The International Max-Planck Research School (IMPRS) on "Physical Processes in the Solar System and Beyond" offers a first choice possibility for graduate students to obtain their PhD degree in a major scientific discipline with exciting career opportunities.

The school is located at the Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research (formerly MPI for Aeronomy) in Katlenburg-Lindau and the partner institutes at the University of Göttingen (Institute for Astrophysics, Institute for Geophysics) and the Technical University Braunschweig (Institute for Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics, Institute for Theoretical Physics). These institutes are uniquely positioned in the fields of solar system physics with excellent facilities, internationally renowned researchers and experienced teachers.

The school offers a research-oriented 3-years graduate program. A prerequisite is a diploma or a masters degree in physics. Teaching language is English.

The program covers the full range of physics inherent in the rapidly growing field of solar system science from geophysics and planetary physics to solar physics as well as the underlying fundamental physics. The science program is complemented by training in computational physics, space technology and project management.

High-profile space missions, outstanding projects for ground-based instruments and data analysis as well as theoretical and extensive numerical modeling provide a wide range of research possibilities for PhD students.

The program issues a call for applications once a year. Successful applicants will receive adequate financial support.

IMPRS Solar System School, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Max-Planck-Strasse 2, 37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, Phone: +49-5556-979-431, Fax: +49-5556-979-190, Email:, Homepage: