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  We have developed a method to calculate stationary triple helmet streamer configurations in a self-consistent analytical model. We used these stationary states as input for numerical experiments with a time-dependent MHD-Code. These simulations show that a possible source for the slow solar wind is the helmet streamer cusp. We found that this cusp transforms into a X-point and small plasmoids are accelerated due to reconnection. We further investigated reconnection processes in each streamer and between the streamers and discussed the role of this processes for the generation and development of coronal mass ejections. Thus we developed a self-consistent model, which explains the origin of the slow solar wind and the generation of CMEs in one model.

As a next step we plan to extend our model to three dimensions. This extension is necessary to model helmet streamers in the solar activity maximum, where an azimuthally extended streamer belt might not exist.

Thomas Wiegelmann
Fri Jul 3 12:30:46 MET DST 1998