 MC_Selftest          R1, R2, R15, R16             249
    (46 22 hex)                                   
 MC_ReadHK            R1, R2, R3, R15, R16         249
    (46 23 hex)       R4: HK value requested      
                                                   251 on request
 (MC_RelPos)          R1, R2, R15, R16             249
    (46 24 hex)                                   
 (MC_RelPosAns)       R1, R2, R15, R16             249
    (46 25 hex)                                   
 MC_ScanStep          R1, R2, R3, R15, R16         249
    (46 26 hex)                                   
 MC_ScanMotio         R1, R2, R15, R16             249
    (46 27 hex)       R3: phase current           
                      R4: retaining current       
                      position LVDT/IAS            251 on request
                      position LVDT/IAS            HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                      global position              SH MC2,3,4,8
 MC_GetSteps          R1, R2, R15, R16             249
    (46 28 hex)       R3: number of steps/ramp    
 MC_GetFreq           R1, R2, R15, R16             249
    (46 29 hex)       R3: max. step frequency     
 MC_GetErr            R1, R2, R15, R16             249
    (46 2A hex)       R3: error code              
 MC_SetVariable       R1, R2, R3, R4, R15, R16     249
    (46 2B hex)                                   
 MC_GetIRAMValue      R1, R2, R3, R15, R16         249
    (46 2C hex)       R4: IRAM value              
 MC_SetIRAMValue      R1, R2, R3, R4, R15, R16     249
    (46 2D hex)                                   
 MC_GetERAMValue      R1, R2, R3, R15, R16         249
    (46 2E hex)       R4: ERAM value              
 MC_SetERAMValue      R1, R2, R3, R4, R15, R16     249
    (46 2F hex)                                   
 MC_TST_RelPos        R1, R2, R3, R15, R16         249
    (46 30 hex)       R4: start Bitpattern        
                      R5: phase current           
                      R6: retaining current       
                      global position              SH MC 2,3,4,8
                      position LVDT/IAS            251 on request
                      position LVDT/IAS            HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 MC_MC1Qualify        R1, R2, R15, R16             249
    (46 31 hex)                                   
 MC_SetMoveVars       R1, R2, R3, R4, R5,R15,R16   249
    (46 32 hex)                            Detector Commands

R1          ML-B1 command word
R2, R3      command parameter
R16         L4 command result

The detector has 48 HK channels. They are read out cyclically. Every call of a level 4 routine returns one HK value (except DET_Readout which reads out all HK channels). Channel 38 is the detector status byte.

 L4 command             action reflected in          HK record number
______________________ ____________________________ _________________
 DET_Readout            R1, R16                      249
    (46 40 hex)         48 channels                  HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                                                     252 on request
                        MCP HV, MCP current          SH
                        detector status              SH
                        valid/total events           SH
 DET_QualifyHV          R1, R2, R3, R16              249
    (46 41 hex)         detector status              SH
                                                     HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                                                     252 on request
 DET_HighV              R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 42 hex)         detector status              SH
                        detector status & analog     HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                        channels                     252 on request
                        MCPV                         SH
 DET_X_Timing           R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 43 hex)         analog channels              HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                                                     252 on request
 DET_Y_Timing           R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 44 hex)         digital channels             HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                                                     252 on request
 DET_MCPHigh            R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 45 hex)         analog channels              HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                                                     252 on request
                        MCPV                         SH
 DET_X_Charge           R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 46 hex)         analog channels              HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                                                     252 on request
 DET_Y_Charge           R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 47 hex)                                      HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                                                     252 on request
 DET_X_UpperThreshold   R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 48 hex)                                      HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                                                     252 on request
 DET_Y_UpperThreshold   R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 49 hex)                                      HKCH0: 1/(15s)
                                                     252 on request Rear Slit Camera Commands

R1          ML-B1 command word
R2          command parameter
R16         L4 command result

The rear slit camera image of 512 bytes is transmitted in SUMER science image record #34.

 L4 command           action reflected in          HK record number
____________________ ____________________________ ______________________
 RSC_ReadImage        R1, R16                      249
    (46 60 hex)       512 * 8 bit words            science record #34
 RSC_On               R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 61 hex)                                   
 RSC_Off              R1                           249
    (46 62 hex)                                   
 RSC_PowChk           R1, R16                      249
    (46 63 hex)       R16=1: power on             
                      R16=0: power off      Power Converter Commands

R1          ML-B1 command word
R2          command parameter
R3          command parameter
R16         L4 command result

 L4 command           action reflected in          HK record number
____________________ ____________________________ ______________________
 POW_ReadHK           R1, R16                      249
    (46 80 hex)       channels 0-31                HKCH0 1/(15s)
                                                   250 on request
                      status words 0-4             SH
 POW_Execute          R1, R2, R3, R16              249
    (46 81 hex)       channels 0-31                HKCH0 1/(15s)
                                                   250 on request
                      status words 0-4             SH
 POW_WAXrequest       R1, R2, R3                   249
    (46 82 hex)                                   
 POW_WAXpulse         R1, R16                      249
    (46 83 hex)       status 1, HK 13              HKCH0 1/(15s)
                                                   250 on request
                      status words 0-4             SH
 POW_WAXTest          R1, R16                      249
    (46 85 hex)       R2: HK 13, IWAX current System Commands

R1          ML-B1 command word
R2-R6       command parameter
R16         L4 command result

 L4 command           action reflected in          HK record number
____________________ ____________________________ ______________________
 SYS_GetHKrecord      R1, R2, R3                   249 and
    (46 A0 hex)       R16: result of               250 or 251 or 252
                      subsystem command           
                      POW, MC, DET                
 SYS_ReadStatus       R1                           249
    (46 A1 hex)       R16: selected interface     
 SYS_IO_Select        R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 A2 hex)                                   
 SYS_ClrError         R1, R2                       249
    (46 A3 hex)       SSECPERR/SSSPUERR            255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 SYS_GetError         R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 A4 hex)       SSECPERR/SSSPUERR            255:   1/s
                                                   HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 SYS_GetBankSelect    R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 A5 hex)       SSECPBSR/SSSPUBSR            HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 SYS_GetBankStatus    R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 A6 hex)       SSECPBR/SSSPUBR D0-D3        HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 SYS_CCBStatus        R1, R2, R16                  249
    (46 A7 hex)       SSECPBR D4-D7                HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 SYS_CU_Monitor       R1, R2, R3, R16              249
    (46 A8 hex)                                   
 SYS_CU_Stop          reboot                      
    (46 A9 hex)                                   
 SYS_Config           R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6,     
    (46 AA hex)       R16                          249
                      SKCONFIG                     HKCH0: 1/(15s)
 SYS_RamDisk          R1, R2, R3, R4, R16          249
    (46 AB hex)                                    if R2=0 the BAT is
                                                   dumped in science
                                                   record #9
 SYS_Peek             R1, R2, R3, R4, R16          249
    (46 AC hex)       R16: contents of memory     
                      cell (byte size)            
 SYS_Poke             R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R16      249
    (46 AD hex)                                   
 SYS_Dump             R1, R2, R3, R4, R16          249
    (46 AE hex)                                    memory is dumped in
                                                   science record #9
 SYS_Operator         R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6,     
    (46 AF hex)       R16                          249
 SYS_GetVersion       R1, R2 - R9                 
    (46 B0 hex)       R16                          249 Test Commands

R1          ML-B1 command word
R2-R4       input/result command parameter
R16         EDCERR

 L4 command           action reflected in          HK record number
____________________ ____________________________ ______________________
 TST_CRCPatternTest   R1 - R4, R16                 249
    (46 C0 hex)                                   
 TST_MoviTest         R1 - R4, R16                 249
    (46 C1 hex)                                   
 TST_WalkTest         R1 - R4, R16                 249
    (46 C2 hex)                              Heater Commands

R1          ML-B1 command word
R2,R3       input command parameter
R16         L4 command result

 L4 command       action reflected in              HK record number
________________ ________________________________ ______________________
 HEA_Manual       R1, R2, R3, R16                  249
    (46 E0 hex)                                   
 HEA_Auto         R1, R2, R16                      249
    (46 E1 hex)                                   
 HEA_Bias         R1, R2, R3, R16                  249
    (46 E2 hex)                                   
 HEA_Interval     R1, R2, R16                      249
    (46 E3 hex)                                   
 HEA_Mode         R1, R2, R16                      249
    (46 E4 hex)                                   


Last revised: March 25, 1997 Dietmar Germerott

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