International scientific conference
30 August - 2 September, 2005

Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields

Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
 Start   Information   Themes   Program   Deadlines   Photo Gallery 
 Presentations   Proceedings   SOC/LOC   Accommodation   Location   Contact 


The Proceedings of the meeting will be published by ESA's Publications Division on CDROM, and space will be allocated for review talks, oral contribution and poster proceedings.

This has several distinct advantages including increased page limit for participants as well as the possibility of featuring high resolution, colour images and movies.

Just like a paper version, the proceedings will have an ESA-SP number and full ADS citations.

Deadline for Submission

Proceedings contributions are to be submitted by 2nd September 2005.


Guidelines for preparing and submitting your contribution can be found in the following pdf file:

  PDF instructions2authors_ccmag.pdf  516 KB

Page Limits

Authors will be limited to

12 pages for invited reviews
  6 pages for contributed talks and posters


Papers must be delivered as pdf files. They can be submitted in one of two ways.
  1. Sent by FTP to ESA.

    User ID: conf
    Password: confpa55
    Directory: SP-596_CCMF

    Please send an email to the editor (see below) to report an FTP delivery, identifying the conference and session, and giving the filename(s).

  2. Deliver your PDF during the conference.

    Please bring your contribution of zip disk, CD or USB device (no floppy disk). Assistance for PDF generation will be given.

    The filename must clearly identify the paper and use the name of the main author (e.g., Smith01.pdf), using a maximum of 8 characters before the point.


Note: the following macros are generic to ESA proceedings styles, some formatting may differ from the above author instructions. The end result should therefore be cross-checked with the instructions to ensure the correct formatting of the paper for this conference (e.g. margins, fonts). Also, ensure that only Type 1 Fonts are used and embedded in your PDF. Use the command \usepackage{times}.

Also, there is a LaTeX style file available for authors who wish to prepare their papers that way. The relevent files may be downloaded either as a ZIP or TAR file:

  Doc  136 KB
Doc esapub.tar 192 KB

Or by downloading the constituant files:

  Doc esapub.cls   10 KB the class file
Doc esa.bst  18 KB the bibliography style
Doc esapub.tex  16 KB tex file of esapub.cls manual
Doc esapub.pdf 152 KB pdf of esapub.cls manual
Doc readme.txt   2 KB
Doc readme.use   1 KB


For further information, please contact:

Dorothea Danesy
Conference Editor
ESA Publications Division, EXR-CP
Robert-Bosch Str. 5
64293 Darmstadt, Germany

Phone: (+49) 6151 90 2807
Fax: (+49) 6151 90 2973