Selected Invited Lectures/talks and Colloquia
◉Explorando Júpiter y sus lunas heladas: lo que nos develará la misión planetaria JUICE. Invited talk, online. Encuentro Regional de Astronomía y Ciencias Espaciales (ERACE). Planetario Humboldt, Caracas, Venezuela. 13th October 2023.
◉Atmospheric Characterization of (Exo)Planets: Spectra, Processes and Structure. 2nd November 2022. Online. Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Germany.
◉About the atomic and molecular databases in the planetary community. IAU General Assembly August 5-8, Division B Meeting. Online (Invited). 2022.
◉"Caracterizando las atmósferas de los planetas: espectros, procesos y estructura”. BrainGain-PWF Venezuelan Physics School 2022, Online (Invited), 28th March - 8 April
◉Atmospheric Characterization of (Exo)Planets: Spectra, Processes and Structure. Online Seminar presented at Maynooth University, Department of Experimental Physics, Ireland. 19th November 2021
◉Tracing the gas composition of Titan´s stratosphere from space, ground and airborne-based observatories. Workshop: "The Future of Airborne Infrared/Submm Astronomy: Prospects and Opportunities”. 2021-07-26 - 2021-07-28

◉Atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets through interpretation of their spectra, Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Online Seminar, October 2020. Germany
◉Investigating planetary atmospheres in our own Solar System and beyond: Advances and Perspectives. Symposium Remote Sensing of Planetary Atmospheres. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) Spring Meeting. München. Invited.
◉Tracing the Gas Composition of Titan's Atmosphere with Herschel: Advances and Discoveries, Ginzburg Centennial Conference on Physics, Moscow, Russia. Invited.
◉Tracing the Oxygen-related Gas Composition of Titan´s Atmosphere with Herschel. ESA/ESTEC, Holland
◉Trans-Neptunian Objects: recent Advances, Synergy from ground and space-based observations, and Perspectives, Ground and space observatories: a joint venture to planetary science, Santiago de Chile. Invited
◉La extraña química de la atmósfera de Titán vista con el Observatorio Espacial Herschel, Seminar at the Center of Physics, the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research, Caracas, Venezuela. March 2015
◉Tracing the Gas Composition of Titan's Atmosphere with Herschel : Advances and Discoveries, The Universe Explored by Herschel, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk. Plenary
◉Tracing the gas composition of Titan's atmosphere with Herschel: Advances and Discoveries, Planetenseminar, Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
◉Observing our Solar System with the Eyes of Herschel. Cosmology Seminar Series, FSU Physics Department, Florida, USA -via live streaming-
◉El Sistema Solar Visto por el Telescopio Espacial Herschel. Primer Especial 50 Aniversario Planetario Humboldt. Caracas, Venezuela
◉Observing our Solar System with the eyes of Herschel, Les Jeudis des Sciences, Genenal Colloquium, Université du Luxemburg
◉Tracing High Energy Radiation with Molecular Lines Emitted by the Deeply Embedded Protostar L1634, 4th International Sakharov Conference on Physics, Moscow, Russia. Invited.
◉A new peculiar Class 0 object in Lupus 3, AIU Jena, Invited Astro-Kolloquium
◉The Terminal Velocity of the Deep Impact Dust Ejecta, AIU Jena, Invited Astro-Kolloquium
◉The terminal velocity of the Deep Impact dust ejecta, IGEP TU Braunschweig, Germany
◉Observacion y Modelaje de Embriones Estelares, CIDA, Merida, Venezuela. February 2007
◉Searching for Embryonaric Suns, MPS Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
◉Protostellar Baby Booms in Perseus and Orion, MPIfR Bonn, Germany
◉Globular Clusters and Class 0 sources in the Milky Way: the oldest and youngest stellar populations, University of Innsbruck, Austria
◉Protostellar Baby Booms in Perseus and Orion, TLS Tautenburg, Germany
◉The unveiling life of stellar Embryos, Friedrich-Schiller Universitaet, Jena, Germany
◉The Initial Conditions of the Star Formation, Friedrich-Schiller Universitaet, Jena, Germany
◉Determination of the age of Globular Clusters from Colour-Magnitude Diagrams, Friedrich-
Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
◉Determination of physical properties of Class-0 sources derived from submillimetre continuum images, MPE Garching, Germany
◉Physics of Class 0 sources, CIDA, Mérida, Venezuela
◉The determination of the age of Globular Clusters from Colour-Magnitude-Diagrams, Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
◉The age of Globular Clusters: a statistical approach, TLS Tautenburg, Germany
◉Caustics of plane curves on Hidrodynamic Waves Studies, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela
Scientific Meetings/Participation
◉Annual Meeting of the German Astronomische Gesellschaft 2023
◉20th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2023, Singapore. August 2023 (1 Talk and 1 Poster).
Talk: An HCN Vertical Distribution Reference for Titan and Hot Super-Earths
◉PLANET ESLAB 2023, ESTEC, The Netherlands. 20-24 March 2023
Talk: From Titan to hot super-Earths: Building a HCN vertical distribution reference for hot super-Earths.

◉PFE-SPP1992 joint meeting “(Exo)Planet Diversity, Formation, and Evolution”. September 12 – 14, 2022. FU Berlin
Talk: Building a HCN vertical distribution reference for hot super-Earths.
◉IAU General Assembly August 5-8 2022, Division B Meeting. Online (Invited).
Talk: About the atomic and molecular databases in the planetary community
◉Online Seminar at BrainGain-PWF Venezuelan Physics School 2022, 28th March - 8 April
Talk: "Caracterizando las atmósferas de los planetas: espectros, procesos y estructura”
◉Online Seminar presented at Maynooth University, Department of Experimental Physics, Ireland. 19th November 2021.
Talk: Atmospheric Characterization of (Exo)Planets: Spectra, Processes and Structure.
◉DFG SPP1992 virtual all-hands-on-deck meeting. Online. 2021-10-06 - 2021-10-07.
Talk: Investigating physico-chemical mechanisms in (exo)planetary atmospheres and their impact on the observables
◉Workshop: "The Future of Airborne Infrared/Submm
Astronomy: Prospects and Opportunities”. 2021-07-26 - 2021-07-28
Online Talk: Tracing the gas composition of Titan´s stratosphere from space, ground and airborne-based observatories.
◉Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 18th Annual Meeting (AOGS2021), 2021-08-01 - 2021-08-06
Online Talk: Ground-based measurements of HCN abundances in the stratosphere of Titan: an inter-comparison with Herschel observations
◉Caracterizando las atmósferas de planetas
desde la Tierra y el espacio. Talk presented at Peruvian Association of Astrobiology. Online. 2021-03-26
◉Atmospheric characterisation
of exoplanets through interpretation of their spectra, Thüringer
Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Germany. Online Seminar, 22 October 2020.
◉Europlanet Science Congress 2020, Virtual meeting, 21 September – 9 October 2020 (2 talks)
◉Virtual Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society,September 21-25, 2020 (1 Talk)
Talk: Key physico-chemical mechanisms in (exo)planetary atmospheres and their impacts on the observables
◉Exoplanets 3 online, Heidelberg, Germany. July 27 - July 31, 2020 (1 Poster)
◉Tackling the Complexities of Substellar Objects: From Brown Dwarfs to (exo-)Planets. Lorentz Centre, Leiden Netherlands. 10-14 February 2020 (1 Poster)

◉ARIEL: Science, Mission & Community 2020. ESA/ESTEC, Noorwidjk, Netherlands. 14-16 January 2020 (1 Poster)
Poster: Chemical compositions of atmospheres of planets of the Solar System from spectroscopy

◉EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019. Centre International de Conférences de Genève (CICG) | Geneva, Switzerland. 15–20 September 2019 (1 Poster)
◉Exoplanet Diversity, SPP 1992 All-hands-on-deck Meeting 2019, 04.09.-06.09.2019 Hamburg, Germany (1 Talk)
Talk: Advances in characterizing exoplanetary atmospheres and interiors
◉16th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2019, Singapore. August 2019 (1 Talk and 1 Poster).
Talk: HCN Submillimetre Remote Sensing of Titan's Atmosphere with the APEX and IRAM 30m Telescopes
◉Herschel Ten Years After Launch: Science and Celebration, 13-14 May 2019, ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain (1 Talk)
Talk: Tracing the Gas Composition of Titan´s atmosphere with Herschel and ground-based telescopes
◉Symposium Remote Sensing of Planetary Atmospheres. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) Spring Meeting. München, 17 - 22 March 2019. (Invited Talk).
Talk: Investigating planetary atmospheres in our own Solar System and beyond: Advances and Perspectives
◉European Planetary Science Congress 2018. 16–21 September 2018. Berlin, Germany (2 talks)
Talk 1:Spectral Scan and Line Catalogue of the Martian Atmosphere from Herschel/HIFI Observations
Talk 2: Creating music from astronomical/planetary data: Herschel/PACS data sonification of Haumea
◉15th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2018, Honolulu, USA. June 2018 (1 Talk and 1 Poster).
Talk 1: Spectral Scans and Line Catalogue of the Martian Atmosphere from Herschel/HIFI observations
◉Exoplanet Diversity, SPP 1992. Kick-Off Meeting, 27.02-01.02.2018, Berlin, Germany (1 Talk)
Talk: They key physical-chemical processes determining the Composition and Temperature of (exo)planetary atmospheres
◉ AG 2017: the many scales of the Universe, September 18-22, Göttingen, Germany
◉14th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2017, Singapore. August 2017 (1 Talk and 1 Poster).
Talk: Tracing the Composition of Titan Stratosphere at Far-IR and Submm wavelengths: a successful case of study of cross-comparisons between ground and space-based platforms
◉Ginzburg Centennial Conference on Physics; Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Russia. May 29 - June 3 2017 (invited talk).
Talk: Tracing the Gas Composition of Titan's Atmosphere with Herschel: Advances and Discoveries
◉ Annual SRE Science Workshop, Aklersloot, the Netherlands, 2016 (Poster)
◉13th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2016, Peking, China. August 2016 (2 Talks).
Talk 1: Tracing the Composition of Hydrogen Cyanide in the Stratosphere of Titan from Space, Airbone, and ground-based observations
Talk 2: Isotopic Ratios in Titan from the Herschel Space Observatory
◉Water in the Universe: From Clouds to Oceans, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, 12-15 April 2016 (Talk)
Talk: Tracing the Oxygen-related Gas Composition of Titan´s Atmosphere with Herschel
◉Annual SRE Science Workshop, Aranjuez, Spain, November 2015 (Talk)
Talk: Spectroscopy of atmospheric trace gases on Titan with Herschel: Advances and Discoveries
◉ 12th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2015, Singapore, 02 - 07 August 2015 (Talk and Poster).
Talk: Hydrogen Cyanide in the Stratosphere of Titan
◉ ALMA/Herschel Archival Workshop 2015, Garching, Germany April 2015 (Talk & Poster)
Talk: Spectroscopy of atmospheric trace gases on Titan with Herschel: Advances and Discoveries
◉Ground and space observatories: a joint venture to planetary science, Santiago de Chile, March 2015 (1 Invited Talk, 3 posters)
Talk: Trans-Neptunian Objects: recent Advances, Synergy from ground and space-based observations, and Perspectives
◉ 46th annual meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Tucson, USA. November 2014 (Talk).
Talk: Tracing the gas composition of Titan's atmosphere with Herschel : Advances and Discoveries
◉ 11th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2014, Sapporo, Japan, 28 July - 01 August, 2014 (Talk and Poster).
Talk: The HCN distribution in the stratosphere of Titan: an intercomparison between the HCN distributions obtained with Herschel/PACS and APEX-2
◉ 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2014, Moscow, Russia, 2-10 August 2014 (Talk)
Talk: Tracing the gas composition of Titan's atmosphere with Herschel : Advances and Discoveries
◉ The Universe Explored by Herschel, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, October 15-18, 2013 (Plenary Talk)
Talk: Tracing the Gas Composition of Titan's Atmosphere with Herschel : Advances and Discoveries
◉Astronomische Gessellschaft Annual Meeting, Tübingen, September 24-27, 2013 (Talk)
Talk: The composition of the atmosphere of Titan as seen by Herschel: Highlights
◉10th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2013, Brisbane, Australia, June 24-28, 2013 (Talk).
Talk: Exploring the Titan's stratosphere with Herschel/PACS: the composition of CH4, CO, HCN, and H2O
◉44th annual meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society Reno, USA. 14 - 19 October 2012 (Poster).
◉Planet Formation and Evolution 2012; Munich, Germany. 3-7 September 2012 (Talk).
Talk: Observations of Key Atmospheric Gases in Venus and Titan's atmospheres
◉9th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2012); Singapore. 13-17 August 2012 (2 Talks).
Talk 1: Recent sub-mm heterodyne Observations of CO in the Venusian Mesosphere obtained with HHSMT and APEX
Talk 2: TNO's are Cool - A Survey of the trans-Neptunian region: Science Highlights
◉Characterizing & Modeling Extrasolar Planetary Atmospheres. Heidelberg. 16 - 19 July 2012 (Talk).
Talk: Lessons from Observations of Key atmospheric gases in Venus' and Titan's atmospheres.
◉ EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2011; Nantes. France. 02-07 October 2011. (Talk and poster)
Talk: Looking at the key atmospheric gases in Titan with Herschel/PACS and APEX/SHFI
◉Science with the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX);Schloss Ringberg. 12-15 February 2012 (Talk)
Talk: APEX observations of the atmospheres of Titan and Venus
◉ 8th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2011);Taipei. Taiwan. 8-12 August 2011. (Talk)
Talk: Recent Sub-millimeter Heterodyne Observations of CO in Venus's Mesosphere obtained with HHSMT and APEX
◉ General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU 2011);Vienna. Austria. 3-8 April 2011 (Poster)
◉The impact of Herschel surveys on ALMA Early Science. Garching, 16-19 November 2010. (Talk).
Talk: The Titan and Venus atmospheres from ground and space-based observations in the microwave region: the promise of ALMA
◉42th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Assotiation (DPS 2010); Pasadena. USA. October 3-8 2010. (Talk)
Talk: The Composition of Titan's Atmosphere as seen by Herschel / PACS
◉7th Annual General Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2010); Hyderabad, 5-9 July 2010. (Talk)
Talk: Titan's atmospheric composition as seen by Herschel / PACS
◉ALMA Band 5 Workshop; Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Italy, May 24-25, 2010. (Talk)
Talk: Planetary atmospheres with the ALMA Band 5
◉Herschel First Results Symposium (aka ESLAB 2010); ESTEC, Noordwijk, 4-7 May 2010.
◉Herschel Science Demonstration Phase Initial Results Workshop; Facultad de Informática - Universidad Politénica de Madrid, 17-18 December 2009.
◉Herschel Science Demonstration Phase Data Processing Workshop; ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo, 14-16 December 2009.
◉41st annual meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society; Fajardo, Puerto Rico, USA, October 4-9 2009. (Poster)
◉Annual Fall Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft (AG), "Deciphering the Universe through Spectroscopy"; Potsdam, September 21-25, 2009. (Talk)
Talk: H2O, HCN, and CO in Titan's Atmosphere - A Challenge for Herschel
◉6th Annual General Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2009); Singapore, Aug 11-15, 2009. (Talk)
Talk: Heterodyne observations of CO and HCN in Titan's atmosphere in preparation for Herschel
◉4th International Sakharov Conference on Physics; Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Russia. 18-23 May 2009. (invited talk)
Talk: Tracing High Energy Radiation with Molecular Lines Emitted by the Deeply Embedded Protostar L1634
◉JENAM 2008 (Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting) - "NEW CHALLENGES TO EUROPEAN ASTRONOMY"; Vienna. Austria. 8- 12 September 2008 (2 Talks)
Talk 1: A new peculiar Class 0 object in Lupus 3
Talk 2: How Comets can help in studies of Planet Formation? – missions
◉ ELBA 2008, Future Ground based Solar System Research: Synergies with Space Probes and Space Telescope; Isola d'Elba, Livorno, Italy, 8-12 Sep, 2008. (Poster)
◉Asia Oceania Geosciencies Society 5th Meeting; Busan. Korea. 16- 20 June 2008 (1 Talk)
Talk: Retrieval of Atmospheric Gases from Herschel Observations of the Outer Planets
◉Outer Planet Flagship Mission Instrument Workshop; California USA, June 3-5, 2008
◉General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union; Vienna. Austria. April 14-18 2008 (1 Poster)
◉Venus Express Ground-based Observational Campaign Workshop ESTEC, Noordwijk, December 17-21 2007 (1 Talk)
Talk: Mesospheric Winds, Thermal Structure and CO Distribution on Venus from SMT observations
◉XII Latin American IAU Regional Meeting; Isla Margarita. Venezuela. October 22- 26 2007 (2 Talks)
Talk: The terminal Velocity of the Deep Impact dust Ejecta
◉39th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Association (DPS 2007); Florida. USA. October 7-12 2007 (1 Talk)
Talk: Mesospheric Winds, Thermal Structure, And CO Distribution In Venus Around The Messenger Flyby
◉Asia Oceania Geosciencies Society 4th Meeting; Bangkok. Thailand. 31 July - 4 August 2007 (1 Talk)
Talk: SMT Observations of the Venusian Temperature and Winds around the Messenger Flyby
◉Herschel Open Time Key Program workshop, ESTEC, Noordwijk, 20-21 February 2007
◉American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #38, #17.06 California, USA, October 8-13, 2006. (Talk)
Talk: A Study of the Velocities of the Ejected Dust and of the Rotational Variability of Comet 9P/Tempel 1 around the Deep Impact Event
◉IAU XXVIth General Assembly; Prague, Chezk Republic, August 14-25,2006. (1 Talk, 1 Poster)
Talk: SK 1: A Possible Case of Triggered Star Formation in Perseus
◉European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007 Vienna, Austria, 15 – 20 April 2006 (1 Poster)
◉Deep Impact as a world observatory event; Brussels, Belgium, August 7-10, 2006. (Talk)
Talk: Modeling of the Terminal Velocities of the Dust Ejected Material by the Impact
◉European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006 Vienna, Austria, 02 – 07 April 2006 – one talk-
Talk: Analysing the Post Deep Impact Brightness distribution of the Cometary Dust of the Comet 9P/Tempel 1 with OSIRIS
◉AG2005 "The many facets of the universe - Revelations by New Instruments" (79th Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft); Cologne. Germany. September 2005. - One invited talk-
Talk: Unveiling a new low-mass star formation site in NGC 1333 with SCUBA
◉13th Cool Stars Workshop, Hamburg, 5-9 July 2004.- One invited talk-
Talk: Submillimetre continuum emission from Class 0 sources: Theory, Observations, and Modelling
◉ AG2003 “The Sun and Planetary Systems”; Freiburg. Germany. September 2003. - One invited talk-
Talk: Deeply Embedded Sources in small groups: Continuum Imaging and Modelling of Class 0 sources
◉ AG2002 "The Cosmic circuit of Matter" (76th Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft); Berlin. Germany. September 2002. - Two invited talks-
Talk 1: Looking at the earliest stages of the formation of stars: SCUBA observations of deeply embedded sources
Talk 2: The Saha estimator applied to the age of Globular Clusters
◉ESO Workshop "Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems". Garching. Germany. August 2002. – Poster –
◉JENAM 2001: "Five Days of Creation: Astronomy with Large Telescopes from Ground and Space (10th European and 75th Annual Assembly of Astronomische Gesellschaft)". Munich. Germany. September 2001. – Poster -
◉DFG-Kolloquium zum Schwerpunktprogramm "Physik der Sternentstehung"- (Physics of the origin of stars). Bad Honnef. Germany. November 2001 (Talk)
Talk: Physics of Class 0 sources
◉JENAM 2001: "Five Days of Creation: Astronomy with Large Telescopes from Ground and Space (10th European and 75th Annual Assembly of Astronomische Gesellschaft)". Munich. Germany. September 2001. – Poster –
◉Workshop: “The Origins of Stars and Planets: The VLT View”. ESO (European Sourthen Observatory), Garching. Germany. April 2001. – Poster-
◉IAU Symposium 207: "Extragalactic Star Clusters". Pucón. Chile. March 2001. – Poster
◉DFG-Kolloquium zum Schwerpunktprogramm "Physik der Sternentstehung". Bad Honnef. Germany. October 2000.
◉ Workshop: “The first stars”. ESO (European Sourthen Observatory), Garching. Germany. August 1999 (Talk)
◉First Meeting of the European Star & Planet Formation Network (ESFON). Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie. Heidelberg, Germany. October 1998.
◉I National Congress of Physics students. Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela. June 1993
◉XV National Congress of Amateur Astronomy. Venezuelan Society of Natural Sciences. Caracas, Venezuela. October 1992.
◉II Inter-American Conference on Education in Physics. Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela. July 1991
◉III Regional Convention of L.I.A.D.A. (Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomía). Humboldt Planetarium. Caracas, Venezuela. April 199