The main topics of my research are:

A misleading account of my views was published in the Toronto National Post in March, 2007 (and is to be found at different places on the web). In contrast to what is written there I am not a denier of global warming produced by an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases. Already at present the overwhelming source of global warming is due to manmade greenhouse gases and their influence will continue to grow in the future as their concentration increases. The same newspaper already misquoted other scientists on this topic. See, for example, the home page of Nigel Weiss of Cambridge University

Other topics to which I have contributed to are:

Read more about the science carried out by the solar group of the MPS .

I am involved in the following space/balloon projects:

For a list of publications and full text papers click here (pdf Format).
For full text of paper click on "pdf" behind a given reference (where available).

My PhD dissertation "The Photospheric Layers of Solar Magnetic Fluxtubes" can be found here

I am also the speaker of the International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science.

Slides of my recent lectures held at the IMPRS:

The Stony Path to Publication

For a list of PhD students I have had the pleasure of (often jointly) supervising click here

I have started an online review journal of Solar Physics called Living Reviews in Solar Physics

Slides of my lectures held in 2009 at the Saas Fee Advanced Course 39 can be found here