Wavelengths of emission lines measured by SUMER

With SUMER, transitions of highly ionized species were observed. The spectral lines were emitted by high-temperature solar plasmas. Here we report on wavelength measurements of lines identified in the recorded spectra. The wavelength uncertainties we obtained from the solar measurements are comparable to or better than the best determinations so far achieved for these transitions with instrumentation in the laboratory.

Rest wavelengths of emission lines of highly-ionized species

  Line    Wavelength/Å  Uncertainty/Å       Reference
-------- -------------- ------------- ---------------------
Ne VIII      770.428        0.003     Dammasch et al. 1999a
Ne IX       1248.101        0.013     Curdt et al. 2000
Mg X         624.965        0.003     Dammasch et al. 1999b
Na X        1111.770        0.017     Curdt et al. 2000
Mg XI        997.448        0.019     Curdt et al. 2000
Mg XI       1043.283        0.010     Curdt et al. 2000
Fe XII      1241.990        0.008     Dammasch et al. 1999b
Si XIII      814.728        0.024     Curdt et al. 2000
Si XIII      878.683        0.029     Curdt et al. 2000
Uncertainties are given as standard deviation (k=1).


IED, 20 Nov 2000

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