SUMER Emblem SUMER Publication in SCIENCE

ESA/NASA spacecraft detects source of high speed "wind" from the Sun:

Solar Wind Origin in Coronal Funnels
Chuan-Yi Tu, Cheng Zhou, Eckart Marsch, Li-Dong Xia, Liang Zhao,
Jing-Xiu Wang, and Klaus Wilhelm
Science 22 April 2005: 519-523.

  • SCIENCE online version of the article (PDF)
  • ESA Pres Release

    22 Apr 2005

    A Chinese-German team of scientists have identified the magnetic structures
    in the solar corona where the fast solar wind originates. Using images and Doppler maps
    from the Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation (SUMER) spectrometer
    and magnetograms delivered by the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on the space-based
    Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) of ESA and NASA, they observed solar wind flows
    coming from funnel-shaped magnetic fields which are anchored in the lanes of the
    magnetic network near the surface of the Sun

    Solar Wind Outflow and the Chromospheric Magnetic Network
    Donald M. Hassler (SwRI), Ingolf E. Dammasch (MPAe), Philippe Lemaire (IAS),
    Paal Brekke (ITA), Werner Curdt (MPAe), Helen E. Mason (Univ. Cambridge),
    Jean-Claude Vial (IAS), Klaus Wilhelm (MPAe)
    ´ Science 283, 5403, 810-813 (February 5, 1999)

  • SCIENCE online version of the article
  • Max Planck Society press release
  • Deutsche Übersetzung (German Version)
  • ITA press release
  • Description of two relevant SUMER studies (prepared by I. E. Dammasch):
    Doppler shifts study of 21.Sep.96
    Doppler shifts study of 22.Sep.96

  • Astronomy Picture of the Day 08.Feb.99

    28 Apr. 2005 (U.Schühle)

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