Press releases & media coverage
Unexpectedly slow motions beneath the Sun's surface, (de )
Mystery of the missing sunspots solved? (NASA)
Die singende Sonne, Frankfurter Rundschau, 10/7/2007
Nowhere to hide from SOHO (ESA)
Solar storms: Nowhere to hide from SOHO's improved X-ray vision (NASA)
NASA aids in resolving long standing solar cycle mystery (NASA)
Scientists gaze inside Sun, predict next solar cycle (NASA)
First glimpse inside a sunspot (BBC, 07.11.2001)
Satellite makes Sun 'transparent' (BBC, 26.04.2001)
[html] Seismology of the Sun and Stars , Open Lecture by Prof. Laurent Gizon, California Institute of Technology, 2010
Popular articles
Helioseismology and the Sun's interior (PDF,
Contents, Astronomy & Geophysics)
Les observations du soleil depuis l'espace (PDF, l'Astronomie)
De toekomst van de helio- en asteroseismologie (HTML, Zenit)
"Herzschlag" der Sonne entdeckt (HTML, Der Spiegel)
Am Puls des Tagesgestirns (PDF, Sterne und Weltraum)
Neue Blicke in das Innere der Sonne (PDF, Sterne und Weltraum)
The Pulse of the Sun (PDF, MaxPlanckForschung)
Am Puls der Sonne (PDF, MaxPlanckResearch)
Seismology of the Sun and Stars (HTML, MPS)
Helioseismology and solar physics (HTML, Stanford)
Lokale Eigenschaften der Sonne (HTML, Roth)
Helioseismic Holography (HTML, spaceweather.com)
A glimpse inside the Sun (HTML, nature.com)
Sun maybe smaller than thought (HTML, newscientist.com)
Waves in the Sun's core (HTML, newscientist.com)