Visiting the Technical University Braunschweig
13 February 2008


  9:30Bus leave from Lindau
11:00    Guided tour through historical Braunschweig
12:45Transfer to Beethovenstraße
13:00Group photo
13:15Lunch at students cafeteria
14:30Solar System Seminar at Physics Institutes, Mendelssohnstraße 3
Venus - Solar wind interaction and Venus Express magnetometer observationsLars Guicking
Induction processes at MercuryJoachim Müller
Close-in extrasolar planets and hybrid simulations of their interaction with the stellar wind    Erik Johansson
Short introduction to the plot of the operaGero Kleindienst
16:30Get-together with coffee, drinks and snacks
18:30Transfer to Staatstheater Braunschweig
19:30Opera by Sergej Prokofjew
Die Liebe zu den drei Orangen / The love for the three oranges
22:30Bus to Lindau