Meetings of interest
Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft
Splinter Session "Solar and stellar activity and variability"
18-22 September, 2017, Goettingen, Germany
ISSI Team Meeting
"Towards a Unified Solar Forcing Input to Climate Studies"
3-6 October 2017, Bern, Switzerland
AGU Fall Meeting
Solar Radiative Variability: From Minutes to Millennia. The Sun's
Influence on the Earth's Space Environment, Atmosphere, and Climate"
11-15 December 2017, New Orleans, US
IAU Symposium 340
"Long-Term Datasets for the Understanding of Solar and
Stellar Magnetic Cycles"
19-24 February, 2018, Jaipur, India
SORCE 2018 Sun-Climate Symposium
"The State of the TSI and SSI Climate Records
at the Junction of the SORCE and TSIS Missions"
19-23 March, 2018, Lake Arrowhead, California US
XXXth IAU General Assembly
FM9 "Solar Irradiance: Physics-Based Advances"
22-23 August, 2018, Vienna, Austria
Natalie Krivova